Hey, Quirks! Lee's here to drop off a quick review!
This poem manages to captivate your audience quite well because of how relatable it is. A lot of us have been badly affected by this pandemic, and many of us are still living through the wave of change it brought. The anxiety, pain, uncertainty and depression caused by the disease has surfaced well through the words in your poem. Good job.
I remember the days online
Joy was spread
Yet fear was felt
But we tried to reassure one another
That it would all be alright
When we couldn’t even think it ourselves
Bit contradictory, isn't this? I mean, if you take out just the first three lines it makes sense, but add the rest and the second line's value is questionable. Joy was felt, yes; when schools were closed. "Yet" we were afraid; that's already providing a contrast. So why a "but" to imply another contradiction?
It's natural to seek reassurance when we're afraid, after all.
From windows of your home
That you may never leave
I quite liked the refrain here, along with "That I may never overcome." It captured the essence of this pandemic perfectly. I have to applaud you for doing that.
When no one could even think it themselves
Hmm. On what note did you seek to end this poem? For a moment there was a sign of hope, not giving up, and then it's back to something a little gloomy. I did like the effect, but if it was unintentional you could give it another look and see if you want to leave, modify, or change it.
I can't comment on much else because this is a personal poem. Nitpicking would feel quite weird. But you've displayed talent and are worthy of praise. Good work! I hope to see more of your writing around.
~ Lee
Points: 18564
Reviews: 278