Hi, Umaima, I'm June,
You have a bit of creative ideas inside of this poem, which is excellent. I think there are a few things that could stand to be improved, however, so let's have a look:
• Repetition -- sometimes, repetition is a great literary device for poetry, but other times, when you have a limited amount of space to tell your audience about what you need to, it just holds you back. I say this because the space you use repeating yourself could instead be used to elaborate on one of the many great ideas you have here.
• Rhyme -- rhyme is one of my favorite and also my least favorite literary devices. It's my favorite because when it's done well, it contributes a rhythm and a degree of fun to the poem, but when it isn't paced well, it makes it feel like the poem is being forced. Here, I feel like this poem is being forced because you have to invent "extra" lines to complete a rhyme in a stanza, and more often than not, those lines do not contribute a greater idea to the poem.
• What are you trying to tell us? I understand that this is a poetic expose of life, which is great, but! What do you want us to take away from it? You inform of us of all of these life-ly attributes, but you don't elaborate much on what it means to be a part of them. I'd like to see some of that.
You're a writer with a lot of potential. Keep writing, and happy review day,
Points: 15394
Reviews: 1464