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Mr. Jerry

by umaima

How to start this?I am not really sure,
So do me a favor, please ignore.
This poem's about that mysterious boy
whose name is definitely not Troy.

He is my best friend, if you shall ask,
you know those ones, whom annoying is a big task.
We fight like Tom and Jerry and he's the small one,
did I mention? that he loves to run!

He is my Scooby doo
and no one can say boo
And I am his cheesy bites
who can make him give many rides.

He is like a silent river,
whom I can never find on twitter
And if he makes those cinnamon rolls,
I can even bite your fingers and eat bowls.

He is amazing like this, I must say
just the way you can't count hay.
His skills are unmatchable for anyone at all
now whether to be in bejutsu, maths or just throwing balls.

He is my little Jerry
who loves to eat berries,
and I am his teddy bear
about whom he really does care.

He's not a clown but the funniest person I know
so cum'on people, let's all give him a bow.
Harry, edward or John's no match for him, (harry potter, edward cullens and John from underworld)
This guy for me is better than every Kim.

Because of all his sweetness, I am at risk of Diabetes,
Thanks to him alone I created the word Byebetes!
And oh! should I tell you his biggest secret?
he loves to sing in the shower without regrets. (lol, it's a lie)

He is my thin Humpty Dumpty
who loves to break walls very abrumptly
and I am his messy princess
who wrote this poem to make his face priceless!


I don't know whether this is good or not but this one's dedicated to my best friend. and the shower part was only meant to embarass him, I hope it did. it was made on short notice. (just informing before you think anything about this)

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Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:21 pm
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SidraKhan says...

Should I get jealous or something?
You never wrote a poem for me.

SidraKhan says...

Or did you? And you never told me! Tell ME! :P

umaima says...

I did okay, it's kept in my chamber of secrets ;)

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254 Reviews

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Reviews: 254

Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:53 pm
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Sonder wrote a review...

Rawr. Heyyyyy umaima!

Ahem. Ok. You asked me to review this, so here I am!
To be honest, I liked this poem okay, but I didn't understand the references very much, so it wasn't as funny as it could have been. I'm sure you and your friends have lots of inside jokes and this is hilarious! Just...not so much for me. The rhythm was a little strange, but overall I liked it.
My favorite line was

Because of his sweetness, I am at risk of Diabetes.

Haha! Love it. Although diabetes shouldn't be capitalized.
I thought this piece seemed a little rushed and had some grammar mistakes throughout, but it seems heartfelt and strange, which is excactly how you wanted it to be, I thought.
Your friend will love this. Great job!

Keep writing and being amazing!


BlackNether12 says...

O.o he will?

umaima says...

Or else he will be shark food :P

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29 Reviews

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Reviews: 29

Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:24 am
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OceanGirl wrote a review...

Hi Umaima!
this is SapphireFlames to the review!
ahhhh this poem totally reminds me of my annoying little brother who is called the jerry in my house well , (MR.JERRY reminds you of your friend). XD
Now getting on to the poem,
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the poem, the flow is good and the rhyming was perfect I can say because the words you have chosen was perfect!

The thing that I mostly mention to most of the poets on YWS is the arrangement of each stanza. okay now getting on to this poem
everything is just fine the thing that bothers me a bit is the arrangement( as mentioned earlier)
take a look at the 6 , 7 , 8 th stanzas I find them quite different from all the stanzas in your poem.
The first set was fine and suddenly the stanzas just become wider, basically what I am tell you is that you need to have a consistency of the lines in each of your stanzas.

and then the next part of the review is the informality of few words.....
"So cum'on people, lets all give him a bow"
you have to change the "cum'on" you can change it like this:
Come on or C'mon something like that.

otherwise everything else is absolutely fine and I love this part of the poem:

" He is my thin Humpty Dumpty
who loves to break walls very abrumptly
and I am his messy princess
who wrote this poem to make his face priceless!"

its a fabulous poem and keep it up!
and the most important thing
Keep writing :D

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19 Reviews

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Reviews: 19

Fri Aug 02, 2013 5:51 am
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beccanadon wrote a review...

This is a review. First of all, I think that your poem flows pretty nicely. I used to write poems a lot like this one. Although it doesn't have much depth or literary thought put into it, I always appreciate details. They make the memories more real for the reader. The questions were a cute touch. To improve your writing style in general, I recommend on being less concerned on shaping your poem around the rhymes. Some of the references are kind of cheesy because you can tell that the only reason they're there is because they rhyme. I understand that this was a silly dedicated poem but I see potential in your writing! Continue to dig deeper into the world and you can write some cool stuff!

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Reviews: 57

Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:39 pm
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Kevikur wrote a review...

Hey, I'm Kev! And just let me say, I adore this poem <3 It brings adorable onto a whole new level. It's always entertaining when friends try and embarrass one another; it reminds me of myself and all of my friends. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I can feel the friendship between you two being everlasting, so never ever let go of it!

I only found a few grammatical mistakes, and other than those, I'll leave your perfect poem alone. Since I don't usually review poems, please forgive me if I disturb anything that you wanted there intentionally.

And if he makes those cinnamon rolls,
I can even bite your fingers and eat bowls.

Unless you wanted your there, it should be his.

He's not a clown but the funniest person I know
so cum'on people, let's all give him a bow.

Cum'on should be c'mon (unless you wanted it to be that word HAHA).

And oh! should I tell you his biggest secret?

Should needs to be capitalized.

I don't want to purposely try and find faults in your poem, so I'm going to stop there and fawn over it a little more. Perfection. I can't wait to hear what his face looked like when he read this!

umaima says...

Awww Thanks Kav, Same here, even I can't wait to see his face. Your review was amazing and I loved it. Thanks again

As a former (and rather excellent) liar herself, Aru knew that, sometimes, speaking the truth felt like wrenching a thorn out of your side. But doing the opposite meant pretending it wasn't there. And that made every single step ache. It was no way to live.
— Roshani Chokshi, Aru Shah and the Nectar of Immortality