Hiya umaima! Here for part two of your Secret Santa reviews :3
Right, so my first thought about this was that it was quite cute and sweet. I also thought it was a really cool idea to have different part the boy, girl and both of them would sing. I can imagine it happening and it just seems like a really cute idea.
Things I picked up on is firstly it's all a bit cliche. I mean, usually when I read these sort of poems/lyrics I think it's okay because that's how they truly feel. However at the bottom you mention it's not connected to how you actually feel so I just have to say a couple things. The whole thing seems a bit too high school musical for me. Love isn't perfect, and most of the times it's not like the movies. Try and pick more of personal experiences to talk about what love feels like. And if you don't think you have any, then just think of how you personally may feel. Love is different for everyone, so try not using these cliche ideas we always hear about.
A second thing is that I'm not quite sure of the structure. I think it needs to have more of a definitive structure. Now I'm not saying verse chorus verse chorus, because that's actually quite boring. Basically, I think it would be good to break it up into sections, and show which sections repeat. Maybe even add in more of a bridge, where the song changed a bit, I think that would be really cool.
All in all, although slightly cliche this was really cute to read. Happy Christmas in July!
-Arc, your Secret Santa x
Points: 27927
Reviews: 532