Sometimes I end up
awake all night,
Trying to find your X,
which you lose every time.
Are you so bad at relationships?
Can't you keep her safe?
Every time you lose her,
I end up hitting my head.
Arithmetic, Geometry or Calculus,
Just keep everything to yourself,
Because neither does anyone wants’ them
nor do I myself.
Sometimes memorizing you're COS,
drives me so crazy,
that even the sanatorium’s doctors,
make excuses that they're busy.
I don't fear vampires,
nor any other creatures,
how much I fear-
your trigonometry!
I am so sorry that I have,
Such a grudge against you,
But I’m not at fault,
Though it can be your difficulty.
But I won’t blame you for it,
As there are others to,
Those Insane people,
Who put everything in a book.
No, not the mathematicians,
They were just great,
But those dumb heads,
Who made our texts.
Those people stuffed so much in them,
Resulting nothing useful,
Except for the four main aspects,
which we learned long ago.
Will someone tell me,
How Angles help in daily life?
Who cares if we can or cannot,
Bisect them or trisect them.
I don’t understand why,
They think us as geniuses,
When they themselves say,
Everyone’s not the same!
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Reviews: 163