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Young Writers Society

Different days

by Skydreamer

The days roll by,

just sliding by, they have no consideration for patience,

or the night.

The days stay in shape, they fit the normal plate of life.

The days were your comfort, and happiness, they were simple, yet grand.

The days made your world spin and made your life bend,

in order to fit your style.

The days brought you dreams of love and laughter,

they brought you, peace and joy through the fire.

but then....

There are different days.

Those days are confusing and bitter.

They taste like black coffee with out any sweetening,

they taste like a medicine one would just have to keep chewing.

The days were like whirlwinds of ups and downs, like the streaks of lightning.

There was nothing to do but go with it, as much as you would like to, there was no fighting.

but you...

are stronger than all the days.

even the different days, when everything around you seems wrong, and ridden.

You are stronger than the days,

when you cannot breathe, and you want to run away.

You are stronger, and bigger, and better in any and every single way.

The Light is on your side, shining from the windows of life.

faith proves to you,

you can make it through,

those different days.

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Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:44 pm
EvensLily wrote a review...

Hello my friend!

I love this poem, it's deep and meaningful. The way you use imagery and metaphors is really good! The only problem is you need to update the advice sageleaf gave you, and those were silly mistakes you can easily update.

I thought the poem was interesting, not only because how greatly you used metaphors but also your writing technique was unusual. It's nice to see a fresh look of poetry like you've done!

There is only one thing I don't understand. The last line 'you are even stronger than even different days' confused me. It could just be me being stupid, I know what you mean, but please just look at the line again and see if you can re-phrase it somehow? I know... I'm picky, but it's just because it's such a good poem! xx

Lots of love,
Evenslily xxx

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Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:53 pm
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Sageleaf wrote a review...

Hi thewritersdream! Interesting poem, I like the ideas here but you do need to work on some things. The most obvious to me is that you need to choose a layout for your poem and stick to it. As it is now, it's a little confusing and hard to read, and this layout doesn't let me get a feel for the rhythm of the poem. Consider organizing it into stanzas. This will better let your reader know when the pauses are, and when you switch to different ideas. Stanzas will also help you see where punctuation is necessary, as it is not completely right at the moment.

Past that, you do have several spelling errors:

"They taste like black coffee with out sweeting, they taste like a medicien one would just have to keep chewing. "

It should be:
"They taste like black coffee without sweetening, they taste like medicine you just have to keep chewing"

And here:
"The days were like whirwhids of ups and downs,"

Should be:
"The days were like whirlwinds of ups and downs,"

Once you establish a rhythm, go back and see what you can improve upon as far as timing and wordiness.

This could be a great poem with a little more work!

thewritersdream says...

Thank you for your advice! I already made some changes!

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A true poet does not bother to be poetical. Nor does a nursery gardener scent his roses.
— Jean Cocteau