Hi there, Forever
Lehmanf here with a short review. I hope it finds you well.
First Impressions
This is a really nice poem, I like the rhyme scheme. The sound of the English in the third line and really this poem is fantastic as it is.
Author's Note
As mentioned by others there is no need to change the title. Of all the titles I've seen recently this is the one that has most caught my attention and caused me to think.
The first stanza is very interesting. I find it reminds me of someone telling you about the tale of a hero, having your hope and half on your feet cheering their name before you hear their dark secrets. The people they killed, without remorse because like Albert Einstein said in his definition of insanity, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Now that we have this wondering and almost anger for this glorified man or "hero" I see you continue to tell us about this tower, build up a sense of suspense and that he was loved, of course, they didn't know about the process it might have taken to build this monument. The capital H leaves me with a slight question. Is this about God or about someone who thinks they're a god?
When you say monument you usually refer to a large stone structure like an obelisk or pyramid, not wood unless in ancient times when the people who glorified him would probably have been a few less than millions. Maybe you can replace it with "shifting sandstone blocks in great tiers". Then again that is just me and my nitpicking.
I like the first two lines a lot, very thought-provoking. I know one of the teachers at schools is crazy over metaphors with stars. I find the last line in the stanza to be a little weak but again with my nitpicking.
Again with my questions, is this God or "god"? And when would you place this time period? These lines almost sound contradictory if you place them in the wrong period.
This was an excellent poem that I really liked. I had my own problems that even I wouldn't think about till someone pointed so those don't really matter. I really like every stanza and thought they flowed really well together.
Have a fantastic day
Points: 155
Reviews: 30