I so much like the imagery, extent and context of the poem. You should be given an award for 'no topic'. Really, its an incredible poem and I dont have much to say, but would like to give an analysis to the momentary structure of the poem. I so much kind of like the point where you said life is a race and that nothing is permanent.
Due to the evolvement of things around us and things that pertains to life, many things have been counted as zero, and along the way get to lose their stand and this is where I think "brain is a mess" comes In the picture.
The poem is a nice one, but it has a black euohoral, that bolted the run-on-lines of the poem. From the 6th line down, are a bit out of the point for me, and the last time I checked, it isn't supposed to be so, at least not in such a dimning way.
Many people may not feel the same thing, and the way you related the poem, proved it wrong and right as well.
I pray you do more than this in your next work.
Points: 2448
Reviews: 56