Hi Forever,
Mailice here with a short review!
This was a very concrete poem that you wrote in a good tone; on the one hand in a neutral note but also with this short subconscious tone that there is a possibility to make the best of it if you see it in an optimistic, positive light. I like this concept that you have presented here and how you have written it in a simple tone.
the term decision is subjective
i must confess that it's quite effective
I think you already manage to be very effective with your beginning by making it clear to the reader what the word sounds like and that - like any word - it reflects with the person's view, but you present it - with your own opinion - as something that can bring about change.
but to one, it can either by positive or negative.
for a person who is sensitive
it might be defective.
I like how you've made it into a new mood with this verse, radiating the goodness that a decision can be. At the same time, the tone always stays in that more borderline space where you put special focus on the subjective in the word.
for one who is contemplative,
it might be productive.
it might lead someone to survive
also it might lead to grave.
I like how you describe decisiveness as something that can bring happiness but also misery. It works indirectly as a message, it is simple and effective and leaves the reader in a kind of shock moment where they have to think about how decisive they are. I like this section because it expresses something without getting personal and also manages to reflect something that many have experienced before us.
think twice before being decisive
Your conclusion turned out really well and I like how you only briefly allude to the fact that everyone is responsible for making a decision for themselves and that one should think twice. What comes across well here is that the reader had the decision to take the poem personally or not; whether he wants to read it at all or not. So it's a very good ending where you subconsciously bring a new decision that makes the reader think for a while.
Have fun writing!
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Reviews: 1232