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Young Writers Society

I Lost a Guru

by anne27

He was a philanthropist,

A teacher, a guide,

He taught me how to live

My life with pride.

I honored his teachings

Never underestimated the value

But I remember last time I saw

Him, my blessings were due;

I hadn’t caught sight of him

The day I abandoned the school

I didn’t know a virus, for two years,

Would keep me away from a jewel.

He passed away to heaven

Leaving me in hell to wonder

How my personal problems had blinded

Me to make such a blunder!

I had left him willingly

When I had the chance

And now I'm ashamed to go back

Where people’ll look at me askance.

I wished I had stayed longer

To be a part of his favorite few,

Now all I have got to say is

I lost a Guru...

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9 Reviews

Points: 236
Reviews: 9

Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:14 pm
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luciisdead wrote a review...

Oh. My. GOODNESS. Whyyyyyy do people write such amazing poems and make the language so nice?! Like- lemme give you a run-down of what I think about this. ONE. I love, love, love, love, LOVE how you worded this poem! Like, I could never. The rest of the works you've made looks reall really cool, and I've seen about 4 of them! Like to be completely honest with you, this is very smartly worded, mkay? The only question I have is what does askance mean? That's all I'm asking. Other than that, I love the whole entire thing. I hope everyone loves it as much as I do!

anne27 says...

Thanks a lot for the review and kind words @your_localdumbfrog! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it<3 :D
To look at something askance basically means to look with disapproval, in this context

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1276 Reviews

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Reviews: 1276

Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:00 am
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niteowl wrote a review...

Hi there anne27! Niteowl here to leave a quick review.

Overall, I think the theme of this piece is highly relatable and can make for a powerful statement on grief. Probably everyone has had someone they loved pass away and struggle with wishing they had done more with the time they had with that person. I really like the middle of the poem, "he passed away to heaven, leaving me in hell to wonder"-it shows how the narrator's guilt weighs upon them.

That said, I think this could benefit from a bit more imagery and specificity to back up the core emotion. I'd love to hear more of the details of this relationship--what did this guru teach? What stands out about his life or his relationship with the narrator? What happened on that last day the narrator saw him? I want to feel the narrator's pain as she recounts how the guru impacted her, but right now, I feel rather distant from it.

The rhyming is a mixed bag. Some parts are fine, but others feel strange and weaken the piecre. Compare the length of the lines "Never underestimated the value" and its rhyming line "my blessings were due". This mismatch makes for an awkward rhythm. Ever had someone hold the door open for you when you're still pretty far away and you feel like you have to rush to catch up in response? That's how these sort of mistmatched lines make me feel. I also find that rhyming can hinder people in some ways from finding the strongest words to convey their meaning. I'm a big fan of free verse because it lets you find the strongest words without being overly focused on what rhymes. I don't know if you've tried it out but if not, I strongly encourage it.

Overall, I think the piece has a great message, but I'd love to see a little more detail and perhaps less focus on the rhyming. Keep writing! :D

anne27 says...

Thanks a lot for the review Niteowl! It was very helpful. And yes, I have tried free verse but I'm not yet entirely comfortable with it. So for me, I'd like to rush to the door right now, since my free verse is like a totally closed door lol!

The blood jet is poetry and there is no stopping it.
— Sylvia Plath