Hello, kaavyak! century here to review this wonderful work using my tea making method! Let's dive in.
first impressions
at first glance, i noticed your rhyme scheme immediately- which seems to be a common theme in your poems. it's beautiful as always! i loved how you talk about love as if it is something bigger than you, almost as if it is too big to fathom itself.
i loved the sound of magical/electrical and destiny/legacy! i would've never thought of rhyming the latter.
i also loved how you describe falling in love quickly- as opposed to the common "love is a long process." i feel as if this poem means a lot to you, and i like it.
critiques/room for improvement
i don't think i have any suggetions? although, i'd love to see you elaborate a little more about your "cold heart" melting. maybe an image/similie?
final notes
i always love your poems, and this one is probably my favorite so far!
Points: 809
Reviews: 50