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I know that I am a disappointment

by KaavyaK

Why do you always choose violence instead of words,

And when you choose words they always hurt.


I know, I am not good enough and I know that I lack,

But is there some other way out without 'a few slaps'.

I know, I am not that 'ideal kid' you both wished for,

And I also know that I am not someone you would adore.


I know, I can be infuriating sometimes,

But, is being annoying a crime?

I know I am a nonsensical creature,

I know I have various flaws,

But, did you ever notice my features?


Please be my teacher, please be my mentor.

I'll try to learn everything you teach me,

Without any questions, well not anymore.


I do everything, so that someday you'll be proud of me,

But, you 'just' tell me that I'm wrong.

Nothing more happens as under that oak tree,

I 'just' cry more from my core.


Trust me I try my best,

What can I do if I am not blessed?

I know I am an awful mess,

Every hurtful word you say causes me stress.


I know being a parent is not so easy,

But when you are a depressed kid,

All of them call you crazy.


I don't know if you are impressed,

Do you even know that I am depressed?

All of my emotion are suppressed,

Why am I being kept so oppressed?

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60 Reviews

Points: 5221
Reviews: 60

Wed Aug 21, 2024 5:42 pm
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AkiraEliza wrote a review...

I'm just going to be honest here- I did this for the points- because who doesn't? But the title did intrigue me so I clicked on it. I like reading poems, even if I do t always get the concept right.

Anywho, that actually kind of stung... from what I've read you don't deserve to be punished so severely. (Would you rather me talk about the book structure or personal? I usually get personal, sorry...) but just because you are a disappointment to them, it doesn't mean that you have to be a disappointment to yourself. I find it hard to relate to the concept that you would still want to obediently let them teach you, but I'll try to understand. I'm the type of kid that gives up and finds someone kinder to teach me. I'd hate my parents. You are a human and all humans are annoying sometimes. You are only at fault if you are aware of it and still continue. Don't let it bring you down, okay? Have a good day!

KaavyaK says...

Thank you so much, that did help a lot, I really needed that.

AkiraEliza says...

No problem :)

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40 Reviews

Points: 1295
Reviews: 40

Tue Aug 20, 2024 3:29 pm
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sulagna wrote a review...

hi @KaavyaK
.......i can really relate to you...
but i just think...the last part got messed up..a little off from the point.
otherwise...the poem is really a good one and also brings about the real fact of children or rather"us" ....just struggling each day....and maybe no one notices it.
"Trust me I try my best,

What can I do if I am not blessed?"

This was the part i liked the most.
this is it.
good work!

KaavyaK says...

Thank you, I know I messed up a bit but its just I couldn't find anything else to end the poem.

Why should Caesar just get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? Brutus is just as cute as Caesar, right? Brutus is just as smart as Caesar, people totally like Brutus just as much as they like Caesar, and when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody because that's not what Rome is about! We should totally just stab Caesar!
— Gretchen Wieners