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Cont de Feerie (Fairy-Tale)

by KaavyaK

Meaning of Cont de Feerie (French word) in English is Fairy-Tale.

Life is just a Cont de Feerie.

Cinderella never wished her life to be that bad,

But it was,

Luckily her fate changed.

A charming prince saved her,

From the torture she faced everyday.

But my dear friends let me warn you,

In this Cont de Feerie no one is going to save you.

Its you who needs to learn to survive.

Just like Snow White was lost in the woods,

She herself found her way to the dwarfs.

There was no one to guide her.

Mulan fought for herself not for her kingdom,

She fought because she knew that there was no one else for her.

Same way you have to fight against all odds,

Or else your voice for justice will be suppressed.

Cont de Feerie is the world you see everyday.

People play their role and leave,

But you have a long journey ahead.

Ariel was kind hearted and she did good to the prince,

But the world was not as good as her.

She put efforts, but the credit was taken by someone else.

So my dear friends let me warn you,

In this Cont de Feerie no one is going to value your kindness.

Its you who needs to accept the reality.

Elsa did not want others to hate her,

But the people around her did not stop hating her.

So she had to change herself as per the society.

Life is just a Cont de Feerie.

Where the happy moments that we enjoy come and go,

but the sad ones make a powerful stain of bad memories in our brain.

But don't let them affect you,

Because at last,

Life is just a Cont de Feerie.

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110 Reviews

Points: 4945
Reviews: 110

Tue Jul 16, 2024 7:33 pm
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gruzinkerbell wrote a review...

Hey, it's Serrurie, here to leave a review! First off, the French title is really beautiful and makes this poem unique. I would suggest italicizing it, however. I really liked how you focused on the darker side of princess stories. I think when people here of these stories, they think of them as lighthearted and childish when in truth, these stories involve characters that go through a lot of hard struggles. I often don't see fantasy poems on YWS, but this was pretty good. Thanks for posting it, and keep writing!



KaavyaK says...

Thank you so much.

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Points: 232
Reviews: 3

Tue Jul 16, 2024 4:39 pm
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Aria07 wrote a review...

The reference which are taken are on the point with a proper resemblance of that character. I liked the way it talked about importance of self-independence and being on their own. While emphasizing on women empowerment and self-reliance. The poem also talks about the harsh reality of life, and it is not all that it shows in movies.
Overall, it's a well-crafted and researched work with a proper blend of a person's life and the characteristics of "Disney" characters.

KaavyaK says...

Thank you so much.

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6 Reviews

Points: 76
Reviews: 6

Tue Jul 16, 2024 12:42 pm
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DMS1 wrote a review...

Hey there! Love the idea of a French title!
Frankly speaking, I really like what you've written. Obviously, it's all true for anyone who reads. I love the fact that you used such popular Disney characters ( a few that are my favourite) too.
The relations that you made between the lives of the characters with the world and with our lives, in my opinion is a pretty neat way to express the difficulties people face but do not ponder over.
That's all for my review, hope to see more!
Happy Writing!

KaavyaK says...

Hi, Thank you so much.
Which of them are your favorite?

If fortis was here, we could have a teal party
— Pompadour