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i miss you

by smile

I went to bed in a winter night.

It was cold and dark outside.

The sound of the falling rain,

stole my sleep away.

I was thinking about you,

and thoughts about what to do.

You’re far away from here,

But why i keep thinking you’re near ?

I was staring at your picture on my table,

Feeling like my heart will crumble.

How i rub you out of the leaves of my memory,

And you’re in my heart like engraved wood ?

i wore my coat and my woollen hat,

and went to the place where we first met,

looking for your shadow everywhere.

Raised my head up

The stars , the moon and the rain ,

Drew the best painting up in the sky.

it’s been a long time without you ,

when will you come back to me ?

your absence ,

was throwing me to the circle of sadness ,

i was fading like a piece of ice when the sun shines.

When will you come back to me ?

Cause i miss you …

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Mon May 19, 2014 11:11 am
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DrFeelGood says...

Sorry smile, I can't review this. This is just epic! I'll point out my favourite lines and mark this as a comment.

The stars , the moon and the rain ,

Drew the best painting up in the sky.

Lovely imagery! I liked it.

your absence ,

was throwing me to the circle of sadness ,

i was fading like a piece of ice when the sun shines.

You have practically managed to create an image in my mind with such a balanced use of imagery and similes. Interestingly you never get carried away and pull off an emotional story narrated through a poem!

Feeling like my heart will crumble.

How i rub you out of the leaves of my memory,

Like every reviewer I will point this line because of the strong emotion in it. I could sense and feel your narrator. It's a huge achievement if you can actually create a character through a poem! All I can say is keep going! You're doing a fabulous job :)

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Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:43 pm
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TimmyJake wrote a review...

Timmy here for a quick review!!

When I see anything that you wrote, I have to like and review it! Its always so awesome! This one was no exception. Beautiful story, wonderfully told, with plenty of vivid imagery to let me see everything, and yet not cluttering the page with useless words... I think I am going to overuse the word beautifl in this review, so you will have to forgive me. :)

First off, I think I will hit my nitpicks, and then I will hit the spots I liked best.


I will try not to double over the review Dory gave you, and focus on my own points. :D

The first thing I will point out here is a lack of formatting. While this is completely up to you and sometimes isn't necessary, I think it is on this poem! Maybe you could split it up into separate stanzas? Just a thought. ;)

I was thinking about you,

Lots of thoughts about what to do. ---I think you need to re-word this line... Perhaps adding an and? And perhaps also taking out lots to maintain the flow. The final line would be: And thoughts about what to do

was throwing me to the circle of sadness ,

i was fading like a piece of ice when the sun shines.

---These two lines, and several others, are written in the past tense... While others are written in present tense. This poem seems to me like we aren't following her through her day, but more like just seeing her thoughts as she lay in bed --Not a nitpick, just a comment

it’s been a long time without you ,

when you’ll come back to me ? ---The second line needs a will after when

I think that sums up my nitpicks! Now I can pinpoint a few spots that really caught my eye. Predominantly for vivid imagery or how well they flow! :D

Favorite Spots

The sound of the falling rain,

stole my sleep away. ---Wonderful imagery and perfect flow. I can relate. I live in like a rain forest, so the rain is constantly keeping me up.

I was staring at your picture on my table,

Feeling like my heart will crumble.

How i rub you out of the leaves of my memory,

And you’re in my heart like engraved wood ?

How is it that you can describe perfectly in just a few words what you are feeling? That you can take such normal things like leaves and wood and make them so unique and beautiful? These are probably my favorite lines of all, especially because you incorporate something like the leaves and then the wood as well, supporting that idea

The stars , the moon and the rain ,

Drew the best painting up in the sky. ---Another spot where the imagery is amazing!! :D

This was an amazing poem, Smiley! Probably my favorite out of all of the poetry you have ever written!

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Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:54 pm
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queenofxylix says...

I love this poem.

It is truly unique.....I could relate to it.

I loved it.

You have talent, keep going and don't lose that spark that makes you who you are.

No matte what anyone says.

smile says...

thank you , this really means a lot :)

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Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:02 pm
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Chuck10931 wrote a review...

This is amazing.

I loved it.
It's very unique and something that I wouldn't normally read but it drew to me and I loved every word of it.
There are things that could be changed and things that can be tweaked but in my eyes I don't care. Look past the minor mistakes in life and look towards the bigger picture.

smile says...

awwww thanks , really appreciate <3

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Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:57 am
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Pompadour wrote a review...

Heya smile! I just realized that I've never actually reviewed any of your works so here I am! Have a cookie and settle down in that squishy chair -- yes, the one in the corner by the bookcase. Thank you.

Let's get started!


I went to bed in a winter night.

This should be "on a winter night."

The sound of the falling rain,

stole my sleep away.

A comma is not needed between "rain" and "stole." I really, really liked the image you create here. The idea of the rain stealing your sleep away is very unique and beautiful!! :D

But why do i keep thinking you’re near?

OK, so the "i" here should be capitalized, and there should be a "do" before it.

What I liked

You've got a good poem going here, and the imagery is very, very nice!! I enjoyed reading this and hope to see more of your work soon!

Keep up the wondertastic work! Keep writing!


smile says...

thank you dory for this AMAZINGLY HELPFUL review :)

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74 Reviews

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Reviews: 74

Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:34 pm
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HaleyPenguin says...

It's so cute!
You have some real talent here!
Keep it up!

smile says...

hey thanks :-)

Thomas Edison's last words were "It's very beautiful over there.” I don't know where there is, but I believe it's somewhere, and I hope it's beautiful.
— John Green, Looking for Alaska