Hey there, smile! I'm here for another review, and I don't really know how long this will be, so how about I make a cup of tea in the meantime? Would you care for a biscuit? Just sit down wherever you want -- the kitchen counter, the sofa...
Wait. Not there. That's the dust--
--bin. *coughs*
Moving on.
OK, so while all of your poems were beautiful, I don't really think they would come under the category of haiku. You see, haiku are short poems that follow the traditional 5-7-5 syllables pattern, and they generally present the reader with an image. Now, you've got the image thing down, and your imagery is really beautiful. All you need now is to nail the technical stuff. I understand that the 5-7-5 thing might not be clear, so here's an example:
My crisp breath lingers -- 5 syllables
as the autumn winds blow past --7 syllables
these graveyard houses. -- and 5 syllables again
So it's sorta like a beat. Like clapping your hands to each syllable.
My crisp breath lingers
Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap, clap
Or, to put it simply:
Line 1: 5 syllables
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables
I hope I was clear with what I was trying to say, but if I wasn't, then you can read up on haiku here: http://www.poetry4kids.com/blog/lessons ... e-a-haiku/
In a nutty nutshell
You have talent. Obvious, flat-out talent. And while this isn't really haiku, not all haiku follow the traditional pattern either. It's just us stuck-ups who insist on meter. Everyone has a different way of perceiving beauty, and you obviously have a good idea of what kind of matter a haiku consists of. Overall, lovely poems, and I look forward to you posting your next haiku, whenever you do!
Keep up the wondertastic work! Keep writing!
And don't let the frown get you down.
Points: 27
Reviews: 396