Hey Lim, I really enjoy this poem's vibe - it's winding through different imagery and takes an interesting perspective on the "carpe diem" theme that's quite a bit more developed I think than people usually use it - the fact that the flowers are in a maze, and the sun is dying sort of hints at the intangibility of what is being seized. And yet the last three lines "I would drink with my eyes / and not waste / a single drop" makes it seem like the speaker is still satisfied with how they have worked to seize the day. The only aspect that is a little confusing to me is what the fortune that the "they" was talking about in the first stanza - > is it the day itself? or time? or wealth? or something to be determined by the reader? It seems like to me that the flowers are sort of a metaphor for whatever the "fortune" is and that the message might be that the things that are worth seizing are not easy to keep, and should be taken and kept and enjoyed whole-heartedly.
There seems to be a lot of room for different interpretations here so I'm curious what your intention / or personal interpretation of the poem would be! I also think the formatting and nice background is just perfect for the poem - the sunset vibes fit really nicely with the message of the poem and I think the formatting enhances rather than distracts from the written content.
Thank you for sharing! Let me know if you wanted feedback on anything specifically that I missed!
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