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Young Writers Society


A Creeping Gas Stove Ballad

by Liminality

Warning: This work has been rated 16+.

Warning: fire accidents ahead & mention of death


It was a metal cylinder,

opaque, and glum, and dark.

They used it to administer

a heat, a warmth, a spark.


Though all depended on its work,

no one seemed to know

what went on beneath the murk,

the rust was all that showed.


The father wondered to himself

as the fire rose,

was the manual on the shelf?

What would it expose?


He searched for it but could not find

that thin and narrow book.

The thought still gnawed him at the rind

as they dined in a nook.


And when he died, they all forgot

the stove’s unanswered gloom.

They only cursed their sorry lot

when flames burst in the room.

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27 Reviews

Points: 122
Reviews: 27

Tue Dec 27, 2022 10:55 pm
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NothingMore905 wrote a review...

This is quite the interesting poem, someone was searching for something, and once he found it, the room burst into flames, its a very creative piece, yet it confuses me to understand the story behind it, i can't seem to find a story behind it unfortuanately, but it was still an interesting piece to read and it rhymed quite well, again i do apoligize if this seems judgemental, it truly was an interesting piece to read in all honesty.

Liminality says...

Thanks for reviewing!

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59 Reviews

Points: 17
Reviews: 59

Mon Dec 26, 2022 2:31 am
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fleuralplants wrote a review...

Hi! This poem was really interesting. It's really creative, and I'd certainly never think to make a poem about a stove.
I love the fact that you made this poem rhyme- I love the traditional feel of a rhyming poem!
Perhaps it's just super late for me and I'm tired, but I am a tad bit confused about what is happening in this poem? The actual 'plot' of the poem doesn't matter so much, because the imagery is beautiful and that makes it so great.
Thanks for sharing!

Liminality says...

Thanks for the review, fleuralplants! Well, I thought this piece could have quite a few meanings. Narratively, you could take it as a story about a fire accident that happened with a gas stove because the family didn't know how it worked. I tried to write it with a metaphorical meaning as well, with the stove being a metaphor for systems and things in our lives that we are heavily dependent on but don't understand.

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1403 Reviews

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Sun Dec 25, 2022 4:09 pm
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vampricone6783 wrote a review...

Ooh… creepy. It kind of reminds me of Stephen King’s “The Shining” novel, with the boiler. It seems like while the fire was burning up the house, the family could only think of how sorry they were when it all happened. If only the father could find the manual, if only they had all evacuated the house, things would have turned out differently. But such is not the case.

I wish you a lovely day/night!

Liminality says...

Thanks for the review!

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