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Young Writers Society

She deserves better

by Clarity

Weeping silent whispers
desparate to wake
a mirror filled with memories
that distance does but ache

trust was sought
for smiles etched in sand
your decietful beauty cut through
his haunting, gentle hand

a beautiful lie
for so long did it span
naive and still loyal
she did all that she can

how much was she broken,
damaged, in despair
her foolish sobs
screaming that he dare

never was he caring,
always marring her hopes,
two twisting truths
and destroying how she copes

you lured him afar
he remembered his old way,
it didn't take so long
in fact, only one day

and one day it took her too,
to become who she was before,
something he had stolen
and something they controlled no more.

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Tue May 02, 2017 12:18 pm
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sheysse wrote a review...

Hey there! Shey here for a review!

This is a really good poem because I feel it. Every emotion the narrator describes is in me. That takes a high level of poetic skill to pull off, so I must commend you for it. I don't know if this is based on a true story or not, but either way the realism of emotion is impressive, to say the least.

I didn't really like the rhyme in this piece, if I'm totally honest. It felt forced. Sometimes when a poet is so desperate to rhyme, they will do whatever they need to to rhyme. Occasionally it works, but most of the time it ends up crashing the whole poem. (I speak from experience. hehehehehe) I'm not saying to get rid of rhyming in the future, but consider if it makes sense. For a story trying to be deep and emotional (which this piece still was, by the way), rhyming is usually unnecessary. Just tell me the story. No need to add all of these rhymes.

Overall, though great poem. I hope that this short review can help you in at least one way the previous reviews didn't. Keep writing!


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Mon May 01, 2017 3:02 pm
Lumi wrote a review...

Yo, Clarity!

I'm digging the narrative you present with this piece, and I appreciate that the rhymes didn't necessarily control the content put out, but rather were manipulated by the content itself. That's usually the opposite, and my biggest qualm with rhyming poetry.

So my biggest qualm IS? Inconsistent meter. The stanzas lend themselves to being self-contained because of their changing meter. Because of this, the flow suffers. My questions on the piece basically boil down to how much can be cut without removing core content. Some bits of the middle stanzas feel unnecessary, or rather that they need to be given more agency? More importance or something of nuance to the poem. I basically want to see each part of the poem have need to be here because it's such a lovely narrative of breaking free from an abusive relationship that you can certainly add more nuance and pull away with more gumption than we currently get.

Finally, there's a decent amount of character development here. Do you feel content with the emotion you present through her eyes? The way you paint both characters of import? Do you think some nuance into the relationship could benefit the piece?

I know this is short, but line-by-lines never particularly helped me. I hope this DOES help when editing.

Clarity says...

Thanks Lumi! I tried to make it note that there are 3 people being spoke of in the poem - did that work or did you only gather 2? (She, he, you)
By way of the inconsistency, would you suggest altering the wording or changing the structure of the stanzas the make it work too?
Considering the poem includes 3 people I'm curious if I spoke about the 'he' enough, as there are the 'you' and 'he' causing the 'she' her emotional turmoil..

Thanks for your advice! :)

Lumi says...

I feel sheepish now! o.o I missed the differentiation between 'you' and 'he' entirely - but I think that could use some clarity as both the he and she are victimized, but the she is victimized doubly from my reading.

I would likely change the structure to better the flow - it's the easiest approach; but if that doesn't feel right (and make sure it feels right), it could just be the natural demand of the piece to have self-contained stanzas. Sometimes that's the case.

Clarity says...

Haha! Thanks a bunch for your help :)

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Mon May 01, 2017 2:57 pm
crobbins wrote a review...

Hey, crobbins here for a quick review!
(Sorry it's gonna be so short)!

First I just want to say how much this resonates with me. In such a short form, you were able to stir up so many emotion within me- wow! It was like a roller coaster, and I loved every minute of it! (I wish I could write like that, haha!)

Some of the lines I especially loved are:
"trust was sought
for smiles etched in sand
your deceitful beauty cut through
his haunting, gentle hand"
Everything here flows perfectly. I am in awe of your rhyming scheme, more specifically how natural you made it feel. I found the structure of this piece in the most part to be seamless.

Another part I LOVED was:
"and one day it took her too,
to become who she was before,
something he had stolen
and something he controlled no more."
In a poem that, for the most part, has a sorrowful and sad tone at the beginning, detailing heartbreak, it can be nice to see a happy ending. Instead of feeling sad when I finished reading it, I now feel hopeful!

One part I found to be a little "sticky" was:
her foolish sobs
screaming, you dare
Maybe I just wasn't understanding the last bit, but I just found it to break up the flow a little.

One last thing, I love your word choices! Some more complex words that you incorporate stop the reader, making them think through things, which in my opinion makes them resonate within the readers more. Love it!

I didn't find any spelling or grammar/formatting issues!

Overall I loved this piece! It's been a while since a piece of poetry has made me feel as much as this- and this one is so short! LOVE IT! Keep on writing, I'd love to read more of your work!

Happy Writing!
(And an extra thanks, this really made me calm down before my AP Psych National Exam, thanks SO MUCH IT HELPED ME A LOT!!!!! Really, it let me relax! Thanks!!)

Clarity says...

Cheers Crobbins, I'll take that on board! Glad I could help, haha!

Maybe our favorite quotations say more about us than about the stories and people we're quoting.
— John Green