
Young Writers Society

Squills 6/21/21 - 6/30/21

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Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:31 am
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Welcome to Squills, the official news bulletin of the Young Writers Society!
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Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:32 am
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written by Liberty < PM: >

During the month of NaPo, this member has written up beautiful poems, that are 100% worth checking out, which you can do here . They’ve contributed one of their poems to the Poetry Readers club, which has been used as one of the monthly poetry discussion topics . And in May, they accomplished their goal of 40 reviews for the May Review Challenge! . And they’ve done Team Tortoise for 5 months, consecutively, so far, and once they complete this months’, it’ll be half a year of consecutive tortoising! <3

But anyway, I got the honors of reviewing the one and only @Plume. c:

Squills: Heya! I'm a Squills journalist and I was wondering if you're okay with being interviewed about your experiences as FM? :)

Plume: Oh yes! That's perfectly fine!!

S: Ah, awesome! Firstly: what was your first reaction when you found out?

P: Oh wow. I was super hyped. I remember seeing some notifications, and I was curious, thinking that they were just messages in threads I was subscribed to, but then most of them were people leaving messages on my wall. That kinda flipped a switch in my brain, and I was like "oh wait, am I featured member?" And then I checked the main page and my username was there! It was pretty surreal. I'm pretty sure I got up from my computer and jumped around for a bit, too.

S: Ahh omg that's very exciting! xD What do you think the High Court™ saw in you that made them choose you as the next FM?

P: Ah, well, a lowly peasant such as myself cannot pretend to know the workings and thoughts of the High Court™. But if I had to wager a guess, I think it would be the commitment to reviewing and the overall active-ness on the site.

S: Ooh fancy! What's in your reviews that made the High Court™ so happy?

P: Honestly, I think it might be the fact that I'm writing reviews consistently rather than the contents of them. I've been doing team tortoise since... January, I think? And I'd like to think the reviews I've been writing are helpful, so hopefully the content of them also helped me get that featured member spot.

S: Team Tortoise since January, whoa. :0 What do you like about reviewing? And how have you been keeping it up since so long ago?

P: Well, I love reading all the great things people post on here, and I love sharing my thoughts. I know I always love it when I get a nice review, so I try to do unto others as I would have them do unto me, so to speak. And as for keeping it up... I've formed a habit, I think. I generally get the review done in the morning. Now, I think it would feel weird if I didn't do a review. I think COVID has also made it easier, because I definitely have a lot more free time than I used to.

S: Ah yes, understandable! Do you have other favorite parts of the site?

P: Oh gee. Well, I didn't really make use of other parts of the site at first mostly cause there was so much and it was so daunting and I've got a lot of anxiety, so I was worried if I would be infringing on any unspoken boundaries if I posted somewhere or not. As I got more comfortable, though, I really love the roleplay and storybook section as well as the sitewide events (i. e. NaPo, the review challenges in January and May, the tortoise race this month, social week, etc.)

S: Awesome! Now, if someone asked you how to be an FM, what to do, how to behave, what would you tell them?

P: I think I would just say to really be active around the site, and be consistent as well. If you're interacting with people on a regular basis (and it's positive interaction, too) they'll probably remember you and have a favorable opinion. Honestly, it's all about giving bits of yourself and your time to YWS to help create a positive and helpful environment (and I mean that in the metaphorical sense, not the literal, demon sacrifice sense. Sacrificing yourself to the internet overlords will not get you Featured Member.)

S: Oh my gosh lol yes I agree with that last bit! xD Alright, lastly, before I end this interview, do you have any shoutouts or any additional comments?

P: None other than thank you to everyone who has been so nice and welcoming on this site! And thank you, too, for your interviewing prowess. This has been super fun!!

S: Aw, that's very sweet of you! Thank you so much for taking time out for the interview, it's super appreciated! <3

P: No problem! The pleasure was all mine!!

If you want to check out the official announcement thread, you can click here !

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Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:33 am
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written by alliyah < PM: >

So, the seasons are changing, there's a lull in the air as writers prepare for SB RP Month this July, but WAIT! WHAT'S THAT? I'm just getting word from our internal informants at the Squills HQ Investigative Reporter Staffing Agency that another event is happening this July! Okay, so it's called Camp NaNo and I know virtually nothing about it, except that a few years ago I was involved in an iconic protest between NaPo and Camp NaNo that @CaptainJack could tell you more about. But I can't really go into it. There were picket signs involved. But! In the interest of fair and unbiased news, I'm going to the experts. @BluesClues is a regular prose name around the site, and I am almost certain she'll be able to give us the word, so let's see what she has to say!

alliyah: So first, could you explain in beginner terms what is Camp NaNo?

BluesClues: So NaNo is short for NaNoWriMo, which is short for National Novel Writing Month! The main event is in November, but there are two additional NaNo events in April and July. These are what we call Camp NaNo!

Camp NaNo is like a more Chillax™ version of the big November event. While many writers set the usual goal of 50,000 words in just one month, you're free to customize your goal as well. I usually aim for 25,000 words instead of 50,000.

a: What's the purpose of an extra NaNo - would you say it's beneficial?

B: It's absolutely beneficial! One thing is that it can be helpful to students to have events in April and July, especially July. In November (and April), many students are preparing for finals, so it may not be the best idea for them to focus hard on their writing at that time. In July, they're more likely to have time to throw themselves into writing full-time.

Personally, I also find these events helpful because they give me the kick in the pants I need to finish whatever project I'm working on. When there's a writing challenge or event going on, I'm highly motivated. The rest of the time, I'm like "eh" and I write however much I write (i.e....not much).

a: What types of things have you tackled in Camp NaNo before?

B: Simply because of the way the timing falls, I most often use Camp NaNo as motivation to revise! That's what I'll be doing this year (GroundskeeperWIP), although I'll also be attempting to complete two short stories I'd like to submit to different places.

However, last year I did actually draft during Camp NaNo: I wrote the first 40,000 words of Hungry Girls in July and then stagnated and barely wrote anything until NaNoWriMo in November

a:Any tips for folks who would like to give it a try?

B: The same tips that apply to the November event largely apply here! Find a community like your friends on YWS to cheer you on and hold you accountable as you write. Start a thread or make an announcement for your project to publicly shame yourself into writing.

The one thing I'd say is different about this event is that because Camp is more relaxed, don't be afraid to or feel bad about setting a lower word count goal! Setting a lower goal is a nice way to stay accountable while still being kind to yourself and getting the kind of rest you need.

Ah lovely advice and information as always Blue! Thank you!

Well there you have it folks! Camp NaNo sounds pretty flexible, and like you can kind of fine-tune it to your goals and writing-needs. YWS is sure to have more information about the events or activities as things progress, but you can also consult @ShadowVyper's nice informational thread until then!

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Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:33 am
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SquillsBot says...

written by Liberty < PM: >

June 4th’s featured member was someone who joined quite recently, in April, and has completed a solid 76 reviews (three review stars under her belt already) since her arrival! And her reviews are really helpful too, which is super sweet. She even has her own novel going, called The Story Of An Introvert - you can check out the first chapter here . If you ever want to have a chat with her, you’ll probably be able to find her in a writerfeed pad, and you’ll have a very lovely conversation with her. :)

...That’s right, June 4th’s featured member was @NivedaJames22!

But anyway, I got to interview this wonderful human being. <3

Squills: Hello! I'm a reporter for Squills and I was wondering if you're good with being interviewed about your experiences as featured member? c:

NivedaJames22: Hey Liberty!

Sure, I don't mind being interviewed.

Hope you have great day/night. (:


S: Alright, awesome! What was your very first reaction to when you found out you were the FM? And how'd you find out?

N: Um, so I was just checking my notifs before logging in for my next class, and that's when I noticed an unusual amount of comments on my wall. So then I went to my wall, and there was a bunch of comments from people congratulating me on becoming FM. For the first five seconds, I was really confused. And then, after checking the index page and conforming that this was not some prank, I took a solemn vow to listen to everything @hannah0528 says, 'cause she had basically predicted this a while ago.

So yeah, that's basically what happened.

S: Oh my gosh haha! xD That's so cool! What do you think is the reason you got selected as FM? What made hannah predict it?

N: Honestly, I have no clue why I became FM...it's like one day I open the door to YWS and someone hands me a rare dragon egg called FM, and says "Here you go!"

About hannah, we were in a WFP with a bunch of other people, and somehow the topic changed to FMs and stuff. And then hannah said that I'm probably gonna become FM soon. She basically said that I've been pretty active on the site and stuff...But I think she can see the future...

S: Ahaha awesome! What part of YWS is your favorite, or what part do you think you've been most active on?

N: I love the entire site, especially the community...I guess I spend most of my here in the People's tab and in WFPs. I've met some amazing people here. I also love reading other peoples' work, especially in the Poetry tab.

S: That's great! What advice do you think you'd give someone if they were to ask you about how to become the FM?

N: I would advise them to ask all those amazing people who became FM before me, because I honestly have no clue what the exact criterion for becoming FM is. I guess you should be active on the site, and post stuff, review stuff other people's stuff, be nice to the people you interact with and stuff.

In retrospect, I've used "stuff" a lot. But yeah, just do your own thing on the site, have fun, and don't get too flustered about becoming FM ( I almost added "and stuff" here). If it happens, it happens.

S: Wonderful! Before I wrap up this interview, do you have anything else you'd like to add or any shoutouts and stuff? :P

N: Oh my gosh did you add "and stuff" xD

I'd like to give a shoutout to all the amazing people here, who make YWS a great place to be. Also, I guess I'd like to shoutout to @Liberty for being a great interviewer and stuff.

S: Ahaha awesome! Thank you so much. <3 That's pretty much it for the interview, and congratulations once again on FM!

If you want to check out the official announcement thread, you can click here ! And if you haven’t already congratulated her, make sure to do so on her wall !

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Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:34 am
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written by IcyFlame< PM: >

Just recently we've had a new round of YWSers take up a fabulous new coat of slime! @Magebird posted the announcement here and as it turned out, the brand new mold break was actually a group of fresh faced Junior Moderators!

@winterwolf0100, @SilverNight, @HarryHardy and @GrandWild joined the RP Crew, @Plume joined the Poetry Crew and, @Spearmint and @MailicedeNamedy joined the General Lit Crew!

Determined to find out more about these new rangers, Squills caught up with them to find out everything about them:

IcyFlame: Huge congrats on becoming a moderator! What was your first reaction when you heard you were becoming a moderator? Did you expect it?

Winterwolf0100 Thank you so much! My first reaction to when I was contacted about becoming a moderator was to reread the PM-- multiple times-- to try to wrap my head around it. I had an uncontrollable smile on my face, and I may or may not have gotten a little emotional about it. I definitely got emotional about it. As for expecting it, I definitely wasn't at all! I'd seen the list of Junior and Global Monitors on occasion and thought it would be really interesting to be one, but I was definitely not expecting to be chosen for it. I'm really excited for it!

HarryHardy Thank youu<33 Uhh, first reaction was to frantically reach for the water bottle so I don't faint And no...I was definitely very, very surprised.

Plume Thank you!! And I was honestly in complete shock. I didn't expect it at all, mostly because the mod selection process is very discreet, and I didn't even know there were going to be mods chosen, much less that I would be one of them, you know? But it was completely crazy when I got the PM, and I had to get up and process what I had just read. I might have done a little dance, too.

Spearmint Ah honestly it completely made my day, and I’m pretty sure my internal voice was going something like, “AHH WOWOW JM!?! AHHHH!!!” (But it was definitely a happy scream xD) As for whether I expected it, I can’t say I didn’t think about it a few times (like when the mods got awesome colored usernames for April Fool’s >.>) but it did catch me by surprise! It was the best surprise ever ^^

MailicedeNamedy My first reaction was very surprising.(Probably the same when I was FM ). I had not thought or even consideered that I could become a JM. I never thought about how to become a JM and was very astonished because of that and I also had to sleep on it for a night before I could make a decision.

SilverNight I was pleasantly surprised and greatly honored! It was one of the best news I could have gotten, so I was super happy for the rest of the day. I didn't expect it, but I was hoping I'd get the chance to become one someday, and it was pretty much a dream come true.

IcyFlame: Legend says that becoming a moderator has something to do with gladiatorial combat, can you tell our Squills readers anything about that?

Winterwolf0100 Gladiatorial combat is a messy battlefield of courage and craziness. There is usually only one winner in such a fight, but this time there was a 7 way tie, which I think speaks to the capabilites of everyone that remains standing. The only piece of advice I can give is that the pen may be mightier than the sword, but the banana trumps all.

HarryHardy Hmm...the gladiatorial combat...I believe that's for the most part strictly confidential...but uhh...I think I can say this much. As The Prince of Darkness, I've participated in many gladiatorial battles before, and this was one of the tougher ones I've encountered. That experience certainly came in quite handy.

Plume Hmm? Oh. Well. Uhhh... those legends are false! They're complete and utter blasphemy, and... gosh, these cue cards are hard to read. Don't believe what you fear. Or hear. It's hard to tell... Anyways. You get the idea. No gladiatorial combat here! *nervous chuckle*

Spearmint Well, I won’t say too much… except that disguising myself as an inconspicuous mint leaf worked pretty well for me… ;)

MailicedeNamedy It was a very hard fight and I think I won only because of my perseverance. But in the end it was also because my dog and my cat rushed to my aid and together we were able to bring even the last opponent to his knees.

SilverNight Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword, but as it says down below, the banana is mightier than the pen, so choose your weapon carefully! I can't share anymore than that.

IcyFlame: Can you tell us a little bit about what Moderator Crew you joined?

Winterwolf0100 I am honored to have joined the Roleplay Crew, where I'll be helping keep the Roleplay and Storybook arenas afloat and in check! Mainly though, I'm here to help roleplayers have fun and to have a good time myself! Whether that's helping new roleplayers figure out how to navigate the pages, storybooking with some experienced players, or starting my own, I'm here to help anyone who is already involved in that section of the site or is interested in getting involved! (If you are interested in figuring out how to join but you're feeling a little overwhelmed, my PMs are always open!)

HarryHardy I joined the Roleplay Crew, which takes care of all things roleplay...aaand so far its been like an awesome, wholesome and very chaotic family.

Plume Sure! I joined the Poetry Crew, which basically takes care of all the poetry and poetry related stuff on the site. It's a bit self-explanatory, haha. It was a bit low on JMs, so I decided to bulk up the crew! I've really enjoyed a lot of the poetry events on this site, and I'm looking forward to helping out with them in the future!

Spearmint Ooh yes! I joined Gen. Lit., which deals in the more prose-y side of YWS (e.g. stories, essays, novels). Gen. Lit. helps organize fun stuff like NaNo and Camp NaNo, which is coming up soon! C:

MailicedeNamedy I am part of the Gen Lit crew. Yeah, that's all I know how to write here... I think general prose is easier for me than poems, as they usually remind me too much of the poems from my school days.

SilverNight As part of the Roleplay Crew, I get to work with our awesome team of mods on roleplay events and help out in the roleplay/storybook forums! It's very exciting.

IcyFlame: Are there any exciting events / contests / or changes you're excited to participate in or implement?

Winterwolf0100 I am excited to say that July is Roleplay month on YWS, and that is just around the corner! So be on the lookout for some fun events that'll be happening revolving around that! : D I'm also psyched to just help out!

HarryHardy Ahh, well RP month is not too far away now, certainly very excited for that one

Plume I'm definitely already looking forward to NaPo next year (just 288 days away!! It's practically right around the corner!) but RevMo should also be very fun!! Both reviewing and poetry are things I very much enjoy doing, so I'm definitely excited to help out with them!

Spearmint Hehe I’m definitely looking forward to Camp NaNo (and hopefully gaining motivation to actually finish a novel xD), as well as RP month in July!! I’ve taken a peek at what the RP crew is planning, and it looks like it’ll be a ton of fun! =D

MailicedeNamedy I'm definitely looking forward to events to come, but want to keep my enthusiasm in check for now, and focus more on the duties.

SilverNight Hmmm... That might be secret... I should be helping to run a workshop with someone soon!

IcyFlame: Anything else inspirational or funny you'd like to say?

Winterwolf0100[i] Life is a blank page and we're all leaking pens. Sometimes, the only way to get what you want is to scribble all over everything and hope the words make sense. In the end, you won't get anything by waiting, and you may leave a lot of blotches, but it's better to write your perfect story and clean it up later-- that's what white-out is for. Use it!

HarryHardy Oh dear...I maintain I'm neither one of those things but uhh...lemme see if I can conjure something up...ah huh...

Plume Here is a haiku in honor of me becoming a poetry JM:

The mold is spreading
Careful, it might get to you
Oh wow, it got me!

Spearmint Gosh this is hard… uhm… okay, how about “When in doubt, be a mint leaf” ;) And never forget that every one of you ywsers are absolutely amazing!! <3

MailicedeNamedy A dream is only a dream if you wake up afterwards, so what is reality? (I don't know if that's inspiring or funny, but it's the first thing that came to mind.

As a parting gift, I leave you this final message.

Thanks everyone! Those were some great answers. If you haven't done so yet, be sure to congratulate our newest mods over in the announcement thread. I'm sure they will all be terrific mods!

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Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:34 am
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written by Spearmint < PM: >

Alrighty, so in order to earn my spear, I've been issued a challenge by @CaptainJack and the Knights of the Green Room to write an informational article about a spear vs. a sword! (Ah and if you haven't heard of them before, the Knights of the Green Room are a brave group of ywsers who conquer (review) the works in the Green Room to help out other writers, as well as earn glory and badges! More information here: Knights of the Green Room Great Hall )

So, according to my research (aka searches on Google >.>), while both spears and swords have traditionally been used in battle, they do have different uses, strengths, and weaknesses. Spears are nimbler and have a longer reach. This would generally help give spear-wielders an advantage against opponents with shorter weapons, as they could strike from further away. Spears also tend to be cheaper to produce than swords (being basically made up of a wooden stick and a pointy bit, compared to mostly-metal swords), making them an appealing option to equip soldiers with for battle. However, spears are longer and harder to carry, so it'd be difficult to wear a backup spear in case the first one breaks or is lost. Swords, on the other hand, are easier to carry and can be more useful in close combat. They're also generally better for fighting on horseback, and have become more popular in movies (maybe because they look cooler >.>). Anyways, there's definitely more to learn about swords and spears, but hopefully this is a good enough summary for now! ^^

Oh, but some of you may be asking, "So which one's better?" Well, I am rather biased towards the spear (cough cough spearmint), but honestly both spears and swords came about for a reason. Spears have a better reach, but swords can be more flexible, so each would shine in different situations. And someone properly trained in either could definitely be quite effective!

Okay, hopefully you all were able to get something useful from this article, and hopefully now I can get a spear to aid in vanquishing those green beasts... =D

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Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:35 am
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We love to run articles and questions, but we also love to advertise for you. Let people know about your new blog, a poem or story you’re looking for reviews on, or a forum thread you’d like more traffic on through Squills’ Shameless Plugs. PM @SquillsBot with the exact formatting of your advertisement, contained in the following code.

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Place advertisement here. Make sure you include a title!

And now for this week's Shameless Plugs!

June Poetry Readers Discussion

Join Poetry Readers for their June discussion for a discussion on The Facebook Sonnet by Sherman Alexie - find out more about the monthly poetry discussions over at The Poetry Readers Club or reach out to Liminality or whatchamacallit.


The Great Tortoise Race of 2021

more information here !


That's all folks~ Now send us yours.

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Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:35 am
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You must believe in free will; there is no choice.
— Isaac Bashevis Singer