I want to thank all my past reviewers:
@Buggiedude2340 (I know you're still there!) @hermione315 @BlueAfrica @Carlito @Pretzelstick @Artemis28 @sinistercutlass @Dracula (you were the ones who took the time to read some of my novel, plus review it, plus encourage me to keep writing it: TY so much!)
But before you read it, I need you to consider this being the product of an entire week of paper-writing and computer-editing (mostly as a consequence of the monthly Review Day being postponed) that gave no space for introducing the planned illustrations (instead, you get to read my awesome image descriptions ) Somewhere within the next weeks I'm planning to make my drawings for this chapter, so just you wait
Phew! It's been more than six months since I've published the third chapter. It took a lot of me, but I knew in my heart I couldn't let our narrator die out Nothing could have prepared me for what was next: a half-written chapter (needing lots of trimming), a cheesy plot (with lots of holes in it) and more than nine pages (on paper) to write. The result is a bulky chapter who surpasses in twice the extent of the previous one.
Spoiler! :
I hope you guys like it! And I'll keep you posted about the illustrated and "final" version. Cheers!
Apr 12, 2016
you'll have to be patient with me i can be very unfocused and slow