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Young Writers Society

Your Beauty

by Phillauthet

Find a mirror.
Look, stare hard.
In it, do you see
Your Beauty?

Now look inside,
at your personality.
Now, do you see
Your Beauty?

Not yet?
No problem!
There's more!

Look at your art.
Whatever you do best.
Look at what makes you 'you',
Look for your Beauty.

Do it for yourself,
not for me;
Search within you
for Your Beauty.

Once you've found it,
hold on to it.
When you're feeling inept,
Your Beauty.

When someone is mocking,
taunting, insulting you,
you can only pity
their obvious insecurity,
and laugh along --
For they haven't yet found
Their Beauty.

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Sat May 13, 2023 12:32 pm
AkuRashomon wrote a review...

Hello there. This is Ina a.k.a loveissourgrapes and I am here to review/comment about your poem. It is very inspiring and written well. Anyways, I will explain further down below.

First impressions. I saw the title and the description, of course this is gonna be an inspirational poem and I am happy, it's not a cringe poem like those poems that Facebook moms post. When I first read it, I noticed the two words "Your beauty" is capitalized and emphasized to tell the readers that you are talking about their beauty and no one else's. It also reminded me of the title of Beauty and the Beast. I don't know why, it just did. But the message it's telling is shown boldly between each line.

As I continued reading over and over again, it remined me of the main character of a K-drama/Webtoon called "True Beauty". She is apparently an ugly girl and is bullied for her beauty. She had to exchange school and used makeup to stop people from bullying her and hurting her. And I ain't telling the rest because you can just read the webtoon or watch the K-drama. But no matter how people think she's ugly, she has a kind heart and is beautiful in the inside.

As a insecure teen, this was very helpful. Thanks a lot. Overall, it tells a good message and the way it was written was nice too. Keep it up! Have a good morning, afternoon or evening for everyone especially our lovely writer @Phillauthet!

Phillauthet says...

Thank you so much for the review! Glad I could help <3

AkuRashomon says...

you're welcome!!

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Thu Sep 30, 2021 8:12 pm
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AriesBookworm wrote a review...

What I got from this poem is a "Beauty's on the inside" message. A beautiful poem with a sweet message. You're reminding the reader that even though the beauty that you see in a mirror is nice, it's your personality that truly matters. You also remind the reader that when some people bully, it may be the cause of them feeling just as insecure as you may feel. They haven't had the time, or felt the need, to look at their personality and decide if it was beautiful. What I also got from this, is that you shouldn't look to other people to decide if you're truly beautiful, in the end, only you can decide that.

Phillauthet says...

Thanks for the review! Glad you could get what I meant to express :D

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Wed Sep 29, 2021 3:28 pm
Coffeeboyjay wrote a review...

hi @Phillauthet its jay to leave a review and stop by

lets get started with your work

First off when i read this lovely poem i was thinking that everyone has Beauty in them we all pretty at the end of the day and also when i read this poem i cried a little cause it was so lovely the way you said it Look at your art.
Whatever you do best.
Look at what makes you 'you',
Look for your Beauty. and this was the part that i really like in your poem it was beautiful

Second my compliment to your poem is just know everyone has Beauty in them and at the end of the day no one can't say you not but at the end of the day you are

Third how you can improve is you inspiring so many people about there Beauty and thats good cause some people don't know they are pretty but they are they just don't know yet until they read this nice lovely poem

keep writing and this was a amazing poem i ever read by Jay~!!

Phillauthet says...

Thank you for reviewing!!!

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Sun Sep 26, 2021 2:18 pm
Shayna Basu wrote a review...

Wow this is one of the most epical poems that i have come across my life!!!!
The depth of meaning of your poem revolves around restoring our self confidence and wiping out any possible self doubt by believing in our inner beauty of mind and soul This is what makes your poem truly spectacular

This is a much needed poem in this era of bullies, prejudices, bias and rejections . This poem emphasizes on what makes us truly special and worthwhile in our heights of personality and character. You have amicably motivated us to never pay heed to our criticisms when they tend to question our abilities and strengths
""Once you've found it,
hold on to it.
When you're feeling inept,
Your Beauty.""
This is my favourite stanza of your Wonderful poem.It stresses on the importance to remember our beauty and worth during dark and stormy times of life

Overall your poem is unconditionally one of the most meaningful ,and valuable texts that maybe appear easy to comprehend but far difficult to execute in real life

Phillauthet says...

Thank you so much for the review! You are too kind, there are many poems out there much better than mine "^_^

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Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:40 pm
YourFriendQuirks08 wrote a review...

Heya, Rubes here with a review. I like to spilt my work into 4 sections: First impressions (what I think after reading once), deeper meanings (more examinations into single lines and stanzas), improvements (what I think overall can be better) and the final conclusion (what I rate the poem out of 10 and a final overview.

First Impressions: I love the message here and of finding your beauty in different ways. Using the mirror example really gave depth, just because we all look into the mirror to see how 'pretty' we are visually.

Deeper findings/meanings:

Find a mirror.
Look, stare hard.

I like this section, I find it quite bold so we all want to simply grab a mirror and really look hard, like you say. I think the word 'Harder!!' really makes us look and forces us to try and look at the details.

In it, do you see
Your Beauty?
Now look inside,
at your personality.
Now, do you see
Your Beauty?

A lot of people don't like their appearance, there looks. So I think the way you say "Now, do you see..." really shows and understands the basic attitudes of people, which I like a lot.

Not yet?
No problem!
There's more!

Again, appreciating people's opinions of themselves, and really showing us that you know what we are most likely going to say.

Look at what makes you 'you',
Look for your Beauty.

OMG!! I am in love with this line. I really am. Nobody thinks of their differences and unique qualities being true and pure beauty of us; but I totally agree with you on this. It really has an affect on the reader.

When someone is mocking,
taunting, insulting you,.......
For they haven't yet found
Their Beauty.

I like the idea of this, to put yourself above the haters and to see how beautiful you are.

There's not many ways you can make this better, because it is all so beautifully put together. I think some more expansion on your reflection and the mirror could make it even better, even so it is amazingly well written.

It really hit hard, it all did. The message really empowers people with low self esteem like myself. The relaxation and patience in this is unbelievable and I love it. Have a good day and I applaud you on this <3

Rubes x

Phillauthet says...

Thank you so much for the review!

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Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:43 pm
vampricone6783 wrote a review...

Lovely poem! I love the message you’re giving us,the readers.That we are beautiful no matter what.It’s beautiful and truthful.My favorite parts of the poem are these lines:”Find a mirror” and “Not yet? No problem!” These simple lines tell us to really look inside of ourselves.These kinds of poems are the things people need.Good Job and have a lovely day!

Phillauthet says...

Thank you!!!

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Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:25 pm
FireEyes wrote a review...

Hey Phil!! Incoming review!

I see you have a new poem here. Let me review it!

I'll review a few stanzas at a time.

Find a mirror.
Look, stare hard.
In it, do you see
Your Beauty?

Look inside, now,
at your personality.
Now, do you see
Your Beauty?
I like how pushy you are to want your reader to look hard at themselves in the mirror. It's like you're screaming for them to look at this beautiful human. The line, "Look inside, now," feels clunky. Maybe "Now look inside" would be better and have a better flow to it.

Not yet?
No problem!
There's more!

Look at your art.
Whatever you do best.
Look at what makes you 'you',
Look for your Beauty.
Oh gosh, I've never thought about it this way. I've never though that something that someone makes can also make them beautiful. I think we all see the work, itself, as beautiful but never the maker. That's brilliant, and I'm never going to see a song, painting, or writing work the same way again. I'll be thinking of the person who made it! But the reassurance in the stanza before is comforting but gets me pumped to see what else can make me and others beautiful!

Do it for yourself,
not for me;
Search within you
for Your Beauty.

Once you've found it,
hold on to it.
When you're feeling inept,
Your Beauty.
I like the message in the first stanza here. We should love ourselves (in a moderate degree) for ourselves, not for anyone else because that would be loving them and not ourselves you catch my drift? I don't about others but for me, knowing my beauty wouldn't really help me if I'm feeling not good enough. But if it works others then that's great! :D But it's always a great to be confident in yourself!

When someone is mocking,
taunting, insulting you,
you can only pity
their obvious insecurity,
and laugh along --
For they haven't yet found
Their Beauty.
What a great ending to this beautiful (hehe) poem. And I appreciate how you shed light on why people might pick on someone. They have their insecurity so they have to make someone else insecure. And I hope everyone finds their beauty so maybe the world can be better.

But that's all I have for today. I hope you found some of it useful. This poem is great and beautiful and so are you. Keep writing my friend! Anyway byeeeeeeeee


Phillauthet says...

Thank you so much!
I'll change that line from the second stanza right now.

There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way, and not to give others absurd maddening claims upon it.
— Christopher Darlington Morley