Hey Tuesday here for a (short) review.
I don't usually review essays but this seemed to have caught my eye because it could relate to anyone who reads it. I enjoyed the point you are trying to make as the essay continues because everyone is different and can do what they can do. Also the wording of this essay is muy bein, so kudos for you for that plus the argument you provided could be used for many people, such as writers being so called weird by their human nature as writers.
My favorite line, throughout this whole thing and made me smile, would be Now, I'm not saying that you should give serial killers a second chance, be reasonable. I don't know why but this made me laugh because even though you might judge people, you must always be reasonable to the person you talk to because if you start to talking to someone they could easily be a murderer or something.
Anyway, this wasn't much of a review as I would have hoped for. I liked it and hope to review more work from you.
Points: 6130
Reviews: 257