Hello, Via!
Here to comment on a lovely poem.
At first I kind of thought this was a metaphorical marathon in which every mile represents another year. But, then I realized that the numbers don't really have much significance other than to show that time is passing and the runner is getting closer to the end of the race.
I do think the entire thing is a metaphor for a romance, maybe? Where the runner is trying to be all alone and do things him/herself, but this other interested party keeps following him or her and helping him or her along. I especially love when the other runner throws a water bottle to the first runner. That was cute. And the two begin to acknowledge each other, but then the encourager is gone. He/she was only there for the term of the marathon. And now that that's over, both must go back to living their lives. It's like the saying that people quote from somewhere about life being like a book in which there are chapters. This marathon appears to have taken place in a chapter of this person's book. Now the chapter is over, and we've lost some characters.
Overall, beautifully done. There is no real rhyme or rhythm, but it does well without.
Enjoyed the read!
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