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Young Writers Society

Grey, Baby.

by Via

Wood, paint, made in China.
Bought with a coupon,
but every bit as special.
Rails on the sides,
a mattress inside—
to bumper or not to bumper?
Suffocation or broken leg?
So many decisions.
Right? Wrong?
Simplicity is gone,
wrapped in a world
of complications.

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Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:51 am
ChocoCookie wrote a review...

Via! (:

Great poem. In fact, very random and I completely agree with you. That simplicity of colors are gone, and everyone now just wants so many bright colors. *sigh*

Only one thing, I think the ends was a little too... Maybe sudden? Like BAM! Its ended, when the poem's just half way through that feeling. I guess, maybe a few more paragraph's would make this a great poem.

Also, the second paragraph does not have even lines! :O But its okay. I think you've done great! Nothing else to say. Love it. <3'

Keep Writing! ~

Cookie <3'

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191 Reviews

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Reviews: 191

Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:52 am
Nargles wrote a review...

this is really good. Very enjoyable, a few bits that I will pick out for you, (seeing that I'm suppose to be reviewing you).
Ok so firstly, the flow is lovely and really genuine and not forced at all.
It is a really simple and nice poem that says exactly what you want to say without forcing it or making it blunt. For this I applaud you. My favourite part is

Bought with a coupon,
but every bit as special.

There aren't many things I can say against this poem, except that personally I don't like "grey" all there on it's own, for me it just doesn't seem part of the poem. But that is just my personal opinion.

Well done!!

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— Bill Watterson