Hi! Kz here for a long-ish, (Positive) impression/initial thoughts.
Wow! This was incredible! Very beautifully written.
So here's how I go. I'm going to quote two lines from your poem, and then in parenthesis, I am going to explain my feedback/impressions/initial thoughts. And remember, I am a criminology major, not an english/poetic major, and I probably have nothing useful to say, but read on if you'd just like some thoughts.
"They stand beside each other on the beach–" (Could it be a romance?)
"fire exploding from the collection of disaster
piled before them on the black sand." (Okay. . . Romantic tragedy perhaps. . .)
Below I mention what caught my eye:
"in the presence of everything their life has been
to this point,
to see which way fate will go."
This particular (stanza?) catches my eye because it makes me think of the meaning of life, a concept that has always interested me. Why do we live? this is interesting to me, because I know what the necessities of life are, and how to sustain it (Water, sunlight, weight), but what does it mean to LIVE?
Another comment:
"They have the same nose, the same eyebrows-
the same tired soul that's barely recognizable."
The last line was a *heart stopper*.
Amazingly well written, and decidedly relatable. This made me realise a lot of things.
If you made it all the way to the end, Have a good morning/mid-day/afternoon/evening/night, to whichever point in time you find yourself.
Points: 412
Reviews: 12