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16+ Violence

Williwaw Chapter 18

by Messenger

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for violence.

There was a crackling sound just out of reach, and something metal scraping against metal. There was a warmness in the air, and yet Carris felt frigid. After several attempts she pried her eyes open, squinting at the dingy light coming from a fire to her right. She could barely feel her arms tucked against her sides, buried beneath several thick blankets. Someone across the small thatch hut was hunched over a short table, doing something that was causing the clanging sound. 

Carris grunted as she attempted to move her arms, feeling weariness weigh them down. The figure hadn’t seemed to notice her awake. Who was it?

Where am I?

For a moment Carris panicked, thinking it must be a Sadorian. The though flashed across her mind that the last thing she had remembered was being overtaken in the river. Would Eridan or Jacoby really care to drag her out, and if so, why would they have kept her alive?

She opened her mouth in an attempt to call out, figuring she might as well find out, but her throat was dry and nothing escaped save for a squeak followed by a fit of coughing. That got the figure’s attention and they turned around. It was an older man, scruffy and wrinkly but with bright eyes and a rigid, upright posture. He squinted past the fire and smiled, revealing a nearly toothless mouth. Muttering something that Carris could not understand, he scooped up a metal cup from the small table and came to her bedside.

Carris could smell the faint aroma of mint. The man put a hand to the back of her head and gently lifted her up so that she could take a sip of the steaming drink. Carris realized that she could barely open her mouth because her lips were so swollen, but she was able to take a quick sip before dropping back down onto a rough pillow. The hot liquid ran down her throat too quickly and she sputtered over it. The coughs wracked her body for several seconds. The man put the cup on a nightstand which Carris hadn’t noticed previously. She shuddered as the warmth left and despite the blanket the chill remained. She gave her voice one last try.

“Where am I?” she managed to whisper. Her mouth was so dry.

The old man retrieved a chair from the table and returned with it and a small wooden bowl. When he spoke Carris winced as his voice rang out loud but not entirely clear due to the lack of teeth.

“You’re in Astoria,” he said as he plopped down in the chair. He held up the bowl. “This is a little concoction I’ve made myself to help rejuvenate your spirits! It does wonders for me,” he grinned.

Carris noticed that his eyes seemed perpetually squinted and yet wide-eyed, as if glaring at something in the distance with shock. Perhaps he had rejuvenated his spirits one too many times.

“Where in Astoria?” she said.

The man helped her up to take another sip of what Carris guessed was mint tea. This time was much more successful.

“You’re just outside of Riverdale. Lovely town it is in the spring when the trees are a’blooiming and the children are frolicking about and laughing.”

Carris hesitated. “Uh, yes, I’m sure it is. How far from Atheron?”

The man scratched the back of his neck as he wandered back to the table. He began to open cabinets and procure bowls and bags from which he produced eggs and some sort of meat chunk. Carris inhaled slowly. He took so long to answer. Despite being ten feet away his voice more than compensated the distance.

“Can’t say exactly. Been a long time since I went that far east. Must’ve been at least two decades ago. Course that was when I was a young lad. Well, anyway that’s what Mable always said.”

He began to talk to himself with the occasional chuckle as he cracked the eggs and whisked them in a bowl.

Carris could feel her throat becoming raspy again. She was so dehydrated. How long had she been unconscious, and how far away was she from Atheron and Gwyn and Eridan?

“What would be your best guess?”

Again there was a long pause as the man headed for the fire with the bowl in hand. The smoke spiraled out of a hole in the roof, and Carris now noticed that the sky was pitch black. The old man poured the whipped eggs into a skillet hung across the fire that crackled with warmth.

“Best guess? Least a twenty miles. That where you came from? That’s an awful long time to float down that river. Explains the bruising though.”

Carris frowned. “Bruising?”

“Yes ma’am. Up and down your arms and legs and stomach. Must’ve hit lots of branches and ice. Lucky to be alive if you ask me. Laura says you must have quite a tough heart.”

Carris shrugged, or attempted to, but she could barely move, buried in the blankets as she was. She could feel just how sore she was, and she guessed that if she could move she would be able to feel the bruising quite easily as well. She contented herself with staying put. She could feel a yawn coming on and her eyelids became heavy. She fought to keep them open, blinking rapidly.

“How fast can I get there?”

The old man laughed. It was wheezy and loud, and Carris grimaced because there was a tone to it that told her that the answer would not be to her liking. He slapped his hand across his knee.

“Girl, it’ll be quite some time before you’re up and going. I’d say a couple weeks before it’s safe to send you on your way.”

“Weeks?” Carris blurted out, feeling heat rush to her cheeks. “I can’t wait weeks! I have friends that need help. Well, a friend anyway. And I need to get to Atheron.”

Carris recoiled at the thought of Gwyn heading to Atheron with Eridan unchecked. What if he overthrew the city? Devlin would be leading Gwyn straight into a bloodbath.

The man spread his hands out wide. “I’m afraid that isn’t going to happen. For now, you need to get rest and build back your strength. Laura will be here in the morning to help uh, well, lady things I suppose,” he trailed off quietly. “Been a long time since there was a lady around here. Not since Mable.” His voice was softer now.

Carris pursed her lips before speaking. “Well, if I’m going to be here for a while, we might as well call each other by our names. I’m Carris,” she said, at last dragging her arm out from underneath the blankets. she could feel an overwhelming wave of soreness tug at her shoulder, and as the man clasped her hand with his own rough but gentle hand, she could feel pain pulse from fingertip to shoulder.

“Alec,” he grinned. 

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Fri Oct 20, 2023 10:16 pm
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IcyFlame wrote a review...

Chapter eighteen let’s go!!

I also seem to have jumped forward in time two years from the last chapter posting so I’m interested to see if I can notice your writing style change at all as I read through these next few chapters.

The waking up in the mysterious location is a little cliche but honestly it works here. Poor Carris is not having a great time of things, is she? It does seem kind that they’ve covered her with blankets, but I can’t decide if they’re weighing her down because they’re designed to or because she’s weakened at the moment…

Alec is an interesting character to introduce at this point, especially juxtaposed with the intro of the King’s bard in the previous chapter. He doesn’t seem all there but he seems kind. I’m a little surprised that after all that talk of Devlin and Carris not being dead last time, the Sadorians haven’t checked she’s dead this time around - they really are a careless bunch!

Not too many critiques for this chapter as it’s more of an intro to a new character, but I’m looking forward to learning about Alex and whoever this Laura character is… I can’t quite understand the dynamic here and how she fits in if there hasn’t been a lady around for a long time but I’m guessing I’ll find out!

Catch you for the next chapter


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Mon May 31, 2021 4:24 pm
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LittleLee wrote a review...


This chapter was nice to read! I'm a sucker for scenes where characters wake up in a mysterious person's house, brought back from the brink of death. It gives me such a warm feeling. I don't know anything about him, but my heart goes out to Alec because of the kindness he showed. The scene itself was very well written, with only a few choppy areas, like this one line: "and something metal scraping against metal." which I think are more the effects of this being more of a draft than a completely finalized project. I suggest you look over the chapter and smoothen out the ruffles currently present.

Carris could smell the faint aroma of mint. The man put a hand to the back of her head and gently lifted her up so that she could take a sip of the steaming drink. Carris realized that she could barely open her mouth because her lips were so swollen, but she was able to take a quick sip before dropping back down onto a rough pillow. The hot liquid ran down her throat too quickly and she sputtered over it. The coughs wracked her body for several seconds. The man put the cup on a nightstand which Carris hadn’t noticed previously. She shuddered as the warmth left and despite the blanket the chill remained. She gave her voice one last try.

This paragraph is near perfection. Its simplicity is what makes the scene so alive and wonderful, something I can imagine with almost no effort because of how concise you've been in describing the scene. It's lovely.

One thing I do want to ask is, why is Carris dehydrated? It's a miracle she didn't drown; I'm sure an awful lot of water went into her throat. Her rasping should be because she's caught a terrible, terrible cold and sore throat. In fact, swallowing should be agony at first, before the heat starts to ease her pain. I would have liked a description of that instead of how oddly dry her throat is. :(

What if he overthrew the city? Devlin would be leading Gwyn straight into a bloodbath.

Hmm. Okay, but isn't there an army in Atheron? Even if Eridan gets the Sadorians there to revolt and kills the king, surely a bunch of civilians can't do much against trained and equipped regiments of veteran soldiers. Should the king die, someone else will take charge at least during the revolt.

Regardless of all criticism, I truly savoured this development in the story! This is going to be quite a wild ride.

Happy writing!

~ Lee

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Sun Feb 23, 2020 10:29 pm
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PlainandSimple wrote a review...

Hello! Here to review your work.

I am you know reading in the middle of your story. I mean I know lots of people do that but I just wanna let you know why. I do it because it helps me know the whole feel of the story. Most of the time the first page/part of a story has the most hook the most interesting parts and then mellows out to a boring slow story through the next chapters. I also like to know a little more about what might happen, it gives me something to look forward to, to hopefully end up seeing how something got to the point it was at.

Just from the first sentence, I was so intrigued! I wanted more and I think that's what kept me reading the whole thing. You have just the right amount going on so I'm not confused, but still interested. And ugh! Again with the cliff hangers! I mean hey, it keeps the reader interested and looking forward to what's going to happen next time but they make me sad :). I mean they are good regardless of what I think! With the dialogue, you did very nicely. There is not too much, or not too little. It isn't confusing which is nice. With grammar or criticism -- I have none. Really great job! I will read more :)

_From your friend
@PlainandSimple _

Keep writing <3

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Thu Feb 06, 2020 4:20 am
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Shady wrote a review...

Heya Mess,

SUPER excited to see another chapter posted! Let's get to the review, shall we?

There was a crackling sound just out of reach, and something metal scraping against metal. There was a warmness in the air, and yet Carris felt frigid.

And just like that, here I am with my anal nitpicks for you, straight out of the gates ;)

So I've reviewed for you in the past so you know that I'm really not a fan of repetition, and here you have two sentences back to back with "There was a" for a start. There's nothing wrong with either one, but I do think your story would be stronger if you rephrased one of them. I personally would go for the second one. You could keep the first sentence as is and then change the second one to flow like maybe: "A warmness hung in the air and yet..." or something like that. Just drop the "there was" so things flow better with less repetition, however you want to go about that.

When he spoke Carris winced as his voice rang out loud but not entirely clear due to the lack of teeth.

So I am noticing a bit of a contrast here which isn't necessarily something that has to be changed, but is making me go ?? so I figured I may as well mention it. When you first introduce the old man he's muttering and Carris can't hear what he's saying. And then he goes to speaking uncomfortably loudly. And then he goes back to muttering to himself.

And maybe that's an intentional contrast you're trying to build -- but at the moment it kind of feels inconsistent? In general, the people who mutter to themselves tend not to be the kind of people who speak loud and confidently to other people -- and vice versa. So it seems a bit odd to me that he keeps switching back and forth between those mediums of communication.

“Alec,” he grinned.

So you did this a few other places but since it is recurrent I figured I'd mention it here. For punctuating dialogue, it should be a comma before a dialogue tag (like: "Alec," he said.) but it should be a period if it's before an action (like: "Alec." He grinned). You could do a mixture of both (like: "Alec," he said with a grin.) But as it is, it's not quite correct punctuation.

~ ~ ~

I think that's all I have for you! I already gave you my comments on this chapter in the WFP, but overall summary is that I really like this development. Alec is really likeable and seems like he's going to be one of those congenial old men who I just grow to love over the course of the novel (which inherently makes me suspicious that you're going to get me attached to him and then do something mean >.> ). But I'm so glad that Carris is finally with some friendly people, and is getting taken care of and nursed back to health.

This is definitely a nice little reprieve in midst of all the action we've had going on lately, and gives us, as readers, a bit of a chance to catch our breaths as we're processing all of the major plot points that have happened up to this point.

I still absolutely adore your story as much as I always have, and am so incredibly glad that you're back to working on this! I really hope to see you post more of this soon! As always, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to hit me up for a chat~

Keep writing!

~Shady 8)

Messenger says...

Thx Shady %uD83D%uDE01

Messenger says...

oh btw, the bit about Alec: hr's kinda cookoo. He's meddled with a lot of concoctions so he's not a hundred percent normal So his personality isn't hat he's reserved (like when he mutters)

we were just chatting about oblivious bananas
— Inferno