Text Version:
It’s going to feel like sitting on the porch of a timeless house, the wood beneath you
creaking in silent harmony with the slow rocking of your chair.
You’ve watched the fields before you change and grow; you’ve picked poppies and lavender from the garden in the backyard. It guarantees you that
every moment mattered; every breath you took meant something—it shaped the life of those around you.
I think it’d feel like flipping through the pages of a beloved photo album;
each image will dance in your mind and you’ll recall the scent of summer rain on pavement.
You’ll hear your children’s laughter echoing through sunlit rooms,
the taste of fresh picked apples on an autumn day. But slowly, the memories fade like ink left too long in the sun. You’ll close the book and rest, because you’ve become content with the story you’ve written.
In the end, it could be like drifting into a deep, restful slumber after a day filled with love.
Your body will sink into the familiar comfort of linen sheets that smell like your partner’s shampoo.
And as your eyes close, and your breathing slows, you feel yourself melding with the universe;
where time loses meaning. You grin knowing that you’ve been alive to witness your own children bear their own.
You’ll drift into a world where the warmth is so tender, so comfortable.
As the leaves rustle, you’ll return to where you belong. Where all things reincarnate, and souls never die; where you’re whole, where you’re timeless—
where you’re home at last.
You smile one last time, and as your oldest daughter grips your wrinkly hand, you say:
“It’s all been enough.”
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