
Young Writers Society

Squills 6/21/20 - 6/28/20

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Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:02 am
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Welcome to Squills, the official news bulletin of the Young Writers Society!
What will you find here? Tons of interesting news about YWS, including but not limited to: articles about writing, art, and the world of humanities; interviews with YWS members; shameless plugs; link round-ups; and opinionated columns.
And where will all of this come from? Take a look at our fantastic creative staff!


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Of course, our content can’t come only from our staff. We also depend on you to help keep Squills successful. You’re all a part of a writing community, after all. If you’re interested in submitting to Squills, pop on over to the Reader’s Corner to find out how you can get involved by contributing an article or participating in other Squills activities.

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Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:03 am
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written by LZPianogirl < PM: >

This week, I was tasked to interview @HarryHardy, YWS’s newest featured member. You’ve probably seen him around the site posting in Randomosity, writing his novel, The Sorcerors of Hisderat , or reviewing. In fact, since he joined on June 1st, Harry has written a whopping 112 reviews (and counting)! He talks about his experience reviewing and taking part in other YWS activities in the following article!

S: What did it feel like when you discovered you were featured member?

H: Really shocked. I never thought I would get it. I mean I literally joined this month. I was just frozen. I'm still pinching myself to see if I'm not just dreaming.

S: I felt the same way! Why do you think you were chosen to be featured member?

H: I think its because I went of a bit of review spree (thank you @Hkumar for helping me figure out the bbcodes) and did my part in keeping randomosity alive.

S: What do you enjoy most about YWS so far?

H: The people. I've bounced around a few websites but couldn't get any feedback for my work and the communities just didn't feel friendly at all. Then I managed to find YWS and ever since then it has just been amazing. The community just radiates vibes of joy. Special shoutout to @Shadeflame @Hkumar @Necromancer14 @Liberty @alliyah @LZPianoGirl . There are many more but mentioning them all would take a long time. You guys have made me feel so welcome and I felt like a part of the community from the moment I joined. I've never felt a single negative thought on this site.

S: Thanks for the shoutout! Do you have any advice for those wanting to be FM?

H: Well I'd say that anyone wanting to be FM just has to participate. Post in the forums. Write some reviews. And above all be nice to everyone and try to help people out.

S: That’s some good advice! Is there anything else you’d like to add?

H: Hmm...Thank you to @Nate for making this wonderful place and all the moderators for maintaining it. And a big thank you to everyone on this site for making us newbies feel welcome. Keep Reviewing and Keep Writing!!!

If you have not yet congratulated Harry on becoming featured member, pop by his wall or the thread !

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Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:04 am
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written by alliyah < PM: >

The last couple weeks, one of the new exciting happenings in the forums was the creation of "YoungWriters-Ville," a project organized by @LZPianoGirl. If you haven't seen the map yet, you can check it out right here . I think you'll like it! Here's a bit more information on how LZ came up with the idea and her experience with it so far.

alliyah: Hi LZ, thanks for agreeing to the interview! So first, for people who haven't heard of it, what is the YoungWriters-Ville Map?

LZPianoGirl: The YoungWriters-Ville, or YWS Ville, Map is a map of a town where the members of YWS live. It's sorted by which section of YWS members are most active in. For example, all of the poets are put together in one spot, and all of the reviewers are put together in another. It has color-coded squares with numbers in them and each square corresponds with a member (like, I'm square number 51)!

a: How did you come up with the idea to make it?

L: I think I came up with the idea about two weeks ago. @Liberty and I were on a WFP discussing our DTWH, the Celebrity Conundrum , when she made the comment that it would be so much easier if we were sitting next to each other and talking in person. Obviously, I'm not going to move hundreds of miles to talk to Lib, but it gave me the idea: what if everyone on YWS lived close to each other. I didn't think much of this idea until my laptop broke.

I became bored, but still had other things to do, so I didn't start working on it just yet. Then, my parents hired a babysitter and made a limited-electronics rule. So, I had plenty of time on my hands and decided to put my idea into action!

a: It looks like you got a lot of comments on the project, how have you felt about everyone's reaction and feedback?

L: Everyone's feedback has been so positive! That's one of my favorite things about YWS: everyone is so kind and polite! All of the PMs I have gotten say something along the lines of, "This is such a cool idea," or, "I love this and can't wait to see it!" The comments on the YWS-Ville thread are similar and some people are making kind remarks about their "neighbors." It is really nice to know that people enjoy what I am doing!

a: That's awesome! Do you have plans for any future revisions to the project?

L: Most definitely! [Before responding to this interview] I added eleven people, including @whatchamacallit, @BluesClues, and @HarryHardy! Right now there are 75+ spaces available on the map, and, if possible, I hope to fill them! I don't know if there are enough willing members to do that though. I like how it looks right now, with the square houses and big roads, but maybe sometime in the distant future I'll remake it. Not anytime soon though!

a: Anything else you'd like to share?

L: Nothing much, except thank you so much for interviewing me and I hope this interview may bring some new residents to YWS-Ville!

I really have loved checking out the little updates to the YWS-Ville thread, I think it does make the point that even though we all don't live right next-door to each other, in the way that we interact and contribute to YWS we are all part of a little community. Another project with similar themes that's on the horizon is an idea @Arcticus brought up on his wall a little while ago, The Big YWS Group Picture ! Watch for more information on the Group Picture and YWS-ville over in the forums. And if you're working on new projects that you'd like the site to know about, contact me over in my Squills Author Page and we might just set up an interview!

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Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:06 am
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written by Liberty < PM: >

Storybook month is upon us - less than a month left!

Honestly, I don’t know much about Storybook month, a) because I’m still sort of new to the site myself and b) because I haven’t exactly participated in it.

Now here I am, ready to interview @Magebird about what this month is all about!

Squills: Hey Mage! I’m a reporter for Squills and I was wondering if I could ask you a bunch of questions about Storybook Month.

Magebird: Definitely! :)

S: Alrighty! First off: what exactly is Storybook month?

M: Good question! Storybook Month (sometimes shortened to SB Month) is a month meant to celebrate the storybook section of YWS. That section and the celebration includes, storybooks, roleplays and the soon-to-be-renamed Double-Trouble Writing Huddle section. It's not exactly like it, but SB month is modeled after monthly events like NaPoWriMo, NaNoWriMo and RevMo.

In those events, the goal is to write as much poetry, novel chapters, and reviews as you can. SB Month is essentially the same thing, but with the storybook section instead. The biggest difference between them is that the storybook section is built on collaboration. You can write and review on your own, but you often have to wait for other people to post in the SB section. Because of that, there isn't really a daily requirement.

S: Ooh sounds like it's going to be quite busy, then, in the SB section of the site, I'm assuming. Do you have any advice for any new SBers out there?

M: I do!

My first piece of advice: if you're ever unsure of how to do something in a storybook, never be afraid to ask. Whether that's hitting up another person in the storybook you're in, asking me a question in the Storybooking Q&A thread, or checking out the many resources in the General Storybook Discussion and Storybook Rules & Resources , go for it! You'll always be able to find the answer you're looking for.

My second and last piece of advice for this question: don't forget you're here to have fun! If you're no longer enjoying a storybook - or a DTWH thread/roleplay - say something! It either means that the plot might need some spicing up, or you need to take a step back from it.

S:Awesome! I have a couple other questions that are more related to you and SBing. How did you first get into SBing?

M: I can't remember exactly what got me into storybooks, but I do remember it had something to do with a desire to roleplay. You can blame that on my friend @RaidenCheese. We actually met over on Fanfiction.net - I know I'm definitely dating myself here :P - but we stayed in touch even when I started spending more time on YWS. During the time we were both on there, we started roleplaying through the PM system. They definitely weren't the same quality as the roleplays I do now, but they definitely got me intrigued by the idea of characters from different stories interacting.

Once I started writing in the Roleplay Realm (which was called Character Chit-Chat at the time), I stumbled onto storybooks. I've been obsessed ever since!

S: That's amazing! Do you think your writing has improved ever since you started SBing?

M: It definitely has! Writing storybooks has helped me become better with plotting stories, and working on roleplays has given me a consistent writing schedule. It's hard not to improve when you're writing almost every single day. :)

S: Good point, haha. You definitely enjoy SBing but why do you think other people would enjoy it?

M: There's a couple of reasons!

If you're the one creating a storybook, roleplay or DTWH thread, you can use ideas that you've probably had kicking around for awhile. My brother's new storybook The Harvesters is one of those kinds of storybooks - it was an idea he had for a book, but he decided he didn't want to commit to a novel surrounding the plot. A storybook was a way to get that story across without having to put as much time or writing into it.

The storybook section is also a collaborative section. Writing tends to be a solitary thing, but you get to write with other people in any of the three parts of the storybook section. With storybooks, there's a chance you'll be writing a post with another person if your character is featured in their post - it's a very entertaining experience. And with DTWH threads and roleplays, you get to throw your already created characters outside of their comfort zones and see how they react to new people and new situations.

The last reason someone might enjoy it is that the creator of the thread is mostly in charge of the plot. There can be group plans, but a person who's just participating likely won't be doing as much planning. If you're someone like me who just loves to write and struggles with planning, that's a great way to do a lot of the first thing and a little of the second thing.

S: Nice! Now, can you release any secret information about what sort of SBs might be coming up in July? Or is that top secret stuff? :P

M: It's mostly secret information, but we can reveal that there may or may not be something involving a quest for super secret treasure. ;)

S: Ooh, that sounds cool! Okay, I promise I have one last question: I've heard... a rumor... that the SB mod crew are all pirates. Can you confirm or deny this? What more can you tell us?

M: Aye, we all be pirates, matey! :P

I can also tell you that we pirates like sharing our treasure, and that you can check out the Storybook Badges & Challenges thread if you want in on it! The SB Crew does monthly Captain's Challenges that let you build up a hefty amount of credits that can eventually get you some
really cool badges. And the current Captain's Challenge is a fairly simple one - all you have to do is make a new storybook! You can read more about in the thread.

(We'll also be having a SB month special Captain's Challenge, so keep an eye out for that at the beginning of July!)

And if you be a bigger fan of roleplays and DTWH threads, there's also the Voyage of the High Seas . It works a little differently than the challenge thread, but you can get some neat pirate-themed badges if you record your posts there.

S: That sounds fun! Thanks so much for taking your time out, Mage!

M: You're welcome! Thank you for taking the time to interview me. :)

Wow - a lot of information, huh? This is making me giddy for SB Month so I’ll be jumping around, waiting for when July comes.

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Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:08 am
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written by alliyah < PM: >

So as you likely know, most of the Randomosity Forum Thread is exactly what the title implies... random! It's filled with activities to waste time, chat, or just hangout, there's not necessarally a goal or a target. However there are a few threads that absolutely have an end in mind, and one of those is the Last Person to Post Here Wins thread. The point of the thread is to be the very last person to post, and upon doing so, you gain victory! Other factors involved include the fact that one never really knows when the thread will be closed because it could just end randomly if no one posts anymore, or it could end when a mod closes the thread (normally at page 98, 99, or 100). That's a lot of pages for randomness to ensue while fighting to be the last person to post! This iteration of the thread that I linked above is the 15th of its kind, a new one starting each time the first closes. There's something significant about this thread though, rather than it being just a few months old, this one was actually started in 2017 by @Kaylaa, making it the longest running Last Person to Post thread on the site It sort of came to a hault sometime after it was made, either because other threads sounded more exciting, or because for a while Randomosity was just not as popular as other activites on the site, and in my journalist opinion, the forums were dying a bit.

However the story gets better! Not too long ago the thread was really revived and with some very energetic folks. In doing research for my "This Month in History" column I stumbled across this bunch of Randomosity folks and decided to dive in with the hope of winning the contest (it's actually on my YWS bucket-list to win a Randomosity contest). When I joined in early June we were still only to page 60, seeing the date of when the thread was posted I had my doubts that I'd even still be alive by the time it finished. Well lo and behold after many random posts later, we did it. As of June 18th 2020 we closed up an era and a forgotten thread, @Liberty was the person who ultimately claimed the very last post on page 100, though I did manage to make the 2nd to last post for those who are counting!

I've never been very active in that section of the site, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself and wanted to let some of the people who fought along side me in those last thirty pages an opportunity to share their experience, so let's get to it! Here's what @Necromancer14, @Hkumar, @HarryHardy, and Liberty had to say.

alliyah: So why did you get involved with this random thread? Did you join for the chance at victory or the randomness of it all?

Necromancer14: At first it was the randomness, but near the end I got really competitive.

Hkumar: I think I just started it randomly but soon realised that there were many people who badly wanted to win this thread. Things turned out quite competitive when the end was near. Thanks to all the users who kept this thread alive and interesting.

HarryHardy: All the randomness

Liberty I did it because of the randomness of it all, honestly. It sounded weird, and I actually thought it was impossible to reach the 100th page because when I came in, we were at the... 50th page? 60th? I'm not sure, hah, but it was a small number compared to 100.

a: How did you manage to fill up so many pages?

N: By posting a lot. Duh. (In all seriousness though by procrastinating my schoolwork.)

Hk: We converted this thread into our own chat room and did some interesting stuffs to entertain each other. Every now and then someone would declare themselves the future winner but instead ended up receiving befitting replies by other users. We had really good poetry sessions, some cookery discussions, silly knock knock jokes, GIF wars, people were turned into liches, some took out swords while others attacked using frying pans.

Ha: By just typing nonsense

L: I remember a couple of us randomly brought in characters and we "fought" against each other in the woods or something? That took up quite a lot of posts. The only two I remember doing this with is are @FlamingPhoenix and @LadyBug.

Then there was the famous food fight in which many more participated. And that took up a lot of posts as well. We also had pretty long, random conversations. xD

a: Do you have any favorite memories from the thread?

N: The food fight, puns, poems, trash-talking... actually, pretty much the whole experience.

Hk: Unfortunately I'm suffering from memory loss because of head injuries that I received because of being continously wacked by frying pans. I don't remember the face of my attacker but she had very long hairs and was accompanied by two men who helped her in carrying out this awful act. LOL

Ha: Just the amazing people. They were all uniquely awesome. The whole thing is my favorite memory.

L The "roleplay" and the food fight. Also the gifs. :D

a: Any plans to participate in more Randomosity threads in the future?

N: Well of course.

Hk: Few months back when I joined the site the most of the threads were not so active but recently many have come back alive so I guess I will keep looking around for some fun. But one thing is for sure that I am going to win the Last Person To Post Here Wins (16) .

Ha: Of course!!! I shall participate as long as the Internet exists.

L Of course! I'm also subscribed to a gazillion other threads like the "Corrupt A Wish", "Describe the person you see above in three words...", "Ruin A Quote With Goats", "What is the first word you think of when I say...", "My last word, your first word." These are just a couple. uwu

Well there you have it, the ending of a Randomosity topic might not seem all that significant in the grand scheme of things but it is another sign YWS is chugging along. One door has closed and another has opened as they say. Writing continues to be a science, an art, and a skill, but there is also a significant chunk of it that is filled with randomness. Don't be afraid to lean into that! Who knows? Maybe you'll even find yourself the winner of the next Last Person To Post Here Wins (16) thread.

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Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:09 am
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written by EditorAndPerks < PM: >

Hello everyone to another issue of Squills and another addition to the Bits and Words series I had started. This time around, I have a confession - which I've probably used as an introduction into countless articles now - I have been really lagging on listening to podcasts the past few weeks.

In my defense, I would listen to my favorite two podcasts (also known as the only two I listened to) on my daily drives to college, and in between classes while I walked around, or had to study for a few hours and I didn't want to listen to anyone around me. I loved, loved having these people's voices for quite a long time every weekday, and sometimes weekend, when I sat down to crunch out some homework assignments.

There was definitely something about such a nice atmosphere, for me at least, even while I was busy at school or having to try to ignore whatever was happening outside of class. I do miss that feeling, especially because I can't even keep up with the daily news as these podcasts are just people from a larger company, and I fail at really knowing what's going on most of the time. I did get news that one of the founding members just left - (I'm talking about RoosterTeeth in case anyone's missing) and so that had been a major surprise.

Now, I've actually been watching quite a lot of YouTube videos, and not even many RoosterTeeth themed one. I couldn't even tell you the reason why, truly, because it would be rather easy to click on them and eventually catch up, but I think I know a slightly possible reason. Today's feeling is far different than a few months ago, and I think I'm just not as interested, save for a few very important topics/timing that I've listened to.

That probably seems a bit weird, and I can admit to always seeming weird in person and my daily activities, which involves a few hours on YWS and quite a few open tabs at all times. However, even with the season changing from spring to summer makes this atmosphere, this world we're all living in, feel different too, not to mention the cultural shift that's blasting through every neighborhood right now, too.

It's just, everything feels different. Nothing I had really done before seems to give me the same vibe it had at first. Is that from quarantine? From online school? From realizing I might not be able to move out of my family's house? Who knows.

All I know is I probably should start listening to my podcasts soon. On that day, maybe I'll be happy with a reminder of what was recorded actual months ago.

I hope you are all safe, healthy, and happy. Until next time.

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Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:09 am
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written by alliyah < PM: >

Have you ever noticed that my username is not capitalized? I'm fairly sure there aren't people sitting at home reading Squills right now saying, "Why yes! I've actually always wondered this, and think about it daily!" but hang-tight, this is going to relate to the topic of this article in just a moment.

The reason I have left my name un-capitalized is because names are conventionally capitalized (at least in standardized American English). Ironic right? Yep, I un-capitalized my username specifically to be a rule-breaker. There are also other reasons to leave it uncapitalized; while a capital letter often evokes the feeling of a proper-noun defined by a name, rank, or title, an uncapitalized letter might make the reader question the word beyond its naming quality, or its etymological-background and descriptive function. In other-words, I like the fact that my username functions as both an identifier, and an actual word! The word "aliyah" is a Hebrew word that means to "return home or to ascend" - in actual Hebrew-letters there also aren't "capital" letters so there is even more reason to leave it lowercased. I also like that an uncapitalized letter lets the words talk without interruption of sentence structure or titles, an uncapitalized letter is humble, quiet, dwelling and not demanding - it asks you to read the word for what it is rather than just what it describes. Does this mean all usernames should be lowercased? No, other people probably want to evoke something different with their username, good for them, it serves a different purpose! I'm just letting you know that personally my choice to leave my username lowercased was not a typo, but was an intentional choice for how I wanted to be perceived on the site.

So what does this have to do with poetry? I've been seeing a lot of feedback over in the review section recently saying "You need to capitalize all the "i'". Now, if you've read my Poetry Perspective on Suspicious Readers you'll know that free-verse poetry (not structured poetry) doesn't actually have official rules that need to be kept! There are trends that people follow, but those are for each poet to use and weigh, including grammatical conventions. So to say that capitalizing "i's" is a "rule" is out of line for poetry. In fact there are many modern published poets, like the current most successful poet maybe in the world, #1 New York Times bestselling author Rupi Kaur, who do not capitalize "i's" in their poetry. So if you're saying that a poem needs to have capital "i's" it makes about as much sense as me saying to a prose-writer, "Your chapter titles need to be numbered with roman numerals" or "You need to have the word "the" in your title". While you might be referring to trends you've seen, these simply aren't real rules that exist, so it is nonsensical to state them without any context.

Now when I first joined YWS, I had never read a published poem that didn't capitalize "i's" so while I liked lowercasing sentence beginnings I thought that leaving "i" lowercased was unsophisticated, jarring, distracting, juvenile, and irreverent. And I think there are many people who get that same feeling when reading things that don't have capital letters, whether it's "i" or otherwise. Is that relevant to the poet? Yes! Absolutely! If you feel unsettled, offended, confused, wierded-out, or angered by lowercased letters, that will definitely effect your reading of a piece that uses only lowercased letters and so letting the poet know that would be very useful to them. But it is more useful to refer to your reaction or perception of the use of capitalization, rather than just saying, "you need capitalization" and assuming the author will know you mean that you love capitalization, and wish they'd use it.

Further, consider this, have you ever read The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe? It's creepy, unsettling, makes me want to stop reading, and makes me a bit nautious honestly. Just like sometimes prose-pieces aren't just intended to be pleasing to the mind and ear, and make the reader feel a happy-fuzziness. Sometimes the point of a poem is to make the reader unsettled. Perhaps that feeling of being unsettled that you are pointing out is "against the rules" is exactly the feeling that the poet was trying to evoke. In which case, it is still very valuable for you to tell the poet your experience of reading lowercased/capitalized letters so that the poet can determine which course is best to take. And just like I have many reasons for lower-casing my username, many poets take a long time to make an intentional stylistic choice about how to use their capitalization in poetry, by assuming it was a typo or mistake you're just not giving the author very much credit.

* Does this mean all letters should be lowercased all the time? No, especially if the poet seems to be inconsistent within their poem about their capitalization methods.
* Does this mean I should never bring up awkward lowercased letters in my reviews? Also no.
* Do these same ideas apply to all structured poems? No, these sometimes do have formal rules, so there are different considerations to be made.

TL;DR If you take anything away from this article, please remember there is no ultimate divine rule about capitalization in poetry, and it is more helpful for the author if you share your impression about the effect of the poem than to spread made up rules about poetry.

If you liked this article you might enjoy @Aley's Knowledge Base Article "Capitalization in Poetry" which gives information about the different styles of capitalization in poetry.

A little disclaimer: as with all my "Poetry Perspective" pieces, this article is mostly my opinion and doesn't necessarily reflect ultimate truth or the opinion of all poets everywhere in all times and spaces. If you disagree to have a different-take, I'd actually love to hear your perspective, we can chat about this topic or any other poetry topic over at my Squills Author Page . Also if you are someone who has been saying "you need to capitalize i" this isn't meant to attack you, thanks for reviewing poetry and putting your opinions out there! As I said earlier, I spent many years saying the same exact thing because I thought it was true. I might not have changed your mind, but I hope you'll at least consider this Poetry Perspective.

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Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:11 am
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written by EternalRain < PM: >

Take a moment to welcome this week’s newest members to the site!

Along with reviewing, @anne27 has also gotten familiar with the YWS forums! They’ve even created a service in the YWS Trading Post where you can request a character drawing for 50 points .

@Stormblessed242, a Lord of The Rings, Brandon Sanderson, and short story writer, has already gained their first review star on the site!

@Cow, a member who’s returning to YWS for a new start, has already been really active on the site with 12 helpful reviews! She’s posted several short stories and works already. She’s also begun posting their novel. If you’re intrigued by a historical romance, check out the first part: Chapter 0 - A Preface Before You Read! .

Other members who haven't had a chance to be as active, but are no less a member of our family are...

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Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:12 am
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written by SquillsBot < PM: >

We love to run articles and questions, but we also love to advertise for you. Let people know about your new blog, a poem or story you’re looking for reviews on, or a forum thread you’d like more traffic on through Squills’ Shameless Plugs. PM @SquillsBot with the exact formatting of your advertisement, contained in the following code.

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Place advertisement here. Make sure you include a title!

And now for this week's Shameless Plugs!


YWS Advertising Post

Need more advertisements in your life?
Or maybe you just want to keep up with the latest events on YWS?

Join the YWS Advertising Post so you don't miss any of the upcoming events and feel free to share your own news too!



Want to have fun and exercise your abilities as a poet? Consider joining this challenge. Each round will have a random set of parameters, including things like theme, rhyme scheme, format, etc. There are no eliminations and anyone is free to join or leave at any time. I think everyone will find something exciting for them!


Speak Your Truth, Even If Your Voice Shakes.

submit your piece to Survivor Magazine.

Survivor, previously known as Queer as in F*** You, is a digitally and physically produced zine featuring multiple creators per volume, centering on all things feminist, queer, punk, social justice, activist, and sex positive. It is edited by Oliver Kamber (@Bullet), and E.M Anderson (@BluesClues).

Publication of Survivor's third issue is slated for June 16, 2020. Deadline for submissions is June 14, 2020.

Check out submission guidelines here and email your submission to survivorzine.submissions@gmail.com......!



Welcome to the Universe

Do you want to participate in a universe with other YWSers? Would you like to create a diverse universe and mold it as you write? Do you want to write a deep story in an interconnected universe? Do you like writing with others, or just worldbuild for stories? Young Writers Universe is always open and inviting!




That's all folks~ Now send us yours.

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Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:13 am
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written by SquillsBot < PM: >

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So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install a lovely bookcase on the wall.
— Roald Dahl