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Sat Dec 18, 2021 9:30 pm
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alliyah wrote a review...

What text did you use for this? :) And did you use a certain program to make it into a blackout poem? I really really like the light affect on the left side i think it makes it super interesting.

My favorite phrases from this are

Could you really [break] be loved

oof. something about the break between those too - feels very much like it's capturing the emotion of that sentiment.

Another favorite:

Something inside of you
torn [break] apart

Also love:

Sometimes [break] You

there's something very heart-catching about the breaks and words in that - > it can be interpreted different ways, like sometimes you emotionally fall, sometimes you physically fall, sometimes your eyes fall while reading, sometimes you fall in love. etc etc.

here's another example of a great break in the text.

Nowadays even outside of black out poetry it's becoming more typical / trendy to leave spaces mid-line, and that's not something I've experimented with much, but I think you've got some great instances of it in here, where you can read phrases in circles and left to right and up and down and it makes it a little bit like a word-search of a poem that feels very interactive.

My suggestion: I think usually people do give credit to the original text that you used to create the blackout poem, and I think that not only gives good credit which is part of sort of artistic integrity, but also I think adds another layer of interest to the piece to know what the words were transformed from.

I'm not sure I liked that the only instance of a handwritten word was just the word "think" it seemed to come at an odd point in the text, and unless you're going to use that technique twice I'm wondering if it was more distracting than beneficial. I usually say that if you're doing something very odd with your formatting, unless that is the climax and most important point of the piece, make sure it's repeated twice so that the reader doesn't draw all their attention to it and put unnecessary weight into it. If you use an odd formatting choice twice, then the reader has context to figure out what the formatting meant, instead of just being drawn to it like a single "x" on a map.

I'm not sure I have a solid interpretation of this piece - but I did get the emotions of loss, searching, finding, wonder, regret, self-doubt, and enormity. A lot of constellation and brooding vibes and imagery in here. And even though I can't paint a concrete picture of what it all means, I do leave with some very concrete feelings from the piece - which at the end of the day is sometimes the most impactful thing a poem can do.

Thanks for writing; I love seeing experimental pieces like this, and hope you try to write some more! :)

Keep writing!


stygianmoon17 says...

Hey there Alliyah, thanks a lot for the review :)

So uhhh for the text, i just took a random page out of a book I was reading (perhaps Six of Crows ? Or another, it was a long time ago haha)
Thanks so much !! I used a montage app, it's called Photofox :p

The "think" wasn't done on purpose lol, it was a technical problem ^^

I'm glad you liked it cause i was kinda thinking of taking it down, writers cringe, u know ? So thank you a lot for this kind review :)

alliyah says...

Oh neat! I'll have to take a look at that app! :) And definitely don't take it down; it's very neat!

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Wed Mar 31, 2021 10:43 am
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InJung15 wrote a review...

Definitely a unique and creative idea to place the words in a particular way that conveys the idea of a blackout. Loved the first few lines of the poem, especially where you stated that;

"Something inside of you is torn apart"

The way you put this in separate "torn" pieces really puts more emphasis on the actual phrase itself, so well done!

One thing though, I can barely see the lines around the bottom left, could you perhaps make it a bit clearer?

Other than that it was really good and I loved your idea, well done and keep up the brilliant work!!!

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Mon Mar 29, 2021 3:03 pm
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JamesPeterson wrote a review...

Heyo! A flaming, floating book here to give a review.
First thing I noticed (and you did too) was that it was kind of hard to read. The connected sentences can sometimes be hard to tell where they lead.
You have to reread it a bit. So not just the background, (which is awesome by the way), but the way it kind of interferes with the way you read. (Might just be me... :))
Second, I loved the poem. You are a great poet for getting such a clear poem from a completely different text.
I don't have too much to say. It was good!

~Zacharias Drake/James Peterson

ForeverYoung299 says...

The way is to read line-by- line. It follows a straight pattern from top to bottom. Like%u2013
Sometimes you fall you feel that something inside you is torn apart... Like this. Didu get what I meant?

JamesPeterson says...

Yeah, i get it. :)

stygianmoon17 says...

hi there :D thanks for the review !
this is a blackout poem so I kinda couldn't decide where to place each word lol, but basically, you just have to read like you'd read a book, left to right, up to down, and I know and am sorry about the background, I didn't think it'd be so annoying to read with it ://
hope this answers ur questions :D

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Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:25 pm
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ForeverYoung299 wrote a review...

To be actual, it's hard to read. I really liked the background and the way you arranged the poem–it looks like torn pieces of paper. You did a good job of the ‘blackout poetry’ concept. The words are not that far from apprehensible but I would suggest making the words a bit clearer in that turquoise coloured portion. They are a bit hard to read.

And yes, is it a real blackout poem? I mean did you do it from an established text? If yes, you are so talented! If no, then also you are an awesome poet.

The message is really good: No one can value your life better than yourself.

Overall, a very good one. Keep it up.


stygianmoon17 says...

thanks a lot for the review :D
this actually does come from a mashup of two texts, I'm not sure which one as I just found it out of text book, but yes it is a genuine text

ForeverYoung299 says...

That's great!!! You are awesome. Great work

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Mon Mar 29, 2021 11:41 am
stygianmoon17 says...

argh sorry
I didn't realise it was this hard to read 😓

You are not the voice in your mind, but the one who is aware of it.
— Eckhart Tolle