Hello there! I’m here to leave a review of your work. Thank you for posting, now let’s get into it!
What stood out to me:
Of course, the sheer amount of color portrayed and shown visibly in this poem is what catches the eye. As the poem evolves with the narrator, the colors only multiply, indicating the growth of experience and of knowledge in the narrator. This touch is very well done and creative, and I love that that concept is only expanded upon in the narrative of the poem itself.
Also, each color represents different emotions and tones which matches the age of the narrator. Yellow and pink being vibrant, happy, childlike colors, then the addition of other bright colors before diving into darker colors as the world becomes “darker” to the narrator.
The tone shift from age 10 to 15 is drastic, yet completely fitting as those ages are extremely predominant in the growing ages, especially as emotions become more complex and the mind becomes more aware of the reality of the world around them.
This poem begins and ends on a hopeful note, which I love. I am glad you didn’t go into the direction of “life was once good now it sucks” but instead focus on how there is so much to experience in life and the importance, hope, and excitement of learning more. That strong emotion of nostalgia yet hope for the future is strong in this poem, and you did a really good job of portraying those emotions through the use of color and language.
Critiques or suggestions:
Overall, Ley, this was a really lovely poem and I really enjoyed reading it. I have been wanting to write a poem similar by showing my growth throughout the years, and I think you did that craftily and notably. I love this poem.
Keep writing and I hope to read more work from you!
- Fleur
Points: 18
Reviews: 30