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Young Writers Society

The Fields of My Childhood

by Elektra

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Thu Jul 11, 2024 2:44 pm
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Lullaby wrote a review...

Hello there! I’m here to leave a review of your work. Thank you for posting, now let’s get into it!

What stood out to me:
Of course, the sheer amount of color portrayed and shown visibly in this poem is what catches the eye. As the poem evolves with the narrator, the colors only multiply, indicating the growth of experience and of knowledge in the narrator. This touch is very well done and creative, and I love that that concept is only expanded upon in the narrative of the poem itself.

Also, each color represents different emotions and tones which matches the age of the narrator. Yellow and pink being vibrant, happy, childlike colors, then the addition of other bright colors before diving into darker colors as the world becomes “darker” to the narrator.

The tone shift from age 10 to 15 is drastic, yet completely fitting as those ages are extremely predominant in the growing ages, especially as emotions become more complex and the mind becomes more aware of the reality of the world around them.

This poem begins and ends on a hopeful note, which I love. I am glad you didn’t go into the direction of “life was once good now it sucks” but instead focus on how there is so much to experience in life and the importance, hope, and excitement of learning more. That strong emotion of nostalgia yet hope for the future is strong in this poem, and you did a really good job of portraying those emotions through the use of color and language.

Critiques or suggestions:
n/a :)

Overall, Ley, this was a really lovely poem and I really enjoyed reading it. I have been wanting to write a poem similar by showing my growth throughout the years, and I think you did that craftily and notably. I love this poem.

Keep writing and I hope to read more work from you!
- Fleur

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Wed Jul 10, 2024 8:04 am
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WeepingWisteria wrote a review...

Hey, Ley!

I'm here to review lovely your poem here! It's no secret that I love artistic elements in poems, so making your poem both focus on colors and incorporate different colored text is wonderful. But your work isn't just a one-trick pony. The narrative of the poem is compelling and quite relatable to anyone trying to find joy in adulthood. With that said, let's get into it! I'll divide my review into sections for each stanza.

I was only five.
I love that the colors of the header match the colors focused on in the poem. However, since the yellow is only on the "I" it feels a little off-balanced. A little more yellow in the header would be fantastic. Unless you intended to make this sort of lopsided, then you succeed! I love the imagery of a small child being wrapped in flowers and bright colors associated with innocence and happiness.

I was only ten.
I love how this stanza serves as a transition. Many novice poets make the mistake of changing from one feeling to the other with no build-up, but easing into new territory makes the succeeding emotions feel more powerful. I love how only one letter here has a new color to hint that dull tones are sneaking into the speaker's life.

I was only fifteen.
I love how every word is a different color now. It gives the image of someone experimenting, trying something new to toss it aside for the next new thing. I love the image of the field shrinking and the references to puberty as a catalyst for self-expression.

I was only twenty.
I love the shift here from all dark colors to brighter ones. I also love how this stanza juxtaposes the stillness of the previous stanzas with lots of action verbs associated with confusion and rushing. It feels like walking off a field into a busy road.

I'm only twenty-four.
This stanza is a perfect ending stanza. All the combinations of colors, bright and dark, as well the soft verb "linger" next to the harsher verb "explode" draw from the past as much as the memory of laughter. I also love the open-ended question to tie us off, showing us how much life the speaker has to live. They still have time to explore themselves.

Overall, beautiful job, Ley! I loved this poem. Thanks for publishing; I enjoyed reading.

Happy Writing!

Elektra says...

Thank youu <333!!!!

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Wed Jul 10, 2024 2:36 am
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EllieMae wrote a review...

Oh Ley, this is lovely. The more you grew, the more colors you were able to see and the most colors you found. Right from the start, I was blown away.

I danced in fields where laughter bloomed like flowers,
It wrapped around me, shielding me from the world.

I love how we dont start in black and white. It really ties in to this question that a lot of people debate- are we born good or evil? You started with yellows and pinks and laughter that bloomed like flowers. Life was simple, just like the words you use to describe your situation and just like the colors.

I noticed you used the word 'hue' a few times in this piece. Just wanted to point out that I think that is a cool and very poetic word, so nice job.

My body changed, and I was experimenting with my soul.
Hues of uncertainty now mingled with the familiar,
And I was starting to open my color palette a bit more.

as you grew into a teenager and began to experiment with life and who you were, you opened your own color palette to more opportunities, way of life, way of living, ways of loving and being. I love the colors that you use to describe this. And I love how as we move in to twenty, you bring back memories of those fields from being five. We see you as you, not as the reflective narrator. Amazing.

And then 24, in all the colors of the rainbow. You use more complex and reflective words here, compared to when your palate was smaller. You have painted this beautiful, color filled canvas. Personally, I would have left out one color of the rainbow to symbolize that I am not complete and that growth will continue as my life continues. This image you paint is vivid and beautiful Amazing work!!

Always a pleasure to read you poems <33 Love ya!

Your friend,


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Wed Jul 10, 2024 2:19 am
chrysanthemumcentury says...



Elektra says...

Yeeeessssss <33333 Thank youu!!!

My tongue must tell the anger of my heart, or else my heart, concealing it, will break...
— Katherine, The Taming of the Shrew