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Reviews: 177

Sat Aug 10, 2024 2:13 pm
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Kaia wrote a review...

Oooh I really liked the read! You used some great metaphors such as about being a puppeteer or time traveler. All of those sound like such exciting venues and added such a vivid picture in my mind. Especially the creator of a world entirely on its own. But then the last part...That was so entirely unexpected it might me by surprise, but it's so true!! You do create yourself into written literature as a reflection of yourself. So it's an interesting thought that we authors are both creature and creator in this instance. Writing does really show a side to us that nearly nothing else does, the innermost part that many of us hide away from people. In a way, writing is also an escape from being the person everyone wants us to be and into the person we are, again like being the creator of ourselves. I find this to be a particularly thought-provoking piece. Thanks for sharing!!

(Also, maybe this has already been mentioned but the cursor is visible at the end of the last sentence but I do love that the style looks different than the YWS format. It adds intrigue and Times New Roman and similar fonts add to the bookish vibes of this poem. :D)

Thoughts concluded,

Edit: I realize the cursor issue has already been fixed with the text version below. But I still love the font choice. :) You could maybe sticky that so it pops up at the top of the comments, though if you'd like. ^^

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43 Reviews

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Reviews: 43

Thu Aug 08, 2024 7:59 pm
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AnotherCrowInRow wrote a review...

Hi! Another CrowInRow (or simply Kay) here with a review of this truly fantastic poem!
The first thing that really interested me was the formatting of this work. At first glance, the work looks very professional, and immediately after the first reading, it was clear to me that I had just found a new favorite poem.
You have an amazing speaking voice. The poem is incredibly readable, and in a relatively short period of time you build a whole writer's world for us here.
I love this job. That is probably the most important part of this review - the rest are just embellishments and variations on this statement. Well, the truth is simple - I really liked this work, and it will definitely not be surpassed by anything in my eyes (and I say this as someone who is not normally a big fan of poetry).
So...hats off to you (I hope that is slang term is also used in English), bravó! and keep writing! I can't wait for your next pieces.

Have a nice day/night/whatever and stay safe!

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110 Reviews

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Reviews: 110

Thu Aug 08, 2024 4:39 pm
gruzinkerbell wrote a review...

Hi Ley! First off, you always have the prettiest covers on these :D. Secondly, let me actually review this. Let's dive in:

The Good Stuff
- You have great imagery and figurative language. Often when I read poems, I expect to be tugged on my heartstrings instead of being thrust into a new world. But you broke that stereotype with this poem, and while reading it I felt like I was whisked away into an enchanted forest.
- Your word choice seems very meticulously thought out. Every word seemed very precise and added a touch of formality to your writing.
- The repetitiveness of each stanza helps build an overall theme in your poem.

Room For Improvement
- I have no advice to give you here. You're a masterful poet, and I hope to learn from you every time I read your poems.

Overall Opinion
- This poem was mesmerizing and wistful due to its fascinating description and worldbuilding. I loved it, and thanks for sharing it :D

Happy writing, and have a blessed day!



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177 Reviews

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Reviews: 177

Wed Aug 07, 2024 5:26 am
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Ley says...

Thank you moonlily for pointing out that I forgot the text version! (I need to get used to this XD) Here it is!

I like to think I’m an author. Or maybe I’m a
conjurer of realms where dragons breathe fire and mages weave spells; where the moon whispers secrets and the sky is painted in hues of purple and teal.
I could be a spirit, one that flies freely over lands and haunts those who wronged them—
a speck of fairy dust that lingers on the words in my pages.

I like to think I’m an author. Or perhaps I’m a
dreamer. I create worlds in my head, from the land that twinkles with sunlight to the cavern that I so carefully deemed unapproachable.
I often walk through forests where the trees sing me countless lullabies and
cross rivers that shimmer with the glow of moonlight.

I like to think I’m an author. Or maybe I’m a
time traveler, I travel through threads of time, from the golden age to the dawn
of what I imagine to be our future.
Like a puppeteer, I raise my hand and cause my heroes to fall, I bind them with ink and transform their personalities; craft them to be better.

But what if, in truth, I am the creation?—
Not the creator, a reflection bound by the threads that that origin from my very own fingertips,
A product of my own fantasies, reminiscent of the characters I built.
What if I’m outlining my life on paper, writing only what I know?
Then perhaps, in my stories, I’m both the pen and the page.

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172 Reviews

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Reviews: 172

Wed Aug 07, 2024 5:13 am
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Moonlily wrote a review...

Hello Hello I hope you dont mind me popping in with a quick review. I apologize, as this might be short, but I hope it brightens your day nonetheless. However, I think that's enough rambling for one intro. Let's get into it, shall we?

Overall I found this a short but truly engaging read. In a few lines, I felt like I had just read a whole novel. All these settings described feel like they have actual stories and books linked to them. ( If they do and I haven't read them yet forgive me for that.) However, if those stories aren't on here I would love to read them.

The way you use details to make these places real where stunning. Although they weren't overly flowery they created such a vivid picture that wanted to paint them as they sounded beautiful. I cant paint at all so I would take that as a win.

Moving on from your usually impressive prose, I want to say I love the themes you play with. The idea of where the author ends and where the characters begin is always an interesting one. In a way, it can be hard to tell because the author is a single person, wants, dreams, outlooks and personalities can seep in without notice. We created this world maybe to escape our lives or due to wanting to say something about life but in the end we find something about ourselves.

Of course not everything can be read into like that but sometimes thinking like this can be interesting.

Now onto the very short feedback section of this review. The only thing I could think to bring up is the lack of a text version. However, that's less with the poem itself and more for reviewing purposes.

you did a great job with this one keep it up.

As always stay creative and remember to drink water!

Ley says...

Thank you for reminding me to post the text version! Thanks for the feedback <3

When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty, but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she always had been. But she had wings.
— Dean Jackson