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im the only change and i bet everyone's tired of it

by LadyBug

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Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:29 pm
EllieMae wrote a review...


Hey LadyBug! Ellie back once again to review another masterpiece of yours! Let's get right into the review :D

This was a very short poem. The lines feel very straightforward and easy to read. I did not lose interest, because you mentioned so many different topics that it kept me engaged throughout.

We begin with your neighbor, who thinks you think thinks that you are a bad person. You mention specific details like how you think he has a "mommy kink" and how you know he likes to share prescription pills. I really love how specific these two phrases are. The next stanza moves on to how you also think you are not a good person. I love that line that you used that says:

i came home for winter break and i dont think i ever left
im the only change and i bet everyone's tired of it

All of your poetry feels relatable to me in one way or another, because it has this college feel to it.The idea of going home but never leaving (even though you did) is super lovely. We see you trying to tell yourself that you are an honest person. You also think you are a bad person after mentioning how your boyfriend thinks he is going crazy.

I absolutely love how you finished this. People often use that phrase "singing to the choir" but I love how you extend this into a court like metaphor with a jury, judge, and even an exectutioner. I love how you expand from the individual to others. This poem is a lot of your observing others and what leads you to believe that they view you as a bad person, in my opinion. But what even is a bad person? and what is so bad about being one?

Keep writing <333 Love your poetry!!

Your friend,


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Tue Apr 09, 2024 7:11 am
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22Midnight wrote a review...

Hi names 22Midnight
hope your doing well, let's get into it!

the person who wrote this is showing a lot of pain and obviously want's to be a good person but thinks there not. It is a very simple but very well done poem that I enjoyed reading from finish to end, you have a good way of putting everything into words but making it seem simple in away that is easy to understand. To me this showed that life can be very hard and people judge themselves way to harshly sometimes, and they just need to take a step back and look at everything they've done and learn from it and be thankful for being tort a new lesson.

I do hope this isn't very realistic though for your sake, because I want you to know that you are loved and should be valued by everyone around you.

anyway that's it from me

hope you have a great dawn/dusk/midnight

See Ya

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 5:48 am
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KaavyaK says...

That's relatable, by the way nice poem.

LadyBug says...

your neighbor too huh

KaavyaK says...

Nah friends...

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