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Frost Lark News 3/12/98

by sheysse

Frost Lark News 3/12/98

By Daniel Survell

“Some Numbers”

Time for some numbers. These numbers have been provided to us by the University of Frost Lark. Just yesterday I was walking by the university and an arm of brick spouted out of a wall, handing me a note with these numbers. It also told me I must share these in the next print or it will destroy everything I hold dear. I remember when I attended the University of Frost Lark. Good times. Anyhow, numbers; 17% of frogs are in your living room. 77% of your body is water, and 77% of the world's surface is water. That means there is a 100% chance you're Earth.


The Royal Architect of Frost Lark unveiled his blueprints for the soon-to-be-constructed Frost Lark Prison. This came as a surprise to many, because no one knew we had a Royal Architect. It was also a shock that the government intends to revoke the current system of punishment, which includes unimaginable torture as a result of stealing. Murder can be punished by a scarring trip through time to view the end of our existence as we know it. Many don't survive, and so a need for a prison has never arisen. We shall see how this new system will fit in with our society, and if the current poverty will bring problems to this project.


This week, the Travellers returned. They brought with them a woman donning strange clothing, including pants. Many wonder if this is the woman prophecized to be brought on ship to save the town from poverty. Personally, I don't think the Travellers would have brought with them someone if they weren't mean to solve our problem. But you don't read the newspapers for personal thoughts, so I will say the facts show this woman will be our hero.


Strawberries are now illegal.

Buy from us?

-That Russian soldier on your doorstep


We see you. And you. And you. Oh, and you. Yep, you too. Yes, and you. Wouldn't forget you. No, we can't see you. Sorry, there's too many of you. Just, um, take this knife and get rid of the undesireables. There you go.

-The Seven Eyed Government

“We see all of you. When there's seven of you.”

Survey Time

No, sorry. Not in the budget. Tune in next week to learn what "tune in" means and why it's in a newspaper!

“Some (More) Numbers”

11% of Russian Soldiers are on your doorstep illegalizing strawberries and selling baby tortoises. 50% of halves are greater than a random number higher than seven but lower than the Mariana Trench. 39% of spaghetti exists. 94% of people will attempt to find a secret message in these numbers. 14% will realize there isn't one. The other 86% are still looking. 3.1415% of pies are sold to you. 100% of Frost Lark citizens shall go to the University of Frost Lark. This has been a non-sponsored message from the University of Frost Lark.

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Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:16 pm
Danni88 says...

Ha ha, love the pie joke XD! I - oh hang on, there's a Russian soldier on my doorstep. I'd better go and see what he wants. Baby tortoises? No, sorry. *bites into a strawberry* Um... no. What strawberries? *hides strawberry behind back and slams door*

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Wed Mar 29, 2017 6:33 pm
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Lumi wrote a review...

It's so incredibly difficult not to hear this in The Lord's Silken Voice.

Each of these continue the same level of humor and oddity, and I'm glad you can pull that off well as a solo writer. It's very admirable, and it makes me wonder how you'd fare in the writing room for The Big Leagues in the Professional World. The idea seems promising looking at these works.

The opening was strong--with the hand jutting from the university. With the Twist On The Small Town deal you know there's going to be something, but this is well done and made me grin. "These numbers came from the University of Frost Lark." ;) Clever!

And honestly I don't have much criticism for this, but I will drill into the random numbers not quite getting the humor level as the remainder of the piece--that is, in the second installment. The first time, it was wonderful. 100% chance you are the earth. Perfect. But the second go about it was just random and haphazard and just a rehash, like a budget reboot of a great film.

So just with the concepts in Frost Lark's spiritual predecessor, I'd likewise advise you to study how repeating segments are given time and attention so their content is always at least repeat-par and never a let-down. After the repeats, they can vary, but never go under where the bar is set the very first time.

I hope this helps,

sheysse says...

Thanks for the review!

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Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:00 pm
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Feltrix says...

Um, just to be clear, I no longer get a free trip to the end of the universe? Awww.

Also, you misspelled 'strawberries' the first time around, and "Many survive, and so a need for a prison has never arisen." doesn't make sense to me.

Will there be any explanation for why the news hasn't been published for the past two weeks, because my world has dissolved into chaos without knowing what's happening out in the real world. This paper is my only connection, you know.

sheysse says...

Thanks for the review! Those were primarily the result of typos, and I fixed them! :)

And no, you don't get a free trip to the end of the universe.

I'll say this to you, since Dracula didn't notice it right off the bat either. You may have spotted it, but look at the date.

Feltrix says...

I didn't notice it immediately, but after reading the lower posts, I did a double take.

sheysse says...

I see.

sheysse says...

I see.

Feltrix says...

I think it would be great to say "The university reached out to us."

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Mon Mar 13, 2017 12:17 am
Dracula says...

Okay, so it /was/ a Frost Lark prison? And now I think that the end of the world the past criminals saw was actually a whole lot sooner than I was thinking...

sheysse says...


sheysse says...


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Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:56 pm
Dracula wrote a review...

Here are my rambling thoughts once more...

Just yesterday I was walking by the university and an arm of brick spouted out of a wall, handing me a note with these numbers. It also told me I must share these in the next print or it will destroy everything I hold dear.
I am wondering whether this actually happened (magic school? FrostLark's pesky version of Hogwarts?) or whether it's a metaphor for something else.

Death can be punished by a scarring trip through time to view the end of our existence as we know it.
Do the people who come back ever try to change anything? Or are they just sent insane? Also, if I remember correctly, prisoners have in the past been sent to Ice____ (I forget the name), that other town. That's right, yeah?

No, sorry. Not in the budget. Tune in next week to learn what "tune in" means and why it's in a newspaper!
Uh oh, it seems some government funding has been cut from the 'fake media'. :P

So many questions from this edition of the paper! I would like the university to make later appearances though, since it was basically the prime focus of this edition.

sheysse says...

Thanks for the review! I'm glad you have questions... Muahahahah
Also, yes, I intend to bring the university back.
Also also, look at the date. I'm not sure if you did, but many people would probably skip over it. Either it may help your questions, or make your confusion worse.
Bye now! :)

Dracula says...

Oh my goodness my mind has been blown. You're absolutely right, I skipped over the date. Now I need to go back and reanalyse all of this.

sheysse says...

Have fun with that. XD

Feltrix says...

Hang on, does this mean that from now on, Frost Lark News will be sent from 2098 or 2198 or 3002598, or was this a from-the-future special. Is the writer of the newspaper the same? And time travel is only possible in the future?! I knew that $1.00 for a time machine was too good to be true....

sheysse says...

Feltrix think about this line. "They brought with them a woman donning strange clothing, including pants." Your guessing dates in the wrong direction, my friend.

Hints hints hints

Feltrix says...


Feltrix says...

I'm not big on history of the past thousand years. Before then, I know stuff, but I'm pretty sure that women wearing pants wasn't that weird in 1998. 1898 would be more historically accurate, and I'm sure it was weird in 1798.

sheysse says...

Here's my next hint... Was it more normal for Russian soldiers to be in America in 1798 or 1898?

attempting foot extraction
— Mea