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Frost Lark News 10/31/16

by sheysse

Frost Lark News 10/31/16

By Skyla Holt

“Recent Events”

It has occurred to me that the last three or so weeks have been rather hectic, but it was never recorded. If a historian were to look at our town's past, they would see no info on the things that have transpired. Thus, I have decided to recap the last month as quickly as possible.

After a very close election, Gregory Fitzgerald was voted mayor. He then closed the news facilities, as well as firing town council, essentially creating a dictatorship. Sarah Lynn, his competitor in the race, mailed me and Mayor Clayton, and revealed that she was actually just a twelve year old girl. She then made us bring her with us to Cloud Ice so that she could kill Fitzgerald. In the madness that followed the death of our mayor, Mayor Clayton and co-Mayor Harvey stepped in and were accepted with open arms. They reopened the newspaper printing factory and appointed me to write it.

“The Newspaper”

I apologize for the delayed print. Having to write the entire newspaper myself required some getting used to, and then of course the pigs escaped, so I had to clean up the blood. But I finally was able to write it. I am the only one now who writes the papers, but I have decided to accept fan-articles. Of course, you can mail it to me using the mail system we have always used. Go into the post office, and in the far right corner is the system title, “Message.” Address it me, but you must make sure to use my governmentally appointed mail name, Sheyren. Then just put your article into the message, and I'll decide the best one to put into the print. Good luck, participants!


Now, in Frost Lark, death is rare, since we are modified to not die as easily as normal humans (We'll only sell the technology to the highest bidder. Bidding takes place directly from our website.). However, a true hero was recently put to death as a result of martial law. Here is her obituary.

She was born in France in March of 2004, but moved to Frost Lark a year later. She grew to love this town, and when a certain man was voted into the mayoral office, she protested not just with words, but with actions. While much of our town stood by in fear, she lept into action and saved our town. However, legally, her actions were punishable, and she paid the death penalty. I cannot name her for court reasons, but we all know who she is. She died on October 27th, 2016, at age twelve. She will remain a hero, though unnamed, for the rest of our town's time.


Toast is warm. Toast is cold. Toast is blackened. Toast is whitened. You just spent moments of your life reading this 50% incorrect statement. What an idiot. Then again, I spent the time writing it.


Our only supporter


This day in age, humans know a lot. And we always strive to know more. But we can't. The government hides all important info. I know more. Listen. The government is about to do someth_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

-This message is illegal. Stop reading it.

And so we conclude our first Frost Lark News written by me, Skyla Holt. Thank you for reading.

-Skyla Holt

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Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:28 am
Feltrix says...

YES! The newspaper's back! We're saved! (Never thought I'd write that).

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Tue Nov 01, 2016 7:16 pm
Lumi wrote a review...

I haven't said it before, but I love that you make this work in ink as well as it works in cast format.

The town's gone through some mud lately! Poor Sarah Lynn, may her ethereal reign be vague and murderous, was definitely the shining point of this edition with the callback in the obituaries without calling her back. Things get a bit obvious in the end with the dystopian slip that WtNV is famous for, but I think in your attempt to be Nightvalean, you let a bit of subtlety escape your grasp, so I'd definitely keep that in mind for the next installment.

Remember: you're building slowly into a creep and creak like an old, heavy, wooden door. So edition ~7 is likely not the time to be blatant about dystopia. Though if you're going for something big, do correct me. I'd love to open a dialogue.

All the best,

sheysse says...

Thanks for the review!

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Reviews: 802

Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:24 am
Dracula wrote a review...

Before I even read this, I am placing a bet that it will be Halloween themed. Something Supernatural is going to happen, am I right?

He then closed the news facilities, as well as firing town council, essentially creating a dictatorship.
I think you missed a 'the' before council.

Address it me, but you must make sure to use my governmentally appointed mail name, Sheyren.
More interactivity, I'm liking it. :)

Now, in Frost Lark, death is rare, since we are modified to not die as easily as normal humans
Uh huh! A death and some sci-fi. That technically means I can win the bet, yeah? :P I like the length of the obituary. The other articles seemed short and rushed (and that's not a bad thing, since she says they are meant to be) but this one felt like lots of time had been taken to write it. Which shows how much 'the unnamed deceased' was respected and loved.

I love the advertisements. The first was just completely random and hilarious; the comic relief. The second was foreshadowing and a major cliffhanger, if we're treating this as a chapter. Keep it coming!

sheysse says...

Thanks for the review!

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