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Frost Lark News 1/15/17

by sheysse

Frost Lark News 1/15/17

By Skyla Holt

“The Hiatus?”

As you likely recall, Frost Lark has been on an unexpected hiatus. Almost two months ago, a mysterious group known as the Travellers – with two 'L's, of course – arrived here in Frost Lark. In a bout of curiosity, I snuck on to their ship to investigate. I was attacked, and awoke on Monday, with no memory of the ship itself.


In the two months I've been “gone,” I've noticed that Mayor Clayton and co-Mayor Harvey have really changed the place (for the better, of course). Firstly, they worked day and night to establish friendly connections with Cloud Ice, and that was apparently successful. They also collected the corpses in Frost Lark Park, which was met with some controversy. However, most citizens can agree that its nice to be able to stroll through the park without the threat of tripping on a bloody appendage, or the smell of weeks-old bodies.


Many parents have begun to write letters to our Board of Education here in Frost Lark. They are dissatisfied with the choices it has made. Supposedly, it is due to all members of the Board of Education being sentient frogs that they believe it isn't doing its job well. Now, I will remind you that they are sentient frogs, meaning they can perform the task as well as any human. Here at Frost Lark, we accept differences, and offer opportunities to everyone. Besides, frogs share like 76% of our DNA, so we're basically the same.


Spryte; “Y” not try it?

This ad brought to you by Sprite, funded by the Society of Poorly Delivered Puns.


Storybooking. Its fun. You should try it. Maybe start with Sheyren's Curse of the Wyvern. Wait, what's a storybook? There's none in Frost Lark. Definitely. Disregard this ad.

(Catchy Tune Here)

Survey Time

On a scale of 1-10, how old are you?

a) Ooh, tough one

b) What?

  1. Probably about a four
  1. Maybe a six?

e) All of the above (wait that makes no sense wait neither does this question omg my life is a lie the government has tricked me I am so foolish for never seeing it before... I cant use grammar!)

“The Hiatus?”

Apparently I gave Mayor Clayton quite a scare. He thought I wouldn't wake up for a while, and even appointed Sonja Wallace to replace me temporarily. Can you believe it? Sonja Wallace? Really? Actually, that was a pretty rude and unprofessional statement. I better not forget to remove that in editing. Anyway, the important thing is that I am awake, and writing Frost Lark News once again.

One thing though. I wonder where the Travellers went. They left, back when I was attacked. No one knows why they came, or why they left, or where they are now. For some reason though, I imagine this won't be the last time we hear from them.

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Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:14 pm
Virgil wrote a review...

This is Nikayla here for a review!

I figured I would review this since it's Review Day and it's been sitting in the Green Room for quite awhile, so let's jump right into this. How would you review this, though, since it's something of a parody news type of thing?

Honestly, this is something that reminds me of Welcome to Night Vale which I'm pretty positive you're a fan of. I like the concept of having a newspaper or thing based around a school or a certain town. It almost has a sense of humor to it from the way I'm reading it and that only makes it all the more fun. I like how self-aware the newspaper is as it adds a sense of fun to the story because it's often talking about itself and everything of that sort. Something that I would like to see is the articles here be a little longer or feel more like articles?

To me this gives me the tone of some sort of radio station and I just kind of realized that it's not really supposed to be a newspaper and rather is some sort of news thing. It changes the perspective of sort of how I'm reading it, whichever one it is (some clarity for me would be helpful because I'm easily confused. I have no common sense in some places. Dx)

The piece also has a sense of fantasy to it with the ship and the Travellers that are mentioned throughout the chapter and they make me wonder if they'll appear later on as well. I can't tell if the hiatus was on purpose for the story, if it was, you're dedicated, and if you just decided to improvise why the piece was on a hiatus, you also get my awe because I don't think I would be one to think of that.

Anyway, I hope I helped and have a great day!

sheysse says...

Thanks for the review! It's supposed to be a newspaper, and I'd suggest starting at the first chapter for clarification on things. :)

sheysse says...

Thanks for the review! It's supposed to be a newspaper, and I'd suggest starting at the first chapter for clarification on things. :)

Virgil says...

Thanks! I'll go ahead and do that since I believe I read it when it first started but that's hazy right now since I'm sick, haha.

sheysse says...

Ah. Hope you feel better!

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Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:06 am
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Dracula wrote a review...

Okay, let's give this a quick review to shuffle it out of the Green Room. 'Cause I'm sure you'll agree this doesn't need to be in the Green Room. :P

I was attacked, and awoke just Monday, with no memory of the ship itself.
So it was a great idea to start with a little 'previously' section. I'd just reword the above sentence. 'Just Monday' makes it sound like Monday is a feeling. Like how someone would say 'I feel just swell' or 'the day was just awful'. Maybe make it 'and awoke on Monday'.

However, most citizens can agree that its nice to be able to stroll through the park without the threat of tripping on a bloody appendage, or the smell of weeks-old bodies.
This whole part feels like she's saying anyone who disagrees with the cleanup of the park is an idiot. She's quite biased then, I think. Not that that's a problem, just an observation. But I mean, she's been politically one-sided in her news reports this whole time. XD

I better not forget to remove that in editing.
I guess she forgot.

For some reason though, I imagine this won't be the last time we hear from them.
Aaaaand here's the foreshadowing and *hint hint winking*. Don't forget about the Travellers with two Ls!


sheysse says...

Thanks for the review!

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Mon Jan 16, 2017 5:12 pm
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Featherstone says...

I love it.

sheysse says...


Featherstone says...

You're welcome! Great humor XD

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Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:34 am
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Dracula says...

No time to review, sorry! But I still think this should be a comic strip. It'd be brilliant. XD

sheysse says...

That would be pretty awesome! (gets plan for future project)

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Sun Jan 15, 2017 7:40 pm
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Aleta says...

If you may excuse me for this...I thought "Holt" said thot.

sheysse says...


Aleta says...

Sad I know lol

sheysse says...

It's not sad. Your just a creative thinker, seeing the world in a unique light. Just say that when people criticize you. Lol

Aleta says...

Aww, thanks. "Creative"--I like your reasoning to my odd statement, lol.

You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.
— Madeleine L'Engle, Author