This is Nikayla here for a review!
I figured I would review this since it's Review Day and it's been sitting in the Green Room for quite awhile, so let's jump right into this. How would you review this, though, since it's something of a parody news type of thing?
Honestly, this is something that reminds me of Welcome to Night Vale which I'm pretty positive you're a fan of. I like the concept of having a newspaper or thing based around a school or a certain town. It almost has a sense of humor to it from the way I'm reading it and that only makes it all the more fun. I like how self-aware the newspaper is as it adds a sense of fun to the story because it's often talking about itself and everything of that sort. Something that I would like to see is the articles here be a little longer or feel more like articles?
To me this gives me the tone of some sort of radio station and I just kind of realized that it's not really supposed to be a newspaper and rather is some sort of news thing. It changes the perspective of sort of how I'm reading it, whichever one it is (some clarity for me would be helpful because I'm easily confused. I have no common sense in some places. Dx)
The piece also has a sense of fantasy to it with the ship and the Travellers that are mentioned throughout the chapter and they make me wonder if they'll appear later on as well. I can't tell if the hiatus was on purpose for the story, if it was, you're dedicated, and if you just decided to improvise why the piece was on a hiatus, you also get my awe because I don't think I would be one to think of that.
Anyway, I hope I helped and have a great day!
Points: 220
Reviews: 1081