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I wish

by LizzyTyler

I wish I could’ve loved

Every bit of you

I wish you could have acknowledged

All that I’ve been through


I wish we could’ve grown

Old together

I wish we could’ve loved

Each other; forever


I wish that I wasn’t

So close minded

I wish that our point of views

Weren’t so divided


I wish that our lives together

Could’ve been full of laughter

I wish we could’ve gotten

Our happy ever after

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Sun Sep 18, 2022 6:42 pm
RandomTalks says...

Hi LizzyTyler!

I enjoyed reading your poem! It conveyed the emotions of the speaker very beautifully and we can feel the deep sense of regret in her words, especially in the repetition of "i wish". The poem has a tragic vibe to it that makes the reader feel for the speaker even though we are unaware of the history that is only hinted through the lamentations of the speaker.

I have one question though,

Each other; foreve

Did you leave the word 'forever' incomplete as a reflection of the speaker's incomplete story, or did you simply, well, miss the 'r'?

This was a very emotional and relatable poem though! Thank you for sharing it with us!

LizzyTyler says...

(Sorry for the late reply ><) Thank for your interpretation! I enjoyed it! And I did, in fact, for get the r in forever, but I appreciate you trying to find a hidden meaning in my mistake! :)

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83 Reviews

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Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:19 pm
AriesBookworm wrote a review...

This is very well written. This seems like two people who loved each other very much but through tragic miscommunication, a heart shattering breakup happened that neither of them wanted to happen. The main character still longs for the other person and there is a possibility that the other person still longs for them. But through miscommunication and differing views on certain things, they split. This is often the reality for most couples and WHY they break up. If they would simply have talked things through, they might still be together. You really capture the regret, desperation, longing, and sadness that a person would feel in this situation.

LizzyTyler says...

Thank you for your review ^^

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Points: 163
Reviews: 2

Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:57 pm
nymphasita wrote a review...

Hi! Just testing my reviewing skills here as I am new.

I really like this poem. I like the repetition of the word 'wish' because no matter how many times you wish sometimes things just aren't meant to be. I like the story the poem tells from both sides. On one end they need the other person to recognise them and their stuggles but maybe they also need to see that the other person might have their own struggles that are preventing them from doing so.

I don't know if that's the intent it was written with but it's a lovely but sadly relatable poem haha.

That's all for now. Excited to see what else you write :)

LizzyTyler says...

Hi nymphasita! I appreciate your review, and I love hearing people%u2019s interpretations of my works! Also, welcome to YWS ^^

nymphasita says...

Thank you!

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Fri Aug 05, 2022 8:52 pm
vampricone6783 wrote a review...

We wish love were as easy and right as it is so often written and imagined.Some things are to be kept.Some are to be let go.We aren’t responsible for our feelings.It’s what we feel.And yet we want to have the open, bright hearts of the protagonists in these romance stories.But not all of us do.I hope that you will have a fantastic and beautiful day and night.

LizzyTyler says...

Thank you for the review! I appreciate hearing your interpretation!
(By the way, I took care of your duplicate comments! I hope you have an amazing day as well ^^)

Edna began to feel like one who awakens gradually out of a dream, a delicious, grotesque, impossible dream, to feel again the realities pressing into her soul.
— Kate Chopin, The Awakening