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Young Writers Society

Speed of Light

by LizzyTyler

I am you,

And you are me,

We are one,

With all between.


I am this,

And that and him,

And he is her,

With life and limb.


I am everything,

And you are it all,

From biggest of big,

To smallest of small.

I am you,

And you are me,

We are them,

And them are we.

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29 Reviews

Points: 393
Reviews: 29

Wed Jun 09, 2021 4:10 pm
Purple67 wrote a review...

Hey there LizzyTyler! I am here to give a review on this piece of poetry that you wrote. Hope you enjoy it!

Let's start with the positives.

- The writing is wonderful and it feels less like a poem and more like a song, which I feel really shows how natural it feels and sounds. Keep it up!

- I really love the poetry format that you used.

And also...

- It's just really lush and beautiful in general.

But I do have one critique which isn't really a critique and more like a personal opinion.

- I wish it was longer.

I know this wasn't a constructive review, but I hope you have a good morning/afternoon/night!

Thanks for reading!


LizzyTyler says...

Thank you!

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95 Reviews

Points: 2670
Reviews: 95

Tue Jun 01, 2021 6:34 pm
twiggy wrote a review...

Heeello Lizzy! hannah here for a quick review. I hope it is helpful!

While this was a fun poem to read, I had trouble seeing how this line related to the speed of light:

"...And that and him,
and he is her,
with life and limb."

And I wanted to clarify that at the end of stanzas you do not have to punctuate. If you meant it to be this way, then that is fine but if you just thought it had to be that way then you don't need to do it every time.

Wow, this poem was really good! I like how the lines blended together-literally! It gave off the "I exist, yet don't exist" vibe. I liked this a lot!

I hope this review was helpful! Keep writing and have a great day. I hope to hear more from you!



LizzyTyler says...

Thank you!

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11 Reviews

Points: 276
Reviews: 11

Thu May 27, 2021 10:30 pm
TheRealEuphoria wrote a review...

Hi, Euph here to review your lovely poem.

So, I normally gravitate towards poems like this, and I'll tell you why: It's simple, and easy to understand.

What I got from this is just pure unity, someone telling someone else that we're all the same, maybe? I'm sure we all have different analyzations of this, but either way, it's great!

I appreciate how short you made this, as anything longer would probrably get a little confusing. I noticed the comment before you and I was thinking the same exact thing, it's remarkable how this resembles the same writing style as Dr. Suess! XD

Overall, wonderful job. I can't think of anything negative to say about this peice of work. Keep it up!

~ Euph

LizzyTyler says...

Thank you so much for the kind review!

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48 Reviews

Points: 303
Reviews: 48

Thu May 27, 2021 8:15 pm
LilPWilly says...

And red fish
And blue fish
And old fish
You too fish

LilPWilly says...

I like yer flow

LizzyTyler says...

Thank you

LilPWilly says...


“And how shall I think of you?' He considered a moment and then laughed. 'Think of me with my nose in a book!”
— Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell