Hey there! here to wind down Review Day and try to bring my team a win while also reading some great poetry! So, here are a few notes for you:
1. I love this setting. I love poems about nature and things in nature. I love what is a fairly unique idea because while I've read poems of caves, and using the mouth as a metaphor is not entirely unique, I've rarely if ever read one about a crystal cavern.
2. I don't know if you know who Owl City is, but he has some of my favorite lyrics, and a lot of his music has very whimsical, fantastical lyrics that are not at all dissimilar to your own, so that's a big plus for me.
3. I love the idea of someone searching for and finally finding this cavern, and relating it to a friend The descriptors are on point, and you made it feel warm and fuzzy, which is how I remember a lot of summer memories from my childhood, especially outside in nature.
Overall this was a fun, easy-to-read, happy poem, that I really enjoyed, and will definitely have me following you in the hopes of more
Points: 10727
Reviews: 667