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Young Writers Society

Hey, Mom. (The Letter I Never Sent)

by Elektra

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Points: 134
Reviews: 3

Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:31 pm
Saltchess wrote a review...

Hello! Thanks for sharing this lovely piece!!

My little review: I really like your poetry style, especially the formatting of the poem! It was a very well done piece written in the form of a letter, and i enjoyed reading it very much. The idea of loss and words left unsaid is such an interesting concept! I think your tone and message were very much well articulated, and overall it was an amazing piece!

Keep writing:) , and it was a pleasure to have come across such a piece (in a good way!)

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Points: 142
Reviews: 2

Sun Jul 28, 2024 6:42 am
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InfamousUtensil wrote a review...

This was a letter that I felt touched by. This reminds me a little of my experiences with loved ones who have left my life in one way or another. It may not be the same experience, but it gave me the same feelings. There have been a few people who I loved who left me far too soon, though only one had gone permanently.

I have a Gumbie Cat in mind, her name is Jennyanydots; Her coat is one of the tabby kind,with tiger stripes and leopard spots.
— T.S. Eliot, Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats