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by seekingthetruth


" go to hell"

" we hate you" 

these words I hear In my head everyday. 

once you have said them nothing can be done

you feel empty and I weighed a tonne of depression. 


"go to hell"

" we hate you"

words used to cause pain

wish I was in spain

cant take this pain anymore


"go to hell"

"we hate you"

round and round , the shouts that make me sick

everyday I want to kick myself

I want to change myself

alone and cold I cry all night

and I just might die. 

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8 Reviews

Points: 369
Reviews: 8

Thu May 16, 2019 9:43 pm
BailorAsh wrote a review...

This poem was brutal, but part of that is how real it is. I am a victim of bullying, and as are many of my friends. You captured it incredibly well in such a short poem. The repetition of the same three taunts - "die" "go to hell" and "we hate you" really helped showcase how even just the same cruel remarks made over and over again can break down a person's self-esteem. I saw myself in this poem. Please keep writing. It's important for pieces like this to exist.

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Thu May 09, 2019 2:01 am
1nspire wrote a review...

Hey, 1nspire here for a review!

This poem was really powerful. Though I have not experienced this exact situation, I can relate to some of the thoughts. It's great that you were able to channel your experience and emotion into a piece that others could understand.

The last line was really powerful; it's hard to read a line like that because I can't imagine feeling that way and I'm so sorry that you had to go through this.

This only suggestion I have is the line where you said "wish I was in Spain." It seemed a little strange to mention a specific place that is mentioned nowhere else. Is there a significance about Spain? I would suggest using a line more similar to "wish I was anywhere but here." I also think the poem could benefit from a little more editing. It's a great start, and once again, I commend your ability to turn a negative experience into something that others can relate to and maybe use to help them feel less alone.

Overall, great work! I hope this comment was helpful; have a great day!

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Wed May 08, 2019 6:42 am
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Morrigan wrote a review...

Hello, seekingthetruth.

I've felt the same way as you at times! This poem really reminds me of when I was in middle school, and dealt with a lot of people who weren't kind to me.

You have a good start to a poem here. You use three elements of poetry that stood out to me: rhyme, repetition, and figurative language.

I like that you didn't use all end rhymes, and you used some internal rhymes within the lines. Sometimes end rhymes can get boring, so good job for experimenting with this element!

The repeated phrase really tells the audience what the narrator is going through. Choosing to repeat phrases can be effective to emphasize what's going on in the narrator's head.

You use figurative language in the way of hyperbole, which adds to the mood. Saying "I might just die" tells the reader that you're sick of the pain you're going through every day. You're pretty consistent in this department.

Even though you're using all these elements of poetry, the way they're functioning in the piece could use some work.

once you have said them nothing can be done

you feel empty and I weighed a tonne of depression.

These lines confused me. Who is the person saying the words in the quotes? Is the narrator talking to him/herself? Who is "you?" The syntax in the second line is also confusing. While you're rhyming "done" with "tonne," I'm not sure how everything else is working together. Maybe instead of this, you could say "once said, nothing can be done. You float, empty. On me, a tonne of depression." Just a suggestion. If you meant something else, try to clarify this part.

wish I was in spain

Don't be a slave to the rhyme scheme. If you weren't using a rhyme scheme, this line wouldn't exist. You can find a more creative way to bring the rhyme scheme into this line. This line is lazy-- you threw it in because you didn't feel like going back and finding something better to fill this slot. From the looks of your other rhymes, you definitely can do better! You're creative and I think that you deserve to let yourself rewrite this line to something that actually fits in the poem.

As for the repetition, I don't think that it's particularly effective in this piece. Since the rest of the content is so short, the repetition takes up a lot of the poem that it doesn't need to. Since you repeat the quotes three times, why don't you try breaking it up into each quoted line instead? For example, "die" before the first section, "go to heck" before the second section, and "we hate you" before the third section. That way, you're still getting the words across, but not beating them into the reader's head.

I would use more figurative language and imagery here. Instead of taking us into this abstract realm of feelings, make us feel the feelings alongside you. What's a moment that you were bullied? Show us the moment, don't tell us about the feelings. For example, I remember one of my friends in high school getting beat up because someone called him a name and he stood up for himself. I remember that the other kid tried to slam his head in a locker, but only got his shoulder. And I remember that his shoulder had a huge bruise on it for a week afterwards. Take us to a scene. It brings more emotions up for the reader. It brings us there and allows us to see why we should feel sympathetic towards the narrator instead of telling us that we should feel sympathetic towards the narrator.

Altogether, I think that if you continue to edit this piece, you'll have an interesting little poem on your hands. If you have any additional questions, please let me know. I hope that this review proves useful to you and gives you some of that truth you're seeking! ;)

seekingthetruth says...

thank you so much I used this poem in an exam and got a a 9 witch is a Astar

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