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Young Writers Society

Emotional Short Circuit

by ariah347

Beneath a ribcage, a malfunctioning vessel,

Coded in hardware with wires crossed,

Now a conductor of connections wrestle,

Signal disrupted; its network lost.

Gears do not turn, but sputter and grind,

Pistons misfire frantically,

The clockwork of veins misaligned,

A heart transforms mechanically.

The ticking pulse falters a new rhythm,

Desperate for repair in the motherboard,

Seeking a reboot in fate's algorithm,

Or for someone to unplug the cord.

No engineer's tool can mend the break,

This glitch spreads as it metallicizes,

No soldering gun can fix the ache,

Emotions will harden as each arises.

What caused this robotic transformation?

Can it be shut off or perhaps restarted?

Will anything help clear the circulation?

Why am I okay with being broken-hearted?

Beneath a ribcage, a woeful abode

Cyborg heart with happiness as a fear

I'd rather the metal melt or erode

In numbness and rust, it's safer here.

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Points: 69
Reviews: 4

Fri Dec 15, 2023 7:47 pm
dragongamer911 wrote a review...

Hi-o, always nice to see a good poem.

The heart is compared to a computer and a train engine. These two separate metaphors intermixed on top of each other add confusion on how the heart is "roboticized." I like this confusion because it adds to 'brokenness' of the heart. It isn't a perfect machine that is optimized. It is jury-rigged together. Parts of different machines and parts of a heart: a cyborg heart.

The use of heart emojis as paragraph breaks is really smart. I want to do something like that now.

Good Job!

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Points: 224
Reviews: 4

Wed Dec 06, 2023 3:27 am
izzyfaith4115 wrote a review...

Hi babes, izzy here

I related to this one a lot, not int he moment but fifteen year old heartbroken me did.

I loved how in the beginning it's explaining the vital functions of a heart and what it does for the need to survive.
Your heart has two defintions; a vital organ needed to survive, and your emotional bandwidth.
You slowly showed how the hearts emotional meaning had changed causing your brain to think differently. Your heart is cracked but no surgeon could ever fix that.
Being in a state of depression or even just sadness after heart ache is terrifying. It's terrifying because of the fear of being stuck here. Slowly that fear turns to longing to stay in this heart broken spot. You don't want to be happy because this is who you are now. I believe with the right tools this kind of hearts malfunction can be saved and healed.
You talk about it, you cope.
My favorite line was defintely " In numbness and rust, it's safer here"
The last line kind of hit deep with me. The world I was living in, in my sad cold bare room was safer than the world out there. I struggled with school keeping relationships all because of this. A heart's ache is hard to heal.

I really liked ur poem but i have one question haha, are you okay :)

ariah347 says...

I appreciate your comments! I am well despite this bleak musing LOL. I have realized that I'm afraid to be happy because the last time I truly was my world flipped upside down and became so broken. I'm in a very good place as of lately, but I keep denying myself the feelings of it. This was a late night composition to get that realization out as a coping mechanism to state what I'm going through and to hopefully get passed it to allow myself to feel joy. Thank you for checking in <3

izzyfaith4115 says...

Glad ur ok it can be hard deciding if u deserve happiness but everyone does

Be steadfast as a tower that doth not bend its stately summit to the tempest’s shock.
— Dante Alighieri