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Warriors of the Heart

by ariah347

We exist on two opposite sides of the same plane,

With hands reaching out, but never quite touching.

The earth is quaking as we navigate rocky terrain,

But we're a force building, like a storm's second coming.


Ashes to ash, dust to dust, the walls crumble and corrode.

And when it all settles, your hands still clutch my heart strings,

Anchoring me to you.

Speedbumps halt our hasty escape as my insides explode.

United we stand, divided we fall, and the war bell rings.

We keep our love in view.


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11 Reviews

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Sat Jun 08, 2024 2:40 pm
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AmberMelanie wrote a review...

I love this poem so much and it reminds me of lyrics to a Beach House song. If this were a song I would listen to it so much!

"But we're a force building, like a storm's second coming."

How did you think of this line, it is so creative! I also love the line "Speedbumps halt our hasty escape as my insides explode." I love the overall message and the ending, and the difference between the first and second stanzas.

Great job!!

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Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:37 pm
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EllieMae wrote a review...


Hey friend! Ellie here with a quick review for your wonderful poem!

To begin, I love your rhymes. The plane-terrain and touching-coming study out to me when I first started reading.

Ashes to ash, dust to dust, the walls crumble and corrode.

I loved this line a lot. Asked become dust and even dust is dust. Something about the way you phrased that is so poetic and beautiful. I love the c sounds you use on crumble and corrode. The words bounce out to me, almost representing the crumbling you are speaking of.

And when it all settles, your hands still clutch my heart strings,

Anchoring me to you.

The way you present this poem is very engaging. Poetic, but it feels like storytelling. That is a wonderful skill to have. I love this idea of being anchored to another person by heart strings, how lovely!!!

This ending was so interesting:

Speedbumps halt our hasty escape as my insides explode.

United we stand, divided we fall, and the war bell rings.

We keep our love in view.

I love you you maintained this rhyming throughout the entire thing. The united in standing and divided in falling was written so well. In my opinion, you pain an image here very well. It is vivid and painful, but also beautiful in a way.

This was a short and powerful poem. Your rhyming and choice of language was great. Keep up the amazing writing!

Your friend,


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Points: 236
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Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:23 pm
ZiggyB17 says...

I can't get over reading your last six lines. It brings to me a lot of pink floyd vibes, especially with the last two lines. Although, short and sweet, it does speak volumes to those who might feel lost. You're off to a great start, dear friend ;)

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Points: 236
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Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:12 pm
ZiggyB17 says...

I like it a lot! Short and sweet and quick to the point!

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Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:19 pm
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Moonlily wrote a review...

Hello Hello, I hope you dont mind me popping in with a quick review. This might be a little short but I do hope this might at the very least brighten your day. Let's into it, shall we?

I will start by saying you tell quite the story in such a brief poem. It never felt rushed but it did have me wanting to know more. Now forgive me if I'm wrong here but I feel like this could be a precursor to a larger plot. You do a really good job at setting up a conflict and I could see this play out in either a dystopian-type world or a gritty fantasy one. However, I can also see it being left as a metaphor for a rocky relationship ( That's if it was intended to be one.)

Overall I cant really find much to give feedback on so I will instead highlight a line or two I loved.

Ashes to ash, dust to dust, the walls crumble and corrode.

And when it all settles, your hands still clutch my heart strings,

I love the use of the phrase ashes to ashes here as it feels very melancholy. However, I would perhaps get rid of the all in the last line. I would also get rid of the space between heart and strings.

Ashes to ash, dust to dust, the walls crumble and corrode.

And when it settles, your hands still clutch my heartstrings,

Regardless of my very minor nitpicks you did a very good job with this short but bittersweet poem. As always keep creating and remember to drink water!

ariah347 says...

Thank you for the review! It was intended to be interpreted how the reader will. For me, it's the battle cry of my heart for the person I love. Wishing you well wherever you are in the world <3 -A

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