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Intro to Feeling

by WeepingWisteria

Emo101: Intro to Feeling

Course Description: This course prioritizes that the attempt to rationalize human emotion is futile. You will be forced to face your feelings and decide between letting them run through you or swallowing them down and hoping stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve your bitterness. You will learn the difference between feeling emotions and letting them control you, and you will weep as you fail to pick the better option time and time again.


  • Understand that all light places have shadows, and the brightest souls have the darkest spots.
  • Realize that keeping your problems to your chest doesn't make you a better person, just one destined to explode.
  • Identify the things that make you terrified and give yourself space to cope
  • Stop letting others' perceptions of your emotions control whether or not you allow yourself to feel them
  • Understand that there are no good or bad emotions, only states of content and states of need
  • Listen to your heart when it's crying out for you

Required Materials:

  • A safe space to cry away from the masses
  • A warm blanket to hide in when the world gets too loud
  • Gentle hands that only hold you
  • Someone to hold your hands back when you're rearing to strike yourself
  • Patience for the injured child within you

Grading Rubric:

Class Schedule:

Final Notes:
Weep, laugh, scream, smile. The body revolts against the human who keeps all of their humanity locked inside. You are an actor, not a vase. To live is to do and to do is to feel.

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28 Reviews

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Reviews: 28

Fri Aug 02, 2024 5:37 pm
Purple67 wrote a review...

As EllieMae has said, this is quite the unique format for an poem. So, I do have an little more to say than ever. Let me get on with my review.

So, I honestly love the concept. The pie chart is both funny and really useful despite its poetic nature. The fact that you modeled it from an school course is quite great. And as an mainly traditional poet, this really inspires me.

My more constructive thoughts are regarding smaller, line-level things. For example, believe is spelled "belive" and some of the punctuation is missing. To fix this, going through an basic spell and grammar check would be just fine. Nothing major should be done, but considering English grammar/punctuation rules is always important, especially for publicly sharing work.

Overall, I love the poem and I hope you can continue. Thank you for reading.

- Purple67

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Wed Jul 24, 2024 5:11 pm
EllieMae wrote a review...

Hey Wist! First of all, wow! This is such a unique way to write. As a college student, this format is very familiar to me and reminds me of the first day of classes where we go over the syllabus. Anyways, lets jump right into the review:

You will learn the difference between feeling emotions and letting them control you, and you will weep as you fail to pick the better option time and time again.

I love how expressive you are with these words. You use such a variety of vocabulary, that I found it very easy to be engaged and not feel like we are repeating the same thing over and over. And at the same time, this is the sort of thing that just makes me feel good to read. You use this formal arrangement and style to present this nurturing message of growth and learning and progression.

Understand that all light places have shadows, and the brightest souls have the darkest spots.

This line was incredibly beautiful. You have it first on the list, which I think is wonderful because it is so powerful and really catches my attention. I love the contrast of light and darkness being applied to people and learning. One thing that I did notice was that this was the only sentence in the lists that had a period at the end. It is the longest, but it seems more 'rubric' like to have a period at the end of every sentence, or to take them all out on the list.

The graphic parts of this were pleasant to look at and I enjoyed the variety of warm colors you used, like pinks. And that final sentence was a very sweet summary. Lovely imagery too, with the vase and actor part. Overall, I enjoyed reading this and found it to be very engaging. 10/10 for engagement and creativity, for sure!!

Keep writing and have a lovely day!

Your friend,


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Wed Jul 24, 2024 7:50 am
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kaitlyn wrote a review...


Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),

Hi! I'm Kate and I'm here to leave a quick review!!

Anyway let's get right to: Kate's Line by Line Reactions;

Well let's break this down bit by bit shall we,

This course prioritizes that the attempt to rationalize human emotion is futile. You will be forced to face your feelings and decide between letting them run through you or swallowing them down and hoping stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve your bitterness. You will learn the difference between feeling emotions and letting them control you, and you will weep as you fail to pick the better option time and time again.

Ahh that is the kind of excellent course I wish we were able to take. Nothing like learning how to face your feelings, understanding the difference between choosing to control them and letting them control you and of course coming to the inevitable realized you're just doomed. Such a life lesson this. Quite deep.

Listen to your heart when it's crying out for you

Not even been sarcastic on this one when I wholeheartedly agree that we really need to learn several things on this particular list of objectives. Absolute life lessons the lot of them.

A warm blanket to hide in when the world gets too loud

If those aren't required materials for the continuation of life in general I don't know what is. Ahh this is almost classic non classic Wist in that its not necessarily the flavor I expect but I come here for maybe a laugh and leave with just genuinely powerful things about life.

Ahhhh I can't even mention it all cause I all I have to say about this poem is one single very powerful word.


I'll leave you with that. A powerful piece, a little different from your wheelhouse, you said you wanted to try new things and I think you nailed it, giving it a distinctly Wist like spin in the process.

Aaand that's it for this oneee!!!

As always remember to: Take what you think was helpful and forget the rest!

Stay Safe and Have a Nice Day!


Stop being mean to your self-insert character, you're just being mean to yourself.
— WeepingWisteria