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You Think Me a Woman

by WeepingWisteria

So you think me a woman. What does that mean to you? What does the dew of my flesh, the curve of my hips, the title I bear on my skin mean to you?

Most days, I don’t even know what it means to me. Yet, somehow you’re comfortable defining it. To write out what being a woman is in red ink. You tell me what to do, what to wear, how to speak. You tell me to be afraid. You want me to be afraid.

You stalk us in the streets, put handprints on our chests, stain our thighs with bruises. You stand on our lungs, grinding us into the dirt. You laugh as we choke, blood bubbling on our lips, your fingers dug in our necks.

And you tell us to cry. “Choke on your tears, pretty little dolls. Cry because we fractured your porcelain, grinding your glass skin into powder.”

But I am not sad, not mourning for the cracks, not trembling in fear. I am angry. My blood is boiling, and the steam is coming out of my throat like the flames of a dragon. I want to tear apart your world and set it ablaze. Soak in the flame and soot to gain back the power you stole.

You have taken everything from us: our dignity, our pride, the rights of our organs. You monopolized our flesh and bone, used us for sport like we were Pitbulls. We mean nothing to you. We are playthings and objects, best when bought new. Our scars disgust you, even though you are the ones who left them. You are angry at us for your mistakes.

Somehow, everything is our fault. You can stalk the streets with your smirk and swagger because no matter what crimes you commit, it is because of something we did. And on our heads is the blood you spill and paint on the sidewalk because you made us the canvas. And when you draw our final breath with your hands, you blame us for breathing in the first place.

You laugh again when we shout at your false accusations. “It’s because of how you were dressed, pretty doll. It’s because you were alone. It’s because you were drunk. Because, because, because.” I’m tired of your because’s, of your excuses that you gag us with. I’m tired of taking the fall for your actions.

You think us weak. That’s your problem; you think us brittle-boned and stupid. Forgetting we are the bearers of sharp eyeliner and even sharper nails. Forgetting that as children, we are trained to stick our thumbs into your eyes because it’s the only way to keep our mothers from losing a child.

But I suppose you laugh at that too. “Fight, pretty doll. Fight because if you don’t, you’ll end up the next broken face on the news.” So we do; we fight and win, and you hate it. And you scorn us even more for doing what it takes to survive.

But I guess that’s the price of my sex. You hate me for existing, for the organ inside of me, the hormones in my veins. You hate me because you’re told you should. Because you think we’re enemies. Because you fear the power in the traits you call weak.

So you think me a woman. Maybe I dress like one, talk like one, whatever that means. But that doesn’t mean that the knife in my hand is any less sharp. And if you think so, if you underestimate my wit and words because of my body, then your death is on your hands. And there will be no one else to blame when the dust settles.

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Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:42 pm
sairaja says...

@ We mean nothing to you!!! Wow this is fire, simple yet strong words in imagination. Wonderful

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Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:41 pm
sairaja says...

@ We mean nothing to you!!! Wow this is fire, simple yet strong words in imagination. Wonderful

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Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:30 am
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kaitlyn says...

This is beautiful <3 That raw emotion just makes you absolutely feel things™.

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Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:51 am
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AkuRashomon wrote a review...

Hi, hello there! This is Ina a.k.a loveissourgrapes and I haven't been using YWS so I hope you appreciate my comment/review. Anyways, let's get into it.

I read the title and I was like this writing of yours will be very powerful. As a young lady/woman, sometimes people can hate women and be sexist towards us. If people want equality, we should not hate or get angry with each other. I see and understand the pain and the anger but as the anger gets too much, it's too much. We should have balance and society just can't understand that. But it's okay to open up thoughts like this but sometimes using your emotions can't explain what you are trying to point out. Men aren't weaker than women and women aren't stronger than men. We are not dolls, we are humans. Humans have feelings, strengths, and weaknesses. Opening up is bold and sometimes can hurt people, empower people, and can make people read between those lines and see the truth but being too bold can cause something worse.
Overall, it is a good one, the ending seems weird though. Do you have to say more or does it just end like that? It also reminds me of a K-pop song called 'I≠DOLL' by Huh Yunjin. It's a song recommendation for you too. Explaining what is a woman may seem hard to explain, but I appreciate you, writing this fierce piece. I hope you have a good day. By the way, I see your name's in green, can you delete comments/reviews? Just asking. See ya!

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Mon Feb 20, 2023 2:07 am
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summerdepressionexe wrote a review...

This poem is absolutely incredible. I can feel the anger and pain behind each and every word, both becoming deeper as the poem progresses. This powerful piece would work very well as a spoken-word poem, getting louder and angrier as the poem goes on.
Additionally, thank you so much for speaking up about this. I truly give my respect to you for writing this piece and putting it out into the world, to make people think about what women feel; the fear, the suffering, the fury; all of it.
This poem was absolutely beautiful. Have a nice day and keep writing!

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Sun Feb 19, 2023 1:08 am
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alliyah says...

Very powerful! <3

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Mon Mar 14, 2022 2:14 pm
Coffeeboyjay wrote a review...

Hi almost.

First off almost my suggestion was almost the poem was alright and everything but it was good almost and i wanna tell you almost in the poem So you think me a woman. What does that mean to you? What does the dew of my flesh, the curve of my hips, the title I bear on my skin mean to you?

Most days, I don’t even know what it means to me. Yet, somehow you’re comfortable defining it. To write out what being a woman is in red ink. You tell me what to do, what to wear, how to speak. You tell me to be afraid. You want me to be afraid. almost like in my suggestion i wanna say is so your poem is about women and what they want almost is i'm talking about it right or you just about a woman almost.

My Compliment almost is that reading your poem made me realize that everyone knows what women does or what they want almost and reading this makes feel like you talking about women almost in my opinion almost.

Good luck writing almost! <33 :wink:

WeepingWisteria says...

Thank you, I think.

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Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:08 pm
waywardxwanderer wrote a review...

Mate this is absolutely incredible! The poem develops very naturally, the anger growing deeper and deeper - as it goes on, it seems like the narrator has been through more and more and more. You can feel the anger and the pain and hurt behind it hidden in every word, and each word is so poignant and intentional. It's all very natural - you weave poetry into your words but it's the kind of poetry that should be shouted from the rooftops. This is the kind of thing I want to see performed to a huge audience, to spread this message everywhere. It's absolutely incredible, and definitely the kind of speech you'd shout to the opposition before charging into war.

Overall, absolutely incredible job!! Keep writing (:

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Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:34 am
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AtomicSpaceKid wrote a review...

God I can feel the burning anger through every line. It has so much raw emotion and heavy intent I’m just absolutely drowning in it. It feels more like an angry letter than written poetry or maybe closer to a verbal slam poem but I think that style fits this very well. Everything in it is so intense and palpable. I don’t want to mislabel this as a feminist battle cry but it seems very much like that. It commands attention and respect. I’d say this is a great piece full of raw emotion and intention. Great job!

WeepingWisteria says...

Thank you so much! I wrote this with a lot of emotion, and I'm glad it commands attention.

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Tue Jan 25, 2022 7:47 pm
WinnyWriter wrote a review...

Hey, there. This was a great read, and I appreciate how you've taken on such a serious subject. The way you portray the indignation felt from the victim's side of things is very emotional. Your words are powerful. I also really appreciated the use of imagery such as "the steam is coming out of my throat like the flames of a dragon." Again, it evokes such strength of feeling. I also like the consistency of the "pretty doll" imagery throughout the piece.

Once again, I commend you for bravely speaking up about this topic. It certainly is no small issue. I think it's awesome that you show the fear and the shame that are inflicted upon women who are mistreated and looked down upon, instead of keeping it in the dark. You've hinted quite openly at abuse without being overly graphic, and I think that makes this piece appropriate for even somewhat younger readers. Great work.

Keep writing!

WeepingWisteria says...

Thank you! As a survivor, this piece meant a lot to me. I%u2019m glad you found it just as powerful as I meant it.

we were just chatting about oblivious bananas
— Inferno