tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon so much he died every night to let her breathe.
Hello there, Poetrybug19. This is Moonwatcher here with a review! ^-^ You have a lot of potential here, and the imagery could really be put to use if you drop ...
Dec 17, 2016
Hello there, Casanova. This is Moonwatcher here with a review! Now, I'm going to assume this is rap based simply on the style, and lyrics (especially rap) aren't something I'm ...
Nov 30, 2016
Hello there, tyl3rdirden! This is Moonwatcher here with a review! ^-^ My apologies, but I think I may have reviewed something similar to this also by you? I might be ...
Nov 30, 2016
Hello there, Tiyu! This is Moonwatcher here with a review! ^-^ Now I see that the title is "Power of a Puff" and although this next part may seem intentional, ...
Nov 27, 2016
Hello there, Winny! This is Moonwatcher here with a review! ^-^ A lot of the phrases used in the poem are incredibly choppy and don't connect very well with each ...
Nov 25, 2016
Hello there, Felistia! This is Moonwatcher here to review the next installment. Other than the fact that the narrative has progressed, there isn't really anything new when it comes to ...
Nov 25, 2016
Hello there, Felistia! This is Moonwatcher here with a review! ^-^ I've skimmed over your works and have gotten a little bit more accustomed to your writing style, so lemme ...
Nov 25, 2016
Hello there, Artemis28! This is Moonwatcher here to review your poem! ^^ I have a passion for all things astronomy, hence my username, so this poem caught my eye, and ...
Nov 24, 2016
Hello there, Felistia! This is Moonwatcher here with a review! ^^ I like the structure of the poem, but the way everything kind of splits up seems kind of weird. ...
Nov 24, 2016
Hello there, Dime666! Moonwatcher here with a review! ^-^ My main critique about this poem is the choppiness. It's not so much the transitions in between every line, because those ...
Nov 22, 2016
Hello there, Travis! This is Moonwatcher here with a review! ^-^ I think that the use of poetic device could help this poem out a lot. If you were to ...
Nov 22, 2016
Hello there, TaylorIsAwesome2004! This is Moonwatcher here with a review! ^^ Normally short pieces such as this get reviewed and out of the green room pretty quickly, but I can ...
Nov 22, 2016
Hello there, Occymay! This is Moonwatcher here with a review! ^-^ Now, I understand this is a monologue, and since the story is about a mother who had to have ...
Nov 21, 2016
Hello there, BorderlineWyvern! This is Moonwatcher here with a review! (Please ignore any mistakes because this is a mobile review, ans mobile reviews are very difficult.) Might I just say ...
Nov 20, 2016
Hello there, WannabeWriter112! This is Moonwatcher here with a review! ^-^ I noticed this labeled as "Other", but as it is a piece that conveys emotion and in poetic format, ...
Nov 20, 2016