There is a COMEt…
To destroy the earth it is coming
In the distance, can be heard, the sound of drumming
The World isn’t Training for this kind of attenTion... or TranS-fishiion
There are the fiddlers
Bows wailing for peace and trust
Until that moment dawn disperses the Nightlife;
The blur of vampire feet stagger through streets in cities of dust.
America. the satisfied: fades, . . .
bouts as miser-Able as grass in the summer-days
There, citizens freely access knowledge
Edu-take it for granted. Common "core" like their * porn Stars & der Social-mEDIAc glory-
teaching Heart, follow it to depravity, relapse on The FOOL's GOD system: Generations Aug-mented ~ or might I say subbin'`those GENIE-rubbed GOAlD$: Honies, homies,
par`Tase And club-coded red-white-an'blue dollar`
So why-the>roll-To-towner’send_inSignia2v33EeE.. . =
the HEY!! the flag be green with the Capital env!l
In a mad dash after leisure!
everybuddy out to make a moniker,,, from this fallacy of coNqUErIng sprung;
Tongues nurtured int{o~{ chains
oprah's Degree33spoilers OWN W311 internatioN.O.A.A like-a monopoly on ll monolithic atmospheric Sceptorship called World Trade Center might come-around-for-an-unreel-pause
Hasting the recreated Babylonican PLANES
( cos that weren’t no foreign soil terrorists on 9/11 btw ). Not any physical nation, Anyhow
Sucked into the unanticipated drag attained through luxury and minimal labor
Imprisoned hearts combed Earth for a weapon against the Meaninglessness
Allocating their own answers, however truly muddled, deeming it authentic whence
Curious children poked at the moral line
And gradually_ it_ [rearranged in a mystifiable coma
There formed a classroom
Around a world infected with POP!ular CultUe,
By coerced funds, fueled on puppet strings from a behind-the-scenes swarm of vultues
From the beginning, Key to the clandestine crime of furtively nudging the Races
Into the Spoon-Fed Zone
I know such a thing Free Will is there, but Destiny in the end will make her statement
witH iNdepend`Aunt unCompliance,
leaninG UpON techNology more & more dEE~-p~-~pEndent
Working careers that constrict time from goals and distance one from One’s Time
So easily amused, they are mesmerized,
with Hedonistic a$$urance
Absentminded, caught up in daily routine to the point of negligence
Consumed by hands of idleness,
Awaiting a magical Someday with no real reason to believe
Striving for an “embrace everything” society
Clinging to intangible rights structured by lawmen, constantly
Borrowing from a dry well of debt to pony up their secluded “Fallout Cities”
(and we’re not invited).
Yet The Vultes and vampes alike cannot hide: God knows they stole your ability
To make your own decisions; engen`erring us vampires to get preoccupied with virgual dope
--In more ways than one--
There is an asteroid nearing its journey’s end.
Nations always fall from the inside,
when the Sagacious
is sacrificed6for6self-sought-supposition6 {bloo.{spot.`here mankind’s inherent wickedness resides { Cursed by our maN-eyeacal stEp_fAtehr {
There no longer is ability
For The World to discern where the line, untouched, lay.
That original space can be retraced, go back beyond the Emperium Millenial incurring Flexibility of unstable fumes blocking out the Son...
the centennially-dead vampires would rather the Light, be not faced...
Still will come "The Day" of the Inelegant COMEating dis-integration
Whatever the fiddlers believe in: Shadow or Sunlight or Both
The vultures will devour the flesh, overjoyed
Until they fight over the last scraps, then dine upon fez-brother
There will be few friends and many foes
The impact of the asteroid will release dreadful woes
Nothing will stand; except who marked the line’s original pose, delighting righteousness
These will be goners=outcast; completely flipped will be the moral magnetic poles
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going
What? Did you buy the witch hunts weren’t real; now any battered juvenile angels wet-behind-the-ears will be inept, and exposed
Get equipped for a global order established:
it’ll be the old “bright spirits will bring you Agree-Meant” favor-Ship Of tricks
Imps in Pose-essions & masking essences of Lights like devils from below
Preaching a pre=intended Bliss is finally yours to kiss
Yes, since Trump’s land crumbled, in the name of peace it arose
Maintaining “peace,” (at the cost of violence towards all who oppose)
Subtly disguised, it rewards those that dutifully carry out its objective:
The leaders won’t deceive in black and white
Never have, it’s all sleight of hand:
Purge the darkness with the blood of the innocent; Fear is their incentive
None wish to be found a traitor and join the tormented. Gotta get the Holy Ghost
Like it was published in the bible before the UpbRaided Earth
Great deceptions are never obvious.
Remember, The Presidents too let you down
There is misdirection everywhere. {bloo.{spoo.`and You Think the Ships can be repaired ? ?
While it’s hull stagnates in the open bBody of water ? ?
Aren’t ads that seem Too-good-to-be-true dubious?
There is an asteroid that is making landing
A massive rock from the heavens encroaching
It isn’t going to dissolve.
It will touchdown, Unlike so many others, the largest Ingestion of m’Olten ever known
There is no way the apocalypse
Can be fully understood, or arouse the attention deserved, until the effects are seen
And the time prophets the sentiment.
Remember this testament for there is no way out once signed aboard with the peace-proclaiming con artists:
They produced the pOisons & Behemoths that sponsored Everything’s Termination: forget your well-being; the mark ain’t worth your Unslayable Soul
Make no mistake
When the Chief Establishments are SEGA-Magis ;they play two faced cards.
Followers, the vampires, will unwittingly participate in unspeakable actions
Condemning any expression of conflicting views as evil, go the route of Revelation.
In their eyes, validation to hate a Hater of their illusory Unanimity of peace—
But as the Evolulusion Alien Storyline daze unRavel for a Beyond-The-i-Mage-ya-nation kill
Hesitate at The sight These extra-terrestrials, have patience
What is unseen is not perishing
Lo! A voice speaks,
"Hold fast, ye faithful, momentarily the test will cease,
Such the evil Time for you who trusted in riches and missed the aRch of Noah’s Door
Who couldn’t enter the strait gate that is Belief,
So take the scourge like the saints whom I just stole away from My Wrath toWards the earth
before it’s indefinitely too late
And don’t think for a second I can’t or don’t Still have Love for you,” - I, The Lord
Begun - February 5, 2014
!#3Testing($G69 haelpxxX!c
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