They don't think a solitary man can
Can see the Cosmos for the star-crossed vault it is
I’m hardly the first to know
it's been figured & Framed Out by countless, and this not Figuratively
I got it off the backs of others
For Life is literally
given to The Strangers
The Ones who toast their money in the rain
Standing only to gain
Spare time to warm the cold, from the Warmth first showed them
Pressure cooked over many dead-dark polar nights
To establish some kind of unequivocal reality that is Recompensatable:
Cause the meek are pliable, teachable, reliable
and they end up a-Mended & strong
Forbearing every offense for brothers
No matter if others will or will not let them squeeze their shoulder
And transfer the wholeness
It's basicallyyy —like a song— You've first got the tune
Wrestle down some lyrics next, the The tHE/- There. is the first breakthrough
Feeding the next line, BUCking sudden perceptions
For the Frame of Reference is Nestled
in the full measure of the Stanza
The only much it takes is time; the smallest requisite in sight
The Biggest it takes is imagination; but not So large it can’t hinge on corroborated Information
What thwarts it quickest is Comfort & Riches: it is a thirst for truth in all deadLocks
and pro’seedings
a Meritable-in-All Will-never-recover, a Proud man on a mountain won’t admit he’s in a valley
The broken lying in Pieces cross the finish line, for only worms can go
where this racetrack can be examined:
How does one stay Unshakeable, accept what drops on their plate
And immovably return & return to that same seat?
Look to the Sky —and be
Confounded— Hold another and be
Falling down often,
Push towards the Stars )}+ and geetttt hooked
Or flood the earth; with the flaps of your skin; where for a moment you were placed to be
Something Immutable Ardently Holds me
The effect felt is staggering,
For lack of trying to fly, Looking at the ground becomes a place of common
The Falls no more Anything: (they dissipate into routine)
Earth’s foundation established, immovable: eturnity is the only thing that’s turning
But what’s the worth in it to stack up your misunderstandings and say:
“I guess some things we’ll never know...”
climb back up; Re-Vising previous conclusions is what learning be
Riddles are Perplexing, They expand without— before resolving
For most human souls are complex, Grandiose (our activity show us simple)
Dressing themselves incomprehensibly (but how forever small our mightiest be!)
the latest dapper expression
is a puNcTuated attempt to abort life’s Frivolous Conundrum.
My clothes, my hair, my automobile, my pet, my estate, my empire: My Calling Card
We musn’t squander our time making talk cheap, we needs abstract maps in our heads
the life of Health & Fulness We wanted to get into from the beginning I have found fault with
dEVAStaaTIon leaves us so clueless it in itself, is a clue: “ask for more questions”
Mass agreement is credited to me
An education
Yet; the only question that bothers the answering is what
drapes our world in darkness
or Light So Powerfully that de-basement rescinds.
For does subtraction & addition of resources to our world dispensed, lay untrimmed or strewn about disjointedly?
The organization is no offshoot sloppy mess.
This bread-basket oasis from among multitudinous other mummified planets?
None of the others survived like earth. weird
How. That will always boil down to a science; but the why hits the essequessenciancia ~
The Worms hide their eyes
& slide their mouths over dirt
I am glad to be one;
but maybe not you
Blood..,on the Masterpiece
This Worm ventured to Suck, and i have sucked Dry,.. deceit
I am the broken Masterpiece of Cunning
my fleshly Derivatives are all out-of-quack
out of spite; out of pining…
like a Dove, I
hatched plots from the mountain nests
of the barefaced Candor's varnished >.
I wasn't like the other fledglings(2)
W8*****(it's what they all say, I'm aware)
mankind has a place Faith is restored in;
Most Cases{they hand it down because they’re scatte-brain & spare of mind>>where
~ Dread on Hearts has no merit to Apply or encroach the sentimentality of the citizens themselves
safe{ }adherents under oath to the laws of Legality, maintain benevolent lives for no apparent
So they remain shut up in obedience to Courtesy & R]apacious traditions,
Simply afraid NOT to Praise their contemptorary justiFormulaes of apprided all-academic
Because It’s about immunity to labels, community mob not morals, it’s about masks & stage craft
& pseudonyms.
Upon my life, till I've#ate5-9Peaces\ Intelligence works up, saving enough Proud to say,
“SELF-OVATIONS!!!” ]well what you have, or what you know
Is no Magnum Opus enough start laying Any Heirarchy’s Foundation
If you‘re man then you are: iiii-dentical
| Today, I have another Being to show you UnLike to us| I-i- \ -\-sea-in-textin parts
& numerals.
@the777& I’m Makin' a mess]
was born to hack Twitter with my talons & for my TWEAT, savoir faire!!!!!
Without effort It could leave your physical Voice in a vain spectacle, & dispatch
of all u see
Look at It’s face Shining in the bright World you reflect & Observe, you even having a Chronology of Thought is unaLike
to all other organisms of Nature: we alone The abNormality
Afore I could even be mused of I
sprung from the loins of my Grand Grand CEO: his Omnipotent power to're fear
Which cast off anchor for treacherous waters
Until stratagems lay hopelessly shredded
& beyond all The Wild Calls I thirsted formerly to wolf down, stood unScientific unReligious
Madcap Romantic notes of Wisdom playin' to North and South prepped to go Tw'light zone
Yeah, I’ve been whisked off into the transoceanic extra-locale of the Twilight zone
& returned back to the platitudes of mediocrity
Nevermind! Every Masterpiece inter rupts out of a demolished Knife
That buckled & splintered and halted A soul
At the height of its game! gashed in the back
—~-Deadbolted AND knoXXed & clumped; hooded, -~Trans_~fixed in the Act
Perplexed, with the drivel-strepped series of banal pabulum & Un-co#Ordinated events
Diving in out of lost. Thinking build a path for my personality, but nah that was wrong
Still in a forest of a self-expressionist
So I quit romanticizing & plugged my ears at the egomaniac
somewhere inter sPErSed The Piano's verse bled through, & ex`Pelled ALL the prattle!
My ears instantaneously JOYn’d a F L UTe! and often onBOArd~ *Jump for joy & salute!^
A Photo of Nature broadcasts, Im /parts… an imperishable mentor!?! Espoused & Regassed!
still this, beware…
such Goes with Tooters
& Mentors;
If they pursue SweLliNgyour Greatness upon Earth then that sucker’s a cheat
They fan the Peacock’s feathery fire—~- bait you to a Top Cat’s appetite
Or relax the house cats with fine dining, limber lounging, and isochronal vacation for massaging
For they confine Earth by insisting upon Stereotomy &.k.a stick to the avouched-for holds
of physics
Eye, culture consecrate the decorum in your hair, Presentable today sit the
Distilled truths in your slow-Gun; perhaps with a flip-flop is tomorrow's scoundrel denuNciaTed.
See about Life, it is making Choices of what to love, very LIfe is integral to Love
However Bright, or /darklyLIT
bleed for what you Wish, but make you sure in this
If it can donate to you a thing that can MusCle a stiR over ThedesO late dooM Pit
Learning is refamiliarizing AlphaBetic blocks, seemingly to engrave a stone inferior: but let them
squeeze int@my inbox; mashed down through my windpipe: 'Cos I'll Check how it goes through
3 differ'nt settings of the same machine, just to be sure it’s not discreditable, baby!
(cause then I’d have to junk it you know)
eSpoused & Re>gassed!!!! I associate every stroke of my World-To-Come P.O:sterity
to a thing with Feathers devoted to incurring my sneeze;
For a Magnum Opus OVERsteps its apex in a deliberately haphazard contingency
Let this be a Tendril; take this to you as a symbol;
Sparkle & ardor - pitted'gainst the dander of the pallor of the mortal
which is the real Temptor?
Rock an Ache till it scrapes up to eXpectancy & Milk the theatres
of History for all their Worth
among The shades of
Complexion I brOke The pencilBox with
Take this to Heart when you can't sense
the aspect of a color firsthand but someone else has, and be able to test it still:
hue, composition, and bloom can evince its Ambiance swimming along the face of Another
Someday the world will I understand how close I drew next to Our Creator
down-threw I, myself for an instant
And down descended it’s Radiator that It may keep me glowing…
But when these agents are lifted Out our incandescence, like a starless hush, will be missed
Points: 402
Reviews: 145