No, it's not the time to mess with me
Don't you see me getting angry at something
Don't you see me crying now because of you
Don't you see me sob?
Stop saying to "Buck up"
Stop with the "Cry Fest" BS
It's not the time
One minute mad because I said something stupid
Did something stupid
Next to trying to upset me more as you act stupid
Stop with making a joke out of me in front of mom
Stop with the "Feeling sorry for yourself" sh*t
Nows not the time
So sick of the whole "Well you did it first" reasoning
Stop with assuming it's about my game all the time
Or that it's about me being in trouble
Because it's not always about that
Sometimes it's because of you and your childish hypocrisy
Sometimes it's me and things affecting me
It's not the time
It's never the time
I stopped now you stop
Regardless if im under 18 and your over 18
Or if you're my dad
It's not the time
Especially when you don't like when mom does it to me
Points: 30
Reviews: 52