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Not the Time-Poem (First Draft. Will post final in a separate post!)

by ToxicAnglerFish

No, it's not the time to mess with me

Don't you see me getting angry at something

Don't you see me crying now because of you

Don't you see me sob?

Stop saying to "Buck up"

Stop with the "Cry Fest" BS

It's not the time

One minute mad because I said something stupid

Did something stupid

Next to trying to upset me more as you act stupid

Stop with making a joke out of me in front of mom

Stop with the "Feeling sorry for yourself" sh*t

Nows not the time

So sick of the whole "Well you did it first" reasoning

Stop with assuming it's about my game all the time

Or that it's about me being in trouble

Because it's not always about that

Sometimes it's because of you and your childish hypocrisy 

Sometimes it's me and things affecting me 

It's not the time

It's never the time 

I stopped now you stop

Regardless if im under 18 and your over 18 

Or if you're my dad

It's not the time 

Especially when you don't like when mom does it to me  

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Mon Sep 23, 2019 2:24 am
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ToxicAnglerFish says...

Thank you for all the reviews everyone! I am surprised to see how much attention this particular poem got! There are a lot of reviews and while having to type out a full response to each one would be long, thank you again for reviewing! I will most likely revised this poem since everyone seemed to really enjoy it!

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Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:57 pm
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JabberHut wrote a review...

Hey, Fish!

This is a really relatable issue, and I definitely can feel the emotion being expressed in the piece. Needless to say, the word choice is very easy to discern exactly what this piece is about and how the speaker is actually feeling. It's very effective for its purpose!

I think it struggles more in its depth as a piece. On the surface, it's very clearly about anger toward a particular person and that some issue triggered this moment to occur. However, it's never really clear to me when a good time for this would be. "It's not the time" is repeated several times in the piece, but this indicates that there IS a good time to be scolded to the ground, and I'm not sure that's the message you're going for.

There are other themes in this piece, however, that I think it would be BETTER to latch onto. For instance, the poem easily ends on a note that suggests the "dad" in this poem is unfairly judgmental, and that anything "mom" says doesn't actually hold water. The piece could choose to support this particular theme as I find that an interesting concept -- the idea that two parents aren't working together as a team in raising their child.

Another idea is to simply dive into the speaker's feelings and exactly why they feel so victimized. Why is "dad" saying all these things to the speaker? Why does the speaker hear them often? What does the speaker intend to do about it or how does the speaker choose to handle their damaged pride and self-confidence? Or IS their pride/self-confidence damaged? Perhaps they intend to show "dad" wrong?

So there's a lot of directions this can go. As it stands, it feels more like a rant with less direction as to its theme and what it's relating to specifically.

I do like the voice, however. It's very strong and clear, and I think this can really do with some polish before it can stand on its own.

Hope that didn't sound too confusing! Keep writing!

Jabber, the One and Only!

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Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:38 pm
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Clairia wrote a review...

Hi, there! I'm @Daughter, here to leave you a review!

This piece hit home. I've had similar feelings about people in my family - particuarly my father. Mental abuse is a real thing, and when it comes from multiple sources, that's a burden no one should bear. My deepest condolences. I wish I could be there to help you.
However, since I cannot, I can just give you the best review for your work that I can, and hope that your situation gets better. And I'm sure it will, but until then, please don't hesitate to DM me if you're ever in need of someone to talk to that might understand. I'm here for you. <3

Now, let's hop into the review.
You do a really good job displaying how you've been affected by what has happened to you. I can really and truly feel the emotion of this piece whilst I read it. You have a few grammatical issues, but those are easy fixes. Let me point them out for you:

...if im I'm under 18 and your you're over 18

Nows Now's not the time

You've also got some missing commas, but those aren't always needed nor intended to create the effect you did. The vulnerability and rawness of this piece can't be matched by many, and for that reason, I really can't critique it for anything other than what I have already. You've done a great job.

Thank you for sharing. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

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Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:05 pm
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itsmejr wrote a review...

I can really relate to this and I hope you're feeling better 😊.

Besides obvious punctuation and grammar, I really like the flow of this poem.

"One minute mad because I said something stupid

Did something stupid

Next to trying to upset me more as you act stupid"

That's alot of stupid but I get it. Maybe change the last line to
"Next trying to upset me more, acting like a child."
Or something like that.

And also " I stopped now you stop "
to "try and act your age"

I hope you have a great rest of your day

p.s sorry about the other two. This is the last time I try to do this from my phone XP

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Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:00 pm
itsmejr says...

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Sun Sep 22, 2019 9:58 pm
itsmejr says...

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Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:18 pm
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mellifera wrote a review...

Hey ToxicAnglerFish!

I review and know much more about prose than I do about poetry. Feel free to take my suggestions with a grain of salt!

Don't you see me getting angry at something

I think this would have more of an impact if the generalised "at something" wasn't there? It kind of softens the idea that the author of the poem is getting angry, since it doesn't specify what and therefore leaves it vague in a way that, personally, I'm not a fan of. I'd prefer if it was left "Don't you see me getting angry?" because then it's not softened or padded afterwards, and it has the same sense of "this could be applied to anything".

Don't you see me crying now because of you

Don't you see me sob?

This feels repetitive to me in a way that it doesn't need to? I think you can cut one of the lines because you're essentially saying the same thing twice (in a way that doesn't really add anything to your poem).
Actually, might I suggest something like:

"Can't you see me crying
Because of you?"

Stop saying to "Buck up"

I would use "telling" instead of "saying" just because it's more direct, but that's a pretty small nitpick.

Stop with the "Cry Fest" BS

"Cry Fest" doesn't seem inherently negative to me? There's no accompanying jab to this. There's no "you shouldn't have cry fests" or anything. If the author's father is just saying "you have a lot of cry fests" or something like that (to me, anyway), it doesn't come across as a negative output, therefore I'm not exactly sure what the BS of this line is?

Next to trying to upset me more as you act stupid

This line doesn't flow well. It's not... worded in a way that makes it a smooth line to read. I think the author's father is trying to make the author more upset by being stupid, but I'm not exactly sure because it's worded awkwardly. Perhaps "The next you come to get a rise out of me" ??? (also, then you wouldn't have the excessive "stupid" repetition. I like it in the last two lines! I think it works really well! But this line is different enough from that it doesn't really fit into that pattern)

Stop with the "Feeling sorry for yourself" sh*t

Is this referencing the father "feeling sorry for himself" or him criticising the author for "feeling sorry for themself"?

Nows not the time

This line (and the ones similar to it) seem odd to me? It implies that there is a time for the author's dad to be doing these things, which I would... not agree with? I don't think that's what you're trying to get across. I think you are trying to write that the author is telling their dad to stop being such a Fool, not that they want him to stop being a fool "sometimes".

Because it's not always about that

I'm not much of a fan of this line? I think you summarise what it isn't pretty well that you don't have to add in "it's not this, because it's not about this", as it makes sound a little funny to me? I think it'd read really nice if it went from "here's what it isn't always about, and here's what you aren't seeing that it can be about".

Sometimes it's me and things affecting me

This line doesn't flow as well as I think it deserves, because I do really like this line! It's very relatable! Maybe if it was even just "Sometimes it's about what's affecting me"? The "me" repetition isn't something that I find flows well together.

I stopped now you stop

Maybe "I stopped and now it's your turn"?

Regardless if im under 18 and your over 18

"I'm" and "you're".
There's nothing wrong with this line, this is more of a personal suggestion? "Regardless if I'm the kid and you're the adult"? Again, it's not really that important though, I just think it may get your point across a little better here :)

I agree with Elinor about this being something that a lot of people can connect to! I think almost everyone has that one person in their life that they wish would just stop behaving a certain way, or ridiculing them, or so on. It's really well written to connect to you audience, so great job on that!

Honestly, the biggest nitpick I have is just how some of your sentences don't flow as well, and the repetition of words that don't hold up as well when they're used so much (stop is the main one), that have alternative ways of phrasing that wouldn't be as repetitive/dulling.

Otherwise, I think you did a good job conveying your frustration in this poem! I think it'd be good to focus on that and draw on it if you decide to edit this poem.

I think that's all I have for you today! If you have any comments or questions about anything I said, please let me know! I'm happy to discuss :D

I hope you have a wonderful day, and Happy RevMo!


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Sun Sep 22, 2019 2:09 pm
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Elinor wrote a review...

Hi ToxicAnglerFish!

My name is Elinor, and I hope you're doing well! I thought I would drop by to give you a quick review.

Overall, I'm less knowledgable with poetry than I am with prose, but I still enjoy and appreciate it as a medium. I know you said that it's a vent poem, and those can definitely be healthy. I'm not sure if you want to do anything more with it, but I do think that this being a message for your parents is something that a lot of people will be able to latch onto and connect with.

I like the first few lines, as it's definitely something I can relate to. My main comment would be to bring the reader into this story, and your mindset. Poetry, to me, is about evoking a feeling whereas prose is about telling a story. I think this can be shorter. If I were you I'd zero in on a feeling, maybe of the dad knocking at the door.

I hope this was helpful. Keep writing, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions at all!


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