I like this poem. I find it to be very relatable. I have a few things I'd like to point out.
Firstly, there were a fair few grammar errors. Firstly, in the fourth line, 'Were' should be 'Where' and I'm also not certain what you were trying to say in this line. I'd play with the word choice a bit.
Also, 'carelessly' should be uppercase, for consistency.
In the line after that, 'Its' should be 'it's' and this is just my opinion, but I feel that 'Pretty baby blue' is a little bit funny sounding. But that might just be me. Plus, I think this line should come after the next line. There, I think you need to change 'how' to 'where' and add a comma after 'Oh' though, I really think this line should be cut out, and I feel it doesn't really add anything to the poem as a whole. Also, it connects the next line to the previous.
I really like the line 'Where freedom has a meaning' this line is great, and I don't think you should change anything about it. In my opinion, I think this should be the last line in the poem. If you'd like to keep the last two lines, great! It's just that this line really sells what I feel is the theme of the poem, and it's a nice conclusion.
I love this poem, I find it to be very relatable, and I really did enjoy reading this! (Despite me pointing out it's negatives) I had a lot of fun with it, and I can't wait to read your next poem!
Keep on writing! And have a good day!
Points: 6176
Reviews: 471