
Young Writers Society

The Good, the Bad, and the Google [Bot]

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Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:14 am
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Wolfi says...

The desert was hot. It was hot not only because Wolfie wanted credits for the June Captain’s Challenge; it was hot because it was a desert and deserts are hot.

Wolfie, taking a swig of hot water from her hot canteen, wondered if she could get extra credits for writing “hot” enough times.

“It’s dern hot here,” she said. “I ain’t never felt so hot in my life.” She raised her voice. “Didja hear that, @AstralHunter? I said that it’s hot!”

Hunter was not there to hear her. Nor was anyone else, really, unless you count the horse and the cow.

“What good is a tagbook with no one around?” Wolfie wondered aloud.

“Hey, I’m here,” said her horse, thoroughbred-ly offended.

(Her horse was @Sheyren, who had, as a human, annoyed his sister @Mage so much that she had turned him into a horse. It wasn’t supposed to be permanent, but Sheyren had been equine for two weeks now and was still going strong.)

“Well,” Wolfie said, “now I’ve tagged you and your sister. Who else?”

“@LadyLizzLovelace,” Shey neighed.

“I ain’t fixin’ to just tag people outta the blue like that.”

“It ain’t out of the blue,” Shey said. “Look.”

Yonder desolate sandy landscape of mesquite brush and cacti, Wolfie indeed spotted Lady Lizz galloping full-speed toward them, kicking up a cloud of dust.

“Better hold onto your cows, Wolfie,” Lizz called when she was close enough.

“My cows? I thought you’re supposed to hold onto your horses.”

Shey tossed his head. “Excuse me. I am a strong, independent horse. Ain’t nobody holdin’ me back from pursuing my dreams.”

Lizz pulled her horse to a stop. “Have you not been in Yewistone lately?”

“No,” Wolfie admitted. “What’s going on?” It had taken her a while to lasso her most recent cow, but she was finally returning to Yewistone to take it to the Green Pasture. She thought that this was one of her finest cows yet, and was anxious for it to get branded. She hoped the brands wouldn’t be too harsh, however. This cow was her baby!

Suddenly, Wolfie pauses the narrative, turns around in the saddle, and looks the reader directly in the eye. “If my metaphors haven’t been clear enough,” she says, “Yewistone is YWS, cows are literary works, the Green Pasture is the Green Room, and brands are reviews.” She smiles, nods, and returns to the story.

“I hate to be the bringer of bad news,” Lizz said, wiping the sweat from her brow. “It ain’t lookin’ pretty, guys.”

“What do you mean?” Shey asks.

Lizz looks as if she’s about to cry. “Sheriff @Nate’s been... kidnapped—”

“Kidnapped?!” Shey and Wolfie exclaim at the same time.

“—along with deputies @Rydia, @Snoink, and @Meshugenah.”

“By whom?” Wolfie asked. Her heart was beating a mile a minute.

Lizz gulped. “@Google [Bot],” she whispered.

Shey and Wolfie gasped. The wanted poster for the infamous outlaw Google [Bot] flashed in Wolfie’s memory, glaring at her with cruel metallic eyes and a wiry mustache. She shuddered. “Oh no…”

Then all of a sudden, the sun was blotted out from the sky, and the desert was swathed in a terrible, menacing darkness. The wind picked up and sand swirled around in miniature cyclones.

“A sandstorm!” Lizz cried. “Run!”

Shey tried to run, but he couldn’t get very far because of the frightened cow that was tied to the saddle horn, who had dug its hooves in the sand and wouldn’t budge.

“Leave the cow,” Lizz said over her shoulder, one hand on her hat to keep it from blowing away. “It’s for the best.”

Wolfie was shocked. “But—”

“You can catch it again one day,” Lizz said. “But if we take it back to Yewistone now, Google [Bot] will steal it like he has all the others.”

“All the others?”

“Yewistone’s Cowpyright Policy ain’t existent for Google [Bot] and its posse, Wolfie. They're trying to make a profit off of all us Yewisters’ hard work. If we don’t stop them soon, all the cows’ll be butchered an’ sold with Google [Bot]’s name on the packaging.”

Wolfie wanted to cry. Instead, she nodded, untied the cow, and urged Shey forward. She didn’t look back, but instead covered her nose and mouth with her light green bandana to block the sand. Lizz did the same.

When they finally reached Yewistone, the sandstorm had died down, enough for Wolfie to see that the Homeplaza wasn’t the same. The beautiful blue buildings with neat black trimmings were riddled with bullet holes and almost all the windows were shattered. The bulletin for Top Cows of the Day was missing, as was the bulletin for the Weekly Best Branders.

Lawman @Lumi entered the Homeplaza. “Wolfie! Come quick! The Tepeestories are on fire, an’ not in a good way - you’ve gotta help us put ‘em out!”

“Why would Google [Bot] want to burn the Tepeestories?” Wolfie asked.

Lumi shrugged. “They're heartless and wants to take away our pride an’ joy, I guess.”

Suddenly, a robot burst into view.

T h e t e p e e s t o r i e s m u s t b u r n

Swiftly, Lawman Lumi pulled out his gun and shot the robot dead. “Quick, we'd better go!” he said, wheeling his horse around and dashing off toward Tepeestory Creek.

“I’d best be headin’ off to the Green Pasture,” Lizz said. “Watch out for more of Google [Bot]’s posse. I hear Bing [Bot]’s comin’ to help with reinforcements.” She cantered off in the other direction.

Before they even reached Tepeestory Creek, Wolfie could see clouds of black smoke billowing in the sky. As they got closer, she could also hear gunshots as Yewisters fought off the swarms of robots.

All the Tepeestory Tribe council members were there in their light green bandanas, brandishing their pistols - Hunter, Mage, @TheSilverFox, @Sassafras, and @TheMaieuticMesmerist - while other loyal Tepeestory Tribe members - @LeftyWriter, @FalconryGirl9086, @Persistence, @Gravity, @Europa, and @CoffeeCat, to name a few - tossed buckets of water on the smoldering Tepeestories. Even the giant Pokemon MysteryDungeon: The Seventeen Plates of Arceus Tepee, which loomed above the others, was damaged.

Wolfie’s heart dropped with dread when she saw her beloved Sea of Seven Tepeestory in flames, and Shey whinnied in anger when he saw the pristine Blank Tepeestory charred and blackened. Wolfie dismounted and drew her pistols, and Shey stormed off to help deliver water buckets.

An hour later, things were relatively under control. Most of the Tepeestories had seen better days, but none had been completely destroyed by the fires. Robot carcasses were everywhere, and a few live ones continued to trickle into Tepeestory Creek, repeating the same monotone line over and over:

T h e t e p e e s t o r i e s m u s t b u r n

Wolfie was getting darn good at shooting robots. At this point she had gotten into such a system of shooting, reloading, and shooting that she didn’t notice when a giant screen appeared in the sky.

“It’s Sheriff Nate!” @XxXTheSwordsmanXxX yelled, pointing above their heads.

“Oh God!” @Lael cried.

Sure enough, on the screen in the sky, Google [Bot] had projected a live video of Sheriff Nate slumped against a wall, unconscious. The camera panned over to three jail cells, where the three deputies in their red bandanas were chained. Deputy Rydia glared at the camera. “We’re in The Tavern,” she said, matter-of-factly.

Suddenly the camera shut off and the screen disappeared. Wolfie had a feeling that Google [Bot] had not wanted Rydia to say that.

Lawman Lumi let out a war cry. “To The Tavern!” he yelled.
John 14:27:
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled
and do not be afraid.

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Mon Jun 26, 2017 5:10 am
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AvantCoffee says...

The scene was in pandemonium, but they rode it like a bucking bull. CoffeeCat followed the surge of indignant Yewisters towards The Tavern, led by the passionate battle cry of Lawman @Lumi.

As she sped along with @PrincessInk and @Kelpies, CoffeeCat took in the holed buildings and charred states of the Tepeestories with wide eyes. The great caboodle was in shambles! She felt a little timid, being relatively new to the other cow herders (after all, she brandished not a single star stud on her gunslinging attire), but even she could recognise the direness of the situation.

Veering into @Tortwag's Loony Saloon, CoffeeCat slammed her fist on the drink counter. "Fix me an extra large, quadruple shot coffee with five sugars," she demanded, a feline fierceness burning in her eyes.

Twaggy took a step back from behind the counter, revealing the Samurai Jack katana at his belt (which was slightly out-of-place in the tagbook theme). "But Coffee, yer alter ego HyperKitty will be unleashed! Are ya sure you wanna go through with this?"

"I can handle it. We must save Sheriff @Nate an' the deputies from Google [Bot] at all costs! Ain't no way I can help without that crazy energy."

Reluctantly, Twaggy served CoffeeCat the steaming beverage. The last time this had happened, HyperKitty had tackled @Sheyren in a big Birthday hug, much to the shock of the Queen of the Potatowings.

Tipping her wide-brimmed hat at Twaggy in farewell, the transformed HyperKitty skedaddled out of the joint, burning the breeze on her path to The Tavern. She caught up to a group of brave buckaroos taking down robots with six shooters outside the Yewistone Post Office.

"Howdy, partner," she greeted @rosette, who appeared to be having a hog-killin’ time. "Quite an inferno we got here."

rosette grinned. "Dang right. I been barely holdin' off these nasties from Big Brother's emergency announcements. The bots are swarmin' like March flies."

"I reckon," added @Mage from the side, shooting a bot square in the head. "My brother was nabbed while I was out makin' the usual cake rounds to Yewisters. Who knows what Google [Bot] might be doin' to him!"

"Uuh..." HyperKitty began, about to mention that she saw Sheyren with @Wolfical only just before.

"Incoming!" @Sassafras shouted to them all.

They dove for cover as Bing [Bot] crashed down from the sword and pencil town sign above, sending a cloud of desert dust rolling into the air. Bing [Bot] let out a mighty roar and banged on its Cowpyright Policy armour.

"Hang it all! cried @RedBird from behind an advertisement board, and together everyone charged at Bing [Bot] with their guns firing and lassos swinging wildly.

"You better get a wiggle on it," @Chaser shouted to HyperKitty in the group chaos. "Ifin' yer hopin' to meet up with Lawman Lumi's offence force, that is."

HyperKitty nodded with resurfaced determination. "By jingo, you're right!" And in a blur of super speed, she reached The Tavern in no time.

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Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:31 pm
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sheysse says...

As Shey essentially carried @Wolfical to The Tavern, he could feel the heat of the sun on his back, acknowledging that out here in the desert, it was hot. He then immediately dropped that topic because it had earned him his point and no longer helped him.

"Wolfie, I suggest before we arrive at The Tavern, we should consider bringing some allies. Just in case everything goes 'bleh'. Or 'boom', Shey suggested in his majestic horse way.

"That's a fair point, Majestic Stallion (that may not have been her exact wording, but it was probably close enough). We shall gather others from the wreckage of the Tepeestories!"

They hadn't gone far from the smoldering aftermath, and so some of the devastated tribe members and council representatives were still near. One such was @AstralHunter, who stood watching the scene.

"Hey Hunter, care to join us in our quest to slay the mighty Google [Bot]?" Shey asked, only to be met with a confused stare from the council member. "Oh, right. The horse thing."

"Why are you a horse?" He asked.

"Because I want to be! Can't a man be a horse, if he wants to?! When will we learn to accept people for who they want to be, not who they are? The time is now, Yewistown. Show your true self, and be the understanding and modest community I know you can be!"

"Mage is punishing him," Wolfie whispered during the monologue.

"Oh," Hunter acknowledged.

"Pipe down, my equine companion. We must be off to save the day, as two wolf-related accounts and a horse-man will always do, should the need arise," Wolfie said, glancing at Hunter and winking. Shey saw this act and groaned, knowing that they were making fun of his shape-shifted condition.

"We should probably get a few more people, though," Hunter commented. "There's only three of us, and one is..." He contemplated Shey's sleek chestnut coat, "unable to fight."

"I can fight! Look at these dangerous-" He stopped, noticing two figures across the way. It was @FalconryGirl9086 and @CurseofK4. Shey trotted over to them, dragging Wolfie and forcing Hunter to follow.

"Shey, is that you?" Falconry asked, and Shey nodded.

Curse laughed. "I told you @Mage wouldn't be happy when you stole her colored pencils! I didn't expect her to morph you into, what are you? A donkey? But anyway, I did warn you."

"Horse. I'm a horse. Thought that was kind of obvious, actually. Besides, this is punishment for something else. She still hasn't noticed I broke her red pencil while borrowing it, and if you stay silent, she won't need to."

"Hey, Curse," Wolfie started, "I haven't seen you around the Tepeestories before."

He nodded to his companion, who wore a falcon glove and didn't have a falcon. "We were out looking for a falcon or something, and then we saw the smoke. She kinda dragged me along for the ride. Along the way we ended up with her, too," he said, pointing to @AlexOfLight, who Shey had only just now noticed.

"I take it your going to The Tavern too?" Falconry asked. Shey nodded in unison with Wolfie and Hunter. "Then we shall accompany you. 6 is better than 3. Well, it's at least a greater number. Meaning unless we're playing golf, we should do fine."

"Okay, I think we're set, with six companions," Shey concluded, turning to hunter and Wolfie.

Wolfie shook her head. "This is a western. You might have gotten some subtle hints. We aren't gonna do this with six. We need to do it with seven."

"Who are you thinking of for the seventh?"

"I know where she's going with this," Hunter said. "We have among this group, two of the three Wolf-Musketeers. I believe we need the third."

Hunter and Wolfie looked at each other and said, in unison, "We need to find @SpiritedWolfe."

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Mon Jun 26, 2017 1:19 pm
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TinkerTwaggy says...

Uncle Twaggy opened his eyes, hands still stuck on the barn of his Saloon.

"...Tagged again." he whispered. "No clear data on Western speech patterns due to being French; dangerous habit to write entire Tagbook posts without tagging much or interacting with anyway; although it's awesome, I've been given Jack's katana in a wild west setting; everyone's fighting robots; and my role's to distribute Popeye-style enhancing liquors." the Shell Master sighed to himself. "Welp. At least one wacky battle per Tagbook, that's my policy. C'mon, Twaggy. Just one. Just one, and we're off." Rising from his spot, Tortwag walked into his room, opened a secret chest lying behind a secret compartment under his bed and blew away some dust lying on another tome of his beloved Book of Toon series.

"Let's see..." he whispered. "Coffee... Saloon... Looney... Robots, western... Hm... Ah! Perfect. Yes, yes, I've got JUST the thing!"
Ah, if only @AstralHunter and @TheSilverFox could see him. They'd be delighted to see his madness growing!

With that wonderful thought in mind, Tortwag took the time to prepare his next paragraphs of mayhem, then finally burst out of his Saloon, dressed in his gunslinger attire, with one gun hidden away in his belt's holster, and glass bullets with steel tips inside of which a variety of beans rested.

"Ah! Twaggy!" @CoffeeCat, or rather HyperKitty exclaimed.

"Why's the barman here?" @Chaser inquired.

"No questioning! Just trusting!" @Mage retorted. "Twaggy! Think you can do something about these robots? Bing [Bot] and his mean machines are preventing us from reaching Lawman Lumi!"

Tortwag raised an eyebrow. "Sorry for the surrounding Christians besides myself, but Jesus am I seriously making everyone speak out of character." he shook his head, depressed at his inability to portray a point in time he adored. "Oh, well. Stand aside, guys. Lemme handle these robots for now!" the Shell Master snapped his finger as a group of Gizoids - look at my current Avatar to see what Gizoids look like - came out of the saloon, one of which holding a gigantic radio. The enemy robots, however, kept repeating the same thing.

T h e t e p e e s t o r i e s m u s t b u r n

"Hah!" Tortwag exclaimed. "Big words, for someone NOT on a unicyle!"

The surrounding robots as well as Tortwag's colleagues squinted through the purposeful lack of description and realized that, indeed, Tortwag had been standing on a fancy dark green and silver unicycle all along.

"Gentlemen?" Tortwag said while snapping his fingers. The Gizoids behind him saluted him before booting up the requested song.

Spoiler! :
phpBB [media]

"Credits goes to @Robusto for discovering that one." Tortwag muttered beforing rushing at his enemy's encounter, charging a first Starbean Bullet in his trusty gun.

"Cigars are evil, you won't miss 'em!
We'll find way to simulate that smell!

Loadup: Nega-Woohoo Blend.

Tortwag shot a first Starbean Bullet. The coffee-infused aroma spread on the poor robot's head, and he promptly overheated, smoke coming out of its head. The robot rolled on the ground, trying to extinguish the fiery sensasion inside its mechanical organs.

"What a sorry fella!
Rolled up and smoked like a Panetela!
Here on Level One of Robot He-e-e-e-ll!

Deranged robots attempted to catch the Shell Master, but he wheeled away, dodging their assaults with ease - but then, attacking a unicyle while being on foot was rubbish.

"Gambling's wrong and so is cheating!
So is forging phony IOUs...!

Loadup: Extra-Thicc Teeheespresso Blend.

Loaded another bullet, Tortwag performed a fancy drift with his unicyle and shot his next foe. The robot's body convulsed as an overgrown moustache suddenly grew on his face. The sheer impossibility of such an organic feature spontaneously growing in his mechanical being somehow shocked him to such extent that it collapsed on the ground.

"...Let's let lady luck decide,
What type of torture's justified,
I'm pit boss here on Level Two-o-o-o!

Loadup: Extra-Thicc Chuckle Blend.

Tortwag wheeled backwards just in time to dodge a robot tackle. He fired at his foe while he was on the ground. The aroma raised the victim's internal speed, and it began trembling at unstoppable rates: so much, in fact, that tis body began overheating, melting the rocky ground below as the robot melted in place.

"Ooh! Deep-fried robot!"

To Tortwag's surprise, another robot hid next to an abandonned city barrel and fired a gun, which grazed Tortwag's cheek. Frowning, the Shell Master turned to it.

"Please stop sinning while I'm singing!"

As the robot reloaded , two of its comrades joined him behind the barrel, not noticing that their metallic torsos were very much exposed.

Loadup: Extra-Thicc Hoolumbian.

Firing yet another bullet, Tortwag watched as the target's muscle-mass increased exponentially, until it was too much for the lower body to support. Said body conveniently seperated in two and fell on the two robots from each of its sides.

"Selling bootleg tapes is wrong,
Musicians need that income to survive!

Two Gizoids appeared next to Tortwag, flawlessly in time for their part.

"Hey, Bender, gonna make some noise!" one rapped.

"With your hard drive scratched by the Beastie Boys!"
the second one continued as they breakdanced to the beat of the sudden record scratching.


Tortwag approached the last remaning robot, Bing [Bot], who was trembling, most certainly of admiration for Tortwag's glorious unicycle.

Extra-Thicc Loadup: Whohoo Blend; Hoohoo Blend; Chuckle Blend; Teehee Blend; Hoolumbian Bled; Chuckoccino Blend.

Loading up six Starbean Bullets in his gun, Tortwag aimed at the Bing [Bot], slowly approaching it with a mad grin on the face.

"Fencing diamonds, fixing cockfights!"

The first bullet overheated the robot's body. Too much health kills health, after all.

"Publishing indecent magazines!"

The second brought about electric sparks all over the robot's body. Too much energy kills energy, after all.

"You'll pay for every crime, knee-deep in electric slime!"

Third bullet: this time Bing's internal organs started vibrating at unstoppable rates, just a like previously described case.

"You'll suffer till the end of time!"

Fourth bullet: a wonderful, boastful, impossibly organic mustache grew on the poor robot's face.

"Enduring tortures - most of which rhyme!"

Fifth bullet: The robot doubled in size, surprised by the sudden muscle mass that covered its entire body.

"Trapped forever here in ROBOT HE-E-E-E-E-ELL!"

And as the sixth bullet struck the robot, Tortwag leaped down from his unicyle, dashed towards the enemy as he put away his gun, and unsheathed his sword the moment he passed by the robot to slice it with a quick strike. Disrespecting the tradition of Badassitude, he immediately turned back to gaze at the wonderfully colorful explosion that followed, as Bing [bot] was finally destroyed, joining its robots in Robot Hell.
Who in their right mind would miss THAT for the sake of appearing cool?

"A-a-a-a-a-and that's that." Tortwag exclaimed as he sheathed his sword back in its scabbard. "And THAT, m'dear audience, is why you call upon Shell Master Tortwag when you have to deal with a..." Tortwag's grin disappeared as he realized that nobody else but his clapping Gizoids and a very much clichéd dustball were listening to him.
"...battle. Uh... Where...?"

"I believe they knew you got this, sir, so they moved towards the Tavern while you were Master Scheming this post."


"Well. You are a SHELL Master, sir."

Tortwag sighed. "No sassing, or you're joining them idiots in Robot Hell. C'mon, let's get back to my Saloon. We'll hug Cat for letting me use Jack's sword as a part of this plan." Tortwag retrieved his signature grin. "AND...! for giving me a wonderful coffee-related character concept! Quick, my Gizoids! To the Creative Room!"

"What's the Scheme this time, Sir?"

"Breeding cats."


"TYPO. I MEANT: RACING CATS. With my unicycle. Which you can grab, by the by. But well... Breeding race-bound cats is ALSO something we can do, so, I'm happy this typo happened. Let's go, everyone!"

And so, Uncle Twaggy went back inside his Saloon, locked the door fron the inside, put a totally-western-typical-not-at-all-out-of-context spell barrier outside, and began his wait for cats as he experimented with hyperactivity-inducing, stats-boosting coffees.

Legend has it that Uncle Twaggy is still forcing the kitty population of Yewistone to drink his Hyper Bean Coffees and racing them with his unicyle to this very day.

Last edited by TinkerTwaggy on Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

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Mon Jun 26, 2017 5:04 pm
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Featherstone says...

"Find @SpiritedWolfe?" Feathers asks, thinking as she wipes the sweat off her forehead. "Well, if we can find my cyberhawk, I'm sure that it can locate Spirit." Her totally-western half-robot raptor could definitely do the job; she's sure of it.

"Is a cyberhawk even really western, though?" Curse inquires.

"Of course. Do you really think I'd be putting non-western things into a western tag book?"

He almost denies that, then face palms.

"A cyberhawk isn't western," Wolfie's horse protests. "You can't put it here!"

"There were falconer cowboys too!" Fea answers. "And besides, what am I without my cyberhawk? I always have my cyberhawk!"

"Not now," Shey points out.

"Anyways," Wolfie interjects. "How do we find SpiritedWolfe? Or your cyberhawk?"

Feathers produces a bal-chatri trap - a small cage with a large rat in it, weighted by a heavy piece of wood and some nooses made out of fishing line. "Ta-da! Once we see the hawk, we use this! Then we catch it up and I'll fix the recall button and we can find Spirit!"

"I'm fairly certain that's not western, either..." Curse points to the trap.

"Who cares?" Shey asks. "It works."

"But how are we going to find the hawk to use the trap?" Hunter points out the obvious flaw in the plan.

"Riding around?" Curse suggests.

"I have a kind of working recall button," Feathers answers. "I think it is semi-functional. Of course, it's pretty hot out, and it wasn't made to withstand this much heat."

"That's a horrible plan!" Shey protests.

"I see it!" Hunter exclaimed, pointing to a shape above them. It was indeed the cyberhawk.

Feathers threw out the trap, which attracted her lost bird in moments. She hops off her horse and catches it, then tampers with a control panel on its back for a few seconds. "There! All fixed!"

"Where is Spirit?" Wolfie asks as the hawk whirrs and hops onto Feather's fist.

"Spirit is back going to The Tavern, too! About three miles that way." She points.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Hunter asks as the six of them gallop in that direction.
"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost."


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Mon Jun 26, 2017 5:20 pm
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Brigadier says...

While @Wolfical and the others stormed off to the Tavern to find the leaders, Lady Lizz stayed behind to survey the damage, set up some cool background music for the storybook and pursue a lead of her own. Once the mp3 player was hooked up in the com office, she got down to business by calling out all of the Green Room Rough Riders. Opening up a portal and grabbing her notes, Lady Lizz started the message.

"@Lauren2010, @Aley and @Iggy, if you're out there, please come to Tepeestory Creek instead of the tavern. And would you send all of the green bandanna bearers as well: @Mea, @Lavvie, @Nikayla, @Morrigan, @BlueAfrica and @alliyah. Thank ya kindly in advance."

The Rawhide tune buzzed in the distance as Arthur (The horse), Tim (the raven) and Lizz (the hero until the end of this post), trudged through the darkened grounds. Piles of dirt were built into banks, the ground was flooded with a mixture of spent ammunition, arrows, oil and worst of all - blood. Two Rough Riders appeared out of the sky (@Nikayla and @BlueAfrica), soon joined by a Knight from Order of the Ravens (@BiscuitsLeGuin).

"What do you need from us?"
"Well Bisc, I think they're going in the wrong direction. There's two reasons why Nate could have gotten kidnapped. 1. The darn fool messed with security so bad that the bots could just walk in. Or 2, this was an inside job."
Nikayla got off her horse and walked over to the circle.
"What do you mean inside job Lizz?"
"Um I don't know, someone sold out the admins and then started a site wide war. I have killed bots before but I don't feel like having to take out a whole army of them."

@alliyah stood nervously, wanting to say something, then finally found a break in the conversation.
"Pardon me, did you say you killed bots?"
"Yeah. Back during something like this happened in the Lounge." Lizz coughed and turned into the sunset before beginning a short tale of woe, similar to that of Juliet and her Romeo.

a long, long time ago, I can still remember how that music used to make me smile. And I knew if I had my chance, then I could make those people dance and maybe th-
"Whoops wrong playlist. Let's switch back to the country track.
It was not too long ago, that I wore a dark blue bandana occasionally speckled with the red marks of reviews. Those were the days when the bots still ran free through chat, causing mayhem and stealing the silver. I wish now that I hadn't of been so cold, so easy to give into the dark side presented before me, but at one point I was an outlaw. One fateful night I stormed into chat, shot the barkeep and ran. When the news got out that some young blood took a shot at the man in black, I was hunted by one side and praised by another. Was it in fact Nate that I shot? The world will never know but I've lived with that guilt for a long time. I've lived with the fact no not had ever attacked me after I took a shot at the grand chief. In all honesty, I was aiming for the chandelier but I tripped over @fortis 's box of poems.

"But that was all a very long time ago and for now we must save them."
"Do you think they might be somewhere else than the tavern?" questioned Mea. "Perhaps in some other forum?"

Their pondering was interrupted by shouts and screams on the other side of the mountain, near to the land of Green Rooms. A stained flag quivered in the distance about the castle of Knights. Lizz took her silver six guns out her saddlebags, loading them with one hand while looking for her rifle and sword.
"We must protect the rest of the colonies. Everyone else went to find the higher up mods but we need to remember about the 40,000 other souls aboard this ship."

The officers left standing in the town, gathered the squires and civilians, saddled up their horses. They rode, not into the sunset, but up the hill ready to charge onto the battlefield below.

the brigadier rides again!
LMS VI: Lunch Appointment with Death

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Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:04 pm
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Mageheart says...

Despite the first of most likely several battles having been waged, Mage was still having trouble comprehending exactly what had happened. She understood that the bots were responsible for kidnapping all of the really powerful members of YWS, but didn't understand the motive or even how they had gone about doing that. Capturing even one of them seemed like a difficult feat. Maybe it was their sheer size that allowed them to complete such a challenge?

Sighing, Mage looked away from the carnage caused by @Tortwag and inspected her gun. This was a western, right? So did that mean that she had to use it? Because her aim with anything related to projectiles sucked; @Sheyren was far better at aiming but he was a horse. The thought of her now equine brother made her gulp. It was supposed to be a temporary spell, but it didn't wear off at the end of the day. She needed the help of a more experienced sorcerer, but she kept forgetting to ask @TheMaieuticMesmerist.

Well, since they were dealing with robots in a Western and Tortwag had already disregarded every part of the genre, she could definitely use magic! She just had to figure out exactly what she needed to do.

She looked around. She was alone, everyone else heading off on some self-determined quest while she was contemplating the rules of the genre.

Her gaze dropped down to her phone. After looking up the translator she needed so she could at least get part of the genre right, she said, "Me thinks me need to find some mates to 'elp with this here problem! But where be me goin' to find them?"

Wait. That didn't sound right! She checked her phone again. She had opened the pirate translator. With another sigh, she opened the correct one and repeated the statement. "I think I need to find some friends to help with this problem! But where am I goin' to find them?"

Hm. It wasn't that different from the normal phrase! Which officially sucked because she was relying on that to give her post the Western element it needed, and now it looked like she wasn't even putting any effort into trying to stick to theme of the tagbook.


Mage jumped in surprise. Spinning around with a spell on the tip of her tongue, she turned to see @EldritchArchivist standing behind her. Like usual, an unnatural amount of shadows hung around her. The newcomer to YWS waited expectantly for a response.

"Hi," Mage managed to get out, still shocked by her friend's sudden appearance.

"What's up with the Western?" Eldritich asked, surveying the carnage.

She quickly explained the situation.

"Do you want to help me find some other people and then go on a reckless journey to save some of the most powerful people on the site? Preferably with some Western aspect because right now the only thing Western about this post is my failed attempt to speak like a cowboy and this bandana I'm wearing?"

Eldritch grinned at her. It was a very evil looking grin, and the laugh she gave after she finished speaking definitely didn't help. "I've been wanting to try out the full extent of my shadow magic."

"Now we just need one more person!" Mage said with a smile. "I was thinking @BlueAfrica, but I have no idea where she went. I guess we'll just have to find her now!"

And so the two friends set off on a journey in no particular direction.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:31 am
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AvantCoffee says...

Before HyperKitty arrived at The Tavern, she took a moment to contemplate why she was posting a second time so early in the tagbook. Wasn't she getting a little ahead of herself? But then she remembered all the things she should be doing in real life, and she dropped that topic faster than you could say 'procrastination'.

After @Tortwag's anticipated performance of robotic destruction, the group HyperKitty was with earlier had travelled with her to The Tavern; all except for @Mage, who had appeared rather confused. They came to a gathering Yewistone crowd not far from The Tavern.

Lawman @Lumi and @TheSilverFox were striding back to the crowd after presumedly investigating The Tavern's security and position, their cowboy boots clinking with each step. HyperKitty noticed @Wolfical, @Sheyren, @AstralHunter, @FalconryGirl9086, @CurseofK4, and @AlexOfLight arrive from behind at this same time.

"We have a problem," Lawman Lumi stated, as if they didn't already have several. He had a piece of straw wedged in the side of his mouth, because cowboys.

"Google [Bot] has erected a wall 'round The Tavern," explained TheSilverFox. "And not just any wall..."

"The Fourth Wall," said Lawman Lumi, going for a dramatic, foreboding tone.

"But Wolfical already broke the Fourth Wall in his first post!" @Sassafras pointed out from beside HyperKitty.

"True. But that wall wasn't made out of pineapples."

There was a collective gasp.

"Pineapples! But pineapples ain't a western-themed fruit!?" Sheyren piped up in all his splendid horsiness, albeit uncertain; there had been so many breaches of the tagbook theme in the last few posts that he wasn't sure what to believe anymore.

"And I was getting so into the dialect, too." HyperKitty disheartened, closing the tab of western terms in her search browser.

@rosette patted HyperKitty's shoulder out of sympathy. "There, there."

"Meh. I only ever liked the western genre ironically," said HyperKitty with a casual shrug.

"And there's more," continued TheSilverFox to the crowd, adopting a Game of Thrones persona. "Winter is coming."

Another collective gasp. "But we're in the desert. How is that even possible?"

"Shey is a talking horse. How is that possible?" AstralHunter negated. Sheyren puffed out his chestnutty chest, profoundly insulted by Hunter's remark.

"That darn outlaw Google [Bot]," mumbled @SpiritedWolfe, who HyperKitty only just realised was here.

"We need to hatch a foolproof plan," Lawman Lumi declared. "But not one in which we explain each step in thorough detail, because plot tropes assure that something will always go wrong in that event." Lawman Lumi had seen enough failed plans in his Yewistone lifetime, and was determined to put an end to the ridiculous nature these tagbooks tended to evolve in.

"We need to rescue Sheriff @Nate and the deputies before winter comes," said Wolfical, the full picture dawning on her, "or else Yewistone will fall into a permanent winter of user inactivity. This is what Google [Bot] had intended all along!"

A sudden cold breeze blew across the Yewisters from behind, replacing the scorching heat with a slight chill. From the far north on the horizon, a cluster of brooding clouds loomed, their charcoal grey contrasted against the western sunset. The stronger wind tossed a tumbleweed across the dusty desert ground.

"Wasn't that threat introduction a little too coincidental and convenient?" asked @Chaser, his eyebrows raised.

HyperKitty ignored him. "So what is the plan?" she asked everyone, glancing at each of their faces individually.

"You mean you wrote this whole post of problems without knowing a solution?" Wolfical asked incredulously while stroking Sheyren's glossy mane.

"Yeah, pretty much," HyperKitty replied, but she managed to look cute and fluffy while saying so, so all the Yewisters forgave her.

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Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:36 am
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Brigadier says...

The dragoon went swiftly over the hill, weapons raised, expecting to find a battle on the other side. However when they charged down from the mountain top, all they spotted were knights and squires cleaning up from said battle. @Lumi's personal assistant ran up to lady Lizz.
"The casualties of soldiers is zero and that of the bots is many. Unfortunately-" They paused briefly to look for an escape route. "The bots have torched your office. It died heroically protecting @Hannah's office."
There was a tense moment of silence and passing around money in quick bets before Lovelace spoke.
"Take me to Hannah's office."

@Kelpies and @Castor stood guard at the door of the quarters, oil dropping off their swords from the recent battle.
"Ma'am as palace guards we've got to ask this but why would the bots want into her office?"
"Because she has the keys to the armory and navy yard, among other things. I came here for them and if this was the inside job I'm sure it was, the bots came seeking them as well."

The posse was now made up of @LadyLizzLovelace, @Nikayla, @Mea, @Kelpies, @Castor, @BiscuitsLeGuin and Buster the dragon who no one had ever had the heart to slay. Blue had left to join Mage on her quest so her departure was unfortunate. Together they stepped inside the office and started searching for the keys.

"Any idea what they're in?" Several questioned this before Lizz threw a tarp off a large wooden chest.
Kelpies stepped into the view, took one look at the lock and said, "nope". Similar remarks came from the rest of the team. Buster however edged a small piece of paper from under the chest with his claw.
"What's it say, what's it say?"

Bisc picked up the small sliver of paper. "If you need to open this chest, please contact @dragonfphoenix."
Lizz sighed. "Oh a lot of good that's going to do. Like we're actually going to be able to convince him to show up. Let me take a couple of cracks at the password. With Hannah it's probably something like "Hannah <3 poetry".

She carefully typed it in and the whole room gasped when it was accepted, including the half dead bot in the hallway.
"Oh holy cow patties, I didn't think that would actually work. Though we should probably be getting on the to armory and getting a ship now."

@Sacredlege peeped around the corner and whispered, "shouldn't we get a sb mod for this." Then they disappeared as quickly as they had shown up.

"Dammit. Why does he always do that? But our demon friend does bring up a good point, we need someone from these forums."
"Who?" asked Kay.
"Nah. Would he actually come?"
"Probably not but he hides out in the retired ship and tent yard, so I'll either run into or one of those annoying and androids of his. Mea you got the keys?"
Lizz reloaded her gun and grabbed her pack while waiting for everyone else to assemble.
"Yeah. Don't we need the horses?"
"Not where we're going, next stop archive room."
The portal opened before them and the warriors stepped through, this time even more unsure of what was on the other side.

In the corridor, the half dead bot chirped out a final message to its comrades.
Find @Griffinkeeper.
The sounds warbled out, the bot twisted as its antenna hummed, before finally succumbing to its battle wounds.

the brigadier rides again!
LMS VI: Lunch Appointment with Death

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Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:37 am
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Wolfi says...

Pineapples. Why'd it have to be pineapples?

Wolfie didn't know much about pineapples, but she did know that they were yellow. And who was the resident expert on yellow fruit? @LaVida, of course!

She sent a PM (Pony Mail) to Life's Orchard immediately, and in thirty-six seconds a miniature horse returned with the reply. Wolfie opened the letter, which was on lemon stationary. She noticed that it was stained with tears.

Dear valued customer,

As much as we would like to help you rescue Sheriff Nate and his deputies, who have been so kind to us during our stay, we cannot because (a) we don't know anything about pineapples, regardless of their yellow color, and (b) we are busy packing and our departure to Wattpad Gulch cannot be delayed any longer. Google [Bot] has taken over our orchard because we made the mistake of telling them that lemon juice is an excellent lubricant for rusty robot joints. We must hurry to Wattpad Gulch immediately so that we can sow our field for the harvest next year. It will be a tough winter. We don't have money.

Best of luck,
Life's Orchard

Lawman @Lumi peered over Wolfie's shoulder. "This can't happen!" he said. "What will I do without my freshly-squeezed lemonade ev'ry high noon?"

"And what if another bout of scurvy occurs?" asked @KAL.

"We ain't lettin' LaVida move their farm to Wattpad Gulch," Wolfie said ardently. "I'm going to go stop them. There just might be a lemon wall behind that pineapple wall, anyway."

She swung onto Neighren's @Sheyren's back and he reared up dramatically, perhaps too much so, and Wolfie almost fell off. In any case, they recovered beautifully and looked quite heroic.

H o w d o y o u d o

A tall robot, thin enough to bathe in a shotgun barrel, stood before them like a sentry. It had a very polite and proper British accent, and a fuzzy rectangular purple helmet.

"Dandy, thank you," said Wolfie.

"GrapeshotCrawler [Bot]?" @CoffeeCat said, bewildered.

"What?" said @SpiritedWolfe. "How d'you know what it is? And what's a—"

T h e g r a p e s h o t c r a w l e r i s a n a u t o m a t e d r o b o t t h a t v i s i t s t o w n s t o e x a m i n e a n d a n a l y s e c o n t e n t. P l e a s e v i s i t w w w . g r a p e s h o o

@Tortwag appeared out of nowhere and shot at the robot with a coffee bullet.

T h a n k y o u v e r y m u c h b u t I p r e f e r t e a

Tortwag sighed. "What kind?"

E a r l g r e y w i t h s e v e n l u m p s o f g a s o l i n e

"Be right back," Tortwag said.

Sheyren approached the bot and said, in his best British accent, "Excuse me, Sir, but we would like pass by."

P a r d o n m e

And with that, the bot stepped to the side. Surprised, Sheyren set a course toward Life's Orchard.

"I have a feeling we're not in a western anymore," Wolfie said when they heard the roar of a dragon and a medieval trumpet.

"You just now got that feeling?" Shey asked.
John 14:27:
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled
and do not be afraid.

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Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:36 pm
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Featherstone says...

As she hears the horn, Fea grins. "It's the knights!" she exclaims. When they get there, she can get her destrier and her armor and everything! Plus there's a dragon!

She urges her horse into a gallop, calling the Three Wolfeteers, Curse, Shey, and Hunter to follow her. Her cyberhawk comes down to land on her fist as they thunder towards the castle that the Knights of the Green Room call home.

"You really should become a knight," Feathers tells Curse.

"But I only have one review!" he protests.

"Shey's a squire," Fea points out. "Now, though, I think he'll just have to become that steed badge."

"What?" he whinnies. "I'm a Majestic Stallion, I won't become some mere badge!"

She rolls her eyes. "Who here is a knight besides me?"

Wolfie, Spirit, and Hunter raised their hands. "So everyone except Curse? I mean, kind of Shey, right?"

"So that makes what? 4.5 knights in the party?" Curse asks.

"Yep!" Shey agrees.

"But does Shey count anymore now that Mage turned him into a horse?" Falx asks.

"Yes!" Shey says in chorus with @CurseofK4's 'No!'

They rein in their horses as they behold the magnificent sight of a great castle, filled to the brim with knights and squires in everything from western wear to jousting equipment.
"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost."


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Tue Jun 27, 2017 3:12 pm
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Lael says...

Lael had only been slightly curious when other Yewistoners had started scrambling around, shouting that reinforcements were needed at the Green Pasture. She usually didn't have much business at the Green Pasture, herself, as she practically lived at Teepee Creek whenever she was in town.

That day, she had proceeded to sit in front of the 999 - 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors Teepee and at least attempt to continue her latest weaving to add to the magnificent work. But instead, she found her other, non-virtual-in-front-of-a-computer-screen self neck-deep in SAT prep and her virtual self spaced out.

When she had finally looked up from the cyclone of SAT questions, Lael was surprised to find herself holding a wet bucket and covered in sweat. Why is it so hot? Eh, whatever.

She was even more surprised to find that all of the teepeestories were burned. She supposed she had been helping to put out the fires. Talk about multitasking.

But it was when she saw the gigantic screen of the hostages Sheriff @Nate and Deputies @Rydia, @Snoink, and @Meshugenah, Lael realized she had been invited to her first tagbook dragged into a fight against the hated Google [Bot] and his gang.

But before she could get herself together and run off with any one of the posses, the Yewistoners ran in different directions. Lael was left in the dust with the teepeestories, not knowing who to go help.

"This is what happens when you're not social--"

"Okay, okay," said Lael to the voice in her head as she headed away from Teepee Creek. "It's not my fault that I'm investing in the future! Even though test prep is so tedious. Aaaaaaaanyways! At least I can just, um, wander around and help anyone I see."

"But you're not tagging anyone--"

"Oh, quit yer yappin'," retorted Lael, allowing herself a bit of western speech, though somehow she knew this tagbook was no longer a true western. "I'll tag somebody."

As she trekked on through the dusty roads of Yewistone, she mused, "I wish I'd checked on my and @Europa's Double-Trouble Teepee, to make sure everything's okay." But she was pulled out of her thoughts when she realized she was at the edge of an orchard--a destroyed one.

"Oh no," she whispered. Although she had only explored @LaVida's Life Orchard once, she appreciated the lemony, positive effects it had on all of Yewistone. But now, only lemon-carnage remained.

Lael ducked behind a lemon tree, somewhat still standing, when she saw several of Google [Bot]'s minions on the other side of the orchard, crushing sunny yellow lemons into juice. They seemed to be applying it to their joints.

"I'd better get out of here," Lael said, looking about for an escape route. Then she looked down and saw a small sapling with one tiny, cutesy, radiantly yellow lemon hiding within its leaves.

"Aww, I can't just leave this here to be treated unjustly by those bots. Besides, maybe it's a magic lemon tree. It's totally a perfect disguise, anyways. Come on, er--I'll call you LeMona--let's get out of here!"

Conveniently, LeMona was still in its pot. Lael picked it up, hiding her face with it, and ran in the direction of a castle half-hidden behind a hill in the distance. Unfortunately--

S t o p r i g h t t h e r e !

"Uh oh." Unlike many other Yewistoners, Lael didn't have special powers. After all, she was just the Scholar of Homework Land Academy. Her only option was to run faster.

"Help!" she yelled, her lungs heaving as she put one foot in front of the other.

T h e u s e r m u s t b e a p p r e h e n d e d .

Lael didn't dare look behind her to see how close the bots were to catching her and LeMona. But to her relief, the castle came fully into her sights as she climbed the hill. And so did some familiar Yewistoners.

"@Wolfical! Stallion-@Sheyren! Everyone! Bots are coming--"

T h e u s e r m u s t b e a p p r e h e n d e d .

"Oh, great," muttered Lael as she hurried down the hill towards her friends, still holding tightly to LeMona's pot. She wasn't even safe yet.
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:7

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Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:02 pm
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dragonfphoenix says...

Deep in a distant cave, Dragon's ears twitch in his sleep at the sound of his name. Though not enough of a disturbance to rouse him from his dreams of locked chests and hidden mysteries. "Just find the key," he mumbles in his sleep and shifts, revealing a silvery object beneath his claws. With a yawn and a tail flick, he drifted deeper back into sleep.
D.F.P., Knight Dragon

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Wed Jun 28, 2017 2:39 am
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Griffinkeeper says...

Grif was in his ship as usual. The SPEW Gryphon was perched on the desert plateau and was in need of some serious repairs. The ship had crashed landed with enthusiasm and even with nano-bots working around the clock, it would be a while before things were figured out.

Still, things were okay. He had set up proximity detectors and they would detect any life forms approaching the ship. He hadn't counted on the robots...
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Wed Jun 28, 2017 4:21 am
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Brigadier says...

There was absolutely nothing on the other side but a dark cave filled with spiders and one very disgruntled android.
Lady Lizz had come through the portal in search of her Mustang, it being slightly under the weather from the previous tagbook to which it belonged. She knew that an argument was about to ensue with Andrew but she started it anyway.

"I need help."
"I told you to never come back."
"I told you to fix my car and not tell Grif about it."
"I didn't tell him, he just lurks about everywhere with spy cameras. Why didn't you take it to the resources motor pool in the first place?"
"Because @Kyllorac was busy breaking the Discord chat."
The android sighed and looked off to the powered up spaceship in the distance.
"Look if I give you your car, will you just let me come with you? Please? I'll give up all favors you owe me if you let me go on this quest."

From the start of this conversation, the rest of the squad had been silent but now @Nikayla stepped forward.
"How do you even know this bot?"
"Oh hold on there. I am not a bot, I am an android. Completely different thing. And we are old acquaintances."
"I was asking her, not you."
"Kay, he saved me from the first time I nearly blew up part of Grif's precious armada. Found a scapegoat for me. Since then we've been trading favors."
"I still don't trust a piece of humanoid computer systems. I say no on letting him come, what does everyone else think?"

The results of this quick vote were mixed but soon interrupted by another droid carrying a small notepad followed by @ChieRynn.
"Heard that you needed someone else for a space western. The droid has some sort of message from that guy lurking over there in the shadows."
Lizz picked up the notes.

Go away before anything else gets stabbed by bots or tents caught on fire.
Luckily this was a magic notepad where responses could be seen on either side, a very Harry Potter style of doing things.
I'll go as soon as you release my car.
Gosh almighty. The world is blowing up around you and you're gonna sit in a spaceship that can't even notice the darn things that are attacking you. What kind of warrior are you?.
I'm not, hence the orange username.
I know some people, well computers, that would kill for your location. Perhaps you help me by giving me a mode of transportation so I don't have to steal Yewis property and I don't tell any sort of technology related being where you're hiding out.
Fine. Take your car and leave the archives.

For the moment of this conversation, a light was on in the spaceship in the docking bay. As soon as she ripped out the relevant pages and lit them on fire, the signal went off and the force field wrapped back around the craft.

@alliyah spoke for the first time in ages. "That was a pretty quiet argument."
"Fortunately, yes it was. Andrew."
"Yes ma'am?"
"Get the car and get in it. We've got the world to save."

By some miracle everyone fit in the car, the team now composed of Nikayla, Kelpies, Castor, Mea, Bisc, Buster, the ghost of Ellstar, Chie, Andy, and @BlueAfrica who was pippin between quests.

"Where to this time Lady Lizz?"
"The Lounge. It's the only other drinking establishment I know of on YWS that has similar decor to that of the basement of the Tavern."
"Why there?" asked @KAL who magically appeared in the backseat.
"It's a place the bots have ruled for far too long."

In one swift movement, everyone in the car slipped on dark sunglasses and sped through another portal.

the brigadier rides again!
LMS VI: Lunch Appointment with Death

Ogres are like onions.
— Shrek